New John Carter Banner discovered on obscure “Read.gov” page
Radio PSA’s have begun appearing in which Disney and the Ad Council are promoting the idea of reading Edgar Rice Burroughs “A Princess of Mars”, the novel that is the basis of Disney’s John Carter, set for release March 9. “The campaign has partnered with The Walt Disney Studios Motion Picture Group to develop new PSAs featuring the characters from the upcoming film adaptation of the popular book series, John Carter. The ads aim to encourage children to explore new worlds by opening a book and becoming a more curious reader. Viewers are encouraged to visitwww.read.gov to read “The Princess of Mars” the first novel to feature John Carter.”
All that’s great and we’re all for it — and as regulars around here know we’re doing out own bit to encourage reading of the books. see our teen reading signup form. Also check out our A Princess of Mars download page where thousands so far have downloaded the original novel, A Princess of Mars.
But here’s the interesting thing about this — when you follow the Ad Council and Read.gov links, lo and behold you find a new banner from Disney that hasn’t to my knowledge been seen anywhere else. Here it is: