John Carter meets Tars Tarkas in one clip, gets schooled in astronomy in another
Hmmm….Well, it looks to me like one of Disney’s foreign distributors has jumped the gun and uploaded some supposedly embargoed John Carter clips before the authorized date. They are raw clips directly from the digital press kit — complete with the “not-intended-for-consumer-consumption” slate at the head of each one showing that it’s been delivered in a “ready for dubbing” format. I’m a little bit worried that having all these come out now, 25 days out, may not be the best in the long run for the promotion of the film. On the other hand — they’re there, and so far only a few hundred people have seen them.
There are a total of about 10 clips–some from the movie, some of them cast interviews.
Here are two clips from the film that are pretty widely “out there” now — and are good ones.
Here is the clip entitled “Virginia” — which shows John Carter, played by Taylor Kitsch, meeting Tars Tarkas, played by Willem Dafoe.
And here is the clip “Mars” in which John Carter is schooled in astronomy by Dejah Thoris, played by Lynn Collins. I particularly like this one — the trailers need more actual scenes like this. The chemistry and relationship looks promising…..
It’s like I have to watch this clip every day. This is where I’ll go if I’m feeling down. 😀 No other creature yaaawwnnss quite like Woola! Zowie! haha
OK, I’m starting to see the strategy now.
You’ll find interviews with the cast:
Samantha Morton:
Mark Strong:
Lynn Collins:
Taylor Kitsch:
Thomas Hayden Church:
Willem Dafoe:
The last is most interesting.
The marketing pattern seems to be this:
First trailers focussed on spectacle (especially the arena and the white apes), then the “Featurettes”, including the latest that reminds us that “John Carter” is the inspiration for Avatar and the Star Wars prequel. Then we have the clips showing character interaction, that would really have made no sense without the preceding clips. Lately, we have the actors talking about their characters.
The interviews were filmed on site, during filming, before pre-production special effects work, which takes months, so clearly they weren’t whipped up in a hurry.
Whatever one might say about the effectiveness of each phase, at least a strategy is apparent.
Don’t forget the new Woola clip!
Every clip released, they look better and better. I can’t wait!