UK FilmNews.com: “Taylor Kitsch Defends John Carter
From Filmnews.com EN Movies – Taylor Kitsch says critics should “at least watch” John Carter before blasting the film.
The actor plays the title role – a man who discovers a planet inhabited by barbarians. The film has received less than favourable reviews since its release earlier this month. However Taylor thinks the movie is worthy of a sequel.
“I’d love to do another one I doubt it just because of the negativity surrounding it before people even watched it,” he told BBC 1 Newsbeat.
“You can have your opinion at about the film at any point but at least watch it before you start.”
Taylor adds the movie has grossed about $300 million since its release and he is happy with the outcome. The star considers himself lucky to have been given the opportunity.
“I had a good struggle before I got to this point,” he said. “If I was homeless and someone told me I was going to be in a movie that made 300-plus million dollars, than I’d think that’s a pretty good thing.”
Taylor insists he is thankful for the offer to star in the film despite the bad reception. He is says he is taking all the criticism in his stride.
Not only a great actor…but he’s definitely displaying class here.
He’s refusing to throw the film and the cast and crew under the bus. He’s damned proud of the film, and he has every right to be.
Also, for those who are interested, the new issue of CINEFEX magazine covers the story about the effects (both practical and digital) of JOHN CARTER. You can find out about it here:
As much as I love the Transformers films I’m going to have to agree with you on this one Jake, I’d rather be part of a passion project like John Carter than a large popcorn franchise.
Good man! He did a fine job (as did everyone involved in the film). Especially considering the books’ main focus was never character depth/development.
Taylor is going to have a wonderful career! He’s smart, grounded, and classy – not to mention extremely talented. And that fantastic sense of humor of his will get him through many a tight spot along the way! I don’t have words to express how happy I am that HE is our John Carter! My lord by they could have made some huge mistakes with that casting! I adore everyone in the cast! No better choices could have been made and they all work so great together, too! Going to see it again tomorrow or Sunday – it will be 6 times! Love it and miss it when I’m not immersed in it! Ah, Barsoom! <3
Us fans should all be really glad that our hero John Carter is being played by such a classy and well-grounded dude.
It’s remarkable that people place so much importance on box office, when it’s ultimately the one aspect of a film no one respects or even remembers.
I mean, would you rather have been a part of Blade Runner or Transformers 2?
Saw the film for the third time yesterday, and Kitsch’s performance keeps growing on me. He tries to be excessively gruff in the Arizona sequence, but for the rest of the film he delivers a restrained and subtle performance. He manages to express an impressive amount of character through just his eyes. All the critics who called him an unemotional slab were probably too busy jotting down notes to actually see his performance.
3 times i saw this great movie!!! Hurry with the sequel!! Harold C
As a longtime fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs books, esepcially A Princess of Mars and the entire John Carter series, I am more than thrilled at how the film turned out. It is an amazing, fun, adventure. I love it, and I love Taylor Kitsch’s performance.
We will turn that ridiculous negativity upside down! 🙂