Ta da! The John Carter Files Now Has a Forum
Okay, we did it — took the plunge, created a forum. The only question now: Will anyone come? (Puhlease save us from the embarrassment of throwing a party and no one coming!) You can sign in with Facebook (or create a profile) so it’s simplissimo. Actually, what triggered this is that the the events of the last few days got us to thinking — maybe we all need something like this for therapy if nothing else. Anyway, we offer it as a community service for anyone looking for a place to hang out and kibbutz about the movie, ERB, or anything else within reason. Here is the link to our forum: The John Carter Files Forum
You can also jump straight to the 5 topics below, which I put in there as starter topics. You can start new threads of course.
Do you buy the Vulture.com story, obtained from a “Disney marketing mole”, about Andrew Stanton’s role in the “debacle”?
Seriously, what did you think about the story ? Did the changes bother you or help the story?
Help me write a “review” (just like a movie review) of Disney’s performance with John Carter
Any thoughts on how to grow the membership base in the Facebook “Take me back to Barsoom! I want a sequel!” group?
Is there seriously a shot at getting the title changed to John Carter of Mars?
One thought on “Ta da! The John Carter Files Now Has a Forum”
YEA!! Awesome!! 😀