Blogger: Fans planning to take you “Back to Barsoom” for John Carter 2
We missed this when it came out on April 22. Thank you to the blogger “Scifiguy” for the nice writeup of the fan effort. We need more like this — and will get them as this rolls forward.
Here’s the article and a link:
So, naturally, fans of the science fiction movie are launching a campaign to help Disney boost sales of John Carter merchandise around the world. After all, they only need to help the company make about $200 million before someone starts talking about greenlighting a second movie.
It probably doesn’t hurt that Disney Studios chairman Rich Ross — who was not the biggest fan of “John Carter” — just stepped down a couple of days ago because of the movie’s poor box office performance (“poor” is a relative term — the movie actually brought in almost $300 million in worldwide ticket sales).
Taking their cue from past fan-driven campaigns to revive failed franchises (most notably Star Trek and The Lord of the Rings), fans of “John Carter” are now drumming up support for merchandising deals between Disney and any product manufacturer who wants a LOT of support on the Internet. You can sum it up this way: fan bloggers can help increase awareness and sales of virtually all types of products. For example, you can now buy John Carter DvDs at Amazon.com. It’s as simple as that.
Imagine John Carter calendars, notebooks, t-shirts, mugs, picture books, comic books (two are in production even now), bedspreads, pajamas, stuffed Woola animals (kids actually LOVE Woola), and more. All these things can help bring in millions of dollars, each chipping away at what has been billed as one of the biggest film losses in history.
But the DvDs represent the best immediate opportunities for helping Disney turn things around. The 4-disc Blu-Ray set alone costs $35.00. If Disney can sell just 1,000,000 of those sets they may make about $10,000,000 back on the movie. The lowest-cost DvD only costs $19.99, and Disney might see about $5 profit on those. Hence, if they can move 20,000,000 DvD and Blu-Ray packages they could earn back between $100 million and $200 million.
Read the rest including mentions of John Carter Files!
One thought on “Blogger: Fans planning to take you “Back to Barsoom” for John Carter 2”
the movie has all marks of a great future, the stupidity of marketing it as a star wars rip off means the offending execs in disney and ad. agencies etc. deserve a lobotomy [ oh. must have already had one], clearly do not understand their own industry or how to market movies. removing the mars from a movie based on mars because of a `survey` shows the brain dead yuppies sadly still crawl about in exec. land . bad[no terrible advertising] killed a timeless concept that has potential to exceed star wars in all forms.. but is not the same so should not be connected with that francise. it needed to be allowed to stand alone and show its style, imagery and greater scope for the future, it had faults, but disney etc. played on these niggles instead of promoting all the good in it. maybe people will see what can be done but unfortunately execs. see only the percieved financial loss [ which probably is`nt to be as bad as they want it to appear] ah well, i hope for a sequel but think i may wait another hundred years, pity i don`t live as long as john carter!