First John Carter App: A Walk Under the Moons of Mars
This is the first John Carter app that we’ve seen. Looks pretty nice. From Blue Monkey Studio:
Travel to Mars with John Carter and the other E. R. Burroughs characters from the Barsoom saga!
Discover the animals and plants of the Red Planet! Here’s the App Store Preview Page
The banth is a fierce beast of prey that roams the low hills
surrounding the dead seas of ancient Mars. Like nearly all Martian
animals it is almost hairless, having only a great bristly mane about
its thick neck.
Its long, lithe body is supported by ten powerful legs, its enormous
jaws are equipped, like those of the calot, or Martian hound, with
several rows of long needle-like fangs; its mouth reaches to a point
far back of its tiny ears, while its enormous, protruding eyes of green
add the last touch of terror to its awful aspect.
The Gods of Mars
Sorry to contradict, but banths have indeed 10 legs!
Beautiful. I love it. Just one thing, though. Page 3 shows a 10 legged banth. As all good Barsoomians knows, banths only have 8 legs. But that in no way detracts from the skill of the artist, his dedication to his art, and the love of the subject that couldn’t be missed by even the most casual viewer.
Got it! It’s so cute! 😀