John Carter Blu-ray/DVD is out today; fans are waiting, will be watching the numbers and hoping

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John Carter hits the streets today on Blu-ray/DVD and fans who have pre-ordered are ready.   As the day began, it was listed on Amazon’s “Movies and TV” Best Sellers list at #13 (4 Disk  Set) and #15 (2 Disk Set).  As of this writing it is at #6 and #8.  Act of Valor, also released today but without all the various packages that John Carter has, is listed ahead of it at the moment and may remain there since the John Carter numbers are split between multiple versions.  We will keep an eye on information about sales as it becomes available  and update here.

UPDATE: 5:30 PM — We have some anecdotal updates from the Facebook Group:

  • Brian Fasick:  “Netflix is now officially a ‘very long wait’.”
  • George Walton: “[When I bought mine] my Walmart guy said “Another one of these..!” They seem to be selling pretty well.”
  • Petra Cahill: My experience at BJ’s Wholesale this morning: Before you leave the building you have to show your receipt and the person will compare it with your items in the shopping cart. Well he saw my John Carter Blu-Ray and asked if there where many left? I told him some and why he was asking. He said just a bit ago came up to him with a whole box full of that Blu-Ray movie in them. He thought the guy must have bought the rest of them after I got mine! lolol Thank god, I got it. There where 2 rows of that movie. Not knowing how far back the row went I would say that there where at least 20 to a row. All I could think was WOW now that is dedication! On the other hand must be nice to have that much money and I do hope he or she is part of the latest campaign of getting first responders a copy of John Carter! 😉
  • Doug McClure: My Target was out of the 4 Disk set.
  • Jake Poirot: Best Buy didn’t have as many copies stocked as I would’ve preferred, but now I’m thinking they may have just sold really well today. I did have a woman ask me about the film while I was checking out the JC display. I told her it didn’t do well at the box office and therefore probably wasn’t very good. Just kidding.
  • Patrick Malloy: Ok back from buying my John Carter Blu-ray from Best Buy, there were two left, I bought one and talked a fellow customer into buying the last one, he of course knew nothing about the film, nor who Edgar Rice Burroughs was, so I helped to enlighten him of course…here is a picture I took of the empty stand!
  • Howard Rosen I got my copy at Best Buy tonite. There were 4 copies left after I took mine. It did my heart good to see the display almost empty.



  • Just bought my copy of the film at Best Buy today! When I checked to see if they had any 4 disc copies left all of them except one were completely gone! Great to see this amazing film get a new lease on life at retail.

  • While in Best Buy today I noticed a John Carter featurette playing and promoting the DVD being on sale on ALL their big screen TVs! At that store there were only a few copies left in the rack.

  • It seems I will really have to wait the 11th of july to buy John Carter in France, the law enforces a 4-month gap between the theatrical release and the home video, except in big-flop cases. I guess John Carter is not that big a flop in France… 🙂

    Seeing that empty display is warming my heart, hope there will be more along the way.

  • I have been following this site for a little while now, though I have not commented on it before. I’d like to thank the dedicated fans who have been working hard to promote the film through sites like this; I would not have given John Carter a chance were it not for such people.

    In fact…

    If it wasn’t for the film itself, I would likely not have known about Burroughs’ Martian stories. John Carter sparked my interest in them, though when I first saw the previews for the movie I thought that it was just another mindless CGI fest. But… I’m a fan of Purefoy, so that led me to investigate the film. Curiosity lead to one thing after another, and when I learned that Burroughs’ books were the start of the science fiction genre and that he was also the creator of Tarzan, I could not help myself by investigating further by reading “A Princess of Mars.” I have now become hooked and have recently finished “Warlord of Mars” (and this is coming from a girl whose friends have labeled her a “book snob”).

    Unfortunately, I was drawn in too late to enjoy the movie in theaters, as all the theaters in my area stopped showing it way before the rest of the country did… So I sadly had to wait until today to see it. I took a risk and bought not only the 2 disk set for myself but one as a gift for my young nephew as well. I was not disappointed, and neither was my sister who generally steers away from science fiction. Was it a perfect movie? No. But it was extremely fun and enjoyable and I really hope to see more! I would like to see Thuvia, my favorite character, in future films.

    Anyways… Again, I’d like to say thanks to fans like the ones who run this site. I wouldn’t have ever had the pleasure to enjoy such a pulpy treat like this without you all. 🙂

  • Awesome to see hear reports of the movie selling so very quickly. I wasn’t able to get out to buy a copy today. With the movie selling so fast I hope I’ll be able to find a copy tomorrow.

  • The 4-disc set is at #7 and the 2 disc is at #14 right now. Hey Dotar when looking at the top 100 I see that for each movie and tv show it has a number for the amount of days that it’s been in the top 100. Is there anyway to compare movies that aren’t currently in the top 100? anyways John carter is at 59 days and it’s close to the 100 milestone, we should be there by mid July. Some of the more popular movies like Twilight are at 150 days and Thor is at over 200 days. I think we should celebrate when John Carter hits 100, 150 and 200. If we get to 200 I’m pretty sure this movie will be declared a commercial success on home media

  • Got my copy and am on my second viewing. It is better than I remembered. I listened to the commentary and was very impressed. So much love and expertise went into this movie.

  • I got the 4-disc version from Target even though I don’t have a 3D TV or 3D Blu-ray player.
    As Pulp Hero mentioned, you can get the $5 off coupon from (by the way, the coupon is only for the 4-disc version, but depending on where you go, you might be able to use it on the 2-disc version). With the coupon, you might as well get the 4-disc version, since it’ll be the same price as the 2-disc. I can’t wait to watch it! Unfortunately, I won’t be able to watch it til the weekend, as I have a lot to do this week.

  • From The Los Angeles Times, Sunday June 3, 2012; Print edition Section D, Page 10: Home Theater: New Releases by Noel Murray

    “Martian adventure deserves a rediscovery”

    JOHN CARTER Blu-ray review

    The review is summarized by the following observation” “In short: “John Carter” is a lot of fun, and if ever a fizzled blockbuster deserved to be “discovered” on home video, this one does.”

  • I don’t have a 3D capable television, but I’ll be picking up the 3D edition of JOHN CARTER.

    Disney Movie Rewards members (it’s free to join) can print off a couple $5 dollar coupons towards the 4 disc set (the one with the 3D copy). The coupon may work on the regular Blu-Ray+DVD combo pack, I haven’t read the fine print on the coupon yet though to verify. Here’s the link to get the coupon, you can also sign up for Disney Movie Rewards if you’re not already signed up.

    Target’s prices are $25 for the 3D Blu-Ray set, $20 for the regular Blu-Ray set and $17 for the DVD — and you can get $8 off when you buy select other Disney Blu-Rays at the same time.

    I’m not sure what Wal-Mart’s store prices are (website prices are higher than Target’s) but you should be able to get them to price match Target if there’s a Target in your area. Some of Wal-Mart’s copies of JOHN CARTER (at least the 4 disc 3D set) include a coupon for $10 off another Disney Blu-Ray.

    You can see a bit more on the Wal-Mart coupon at this DVDTalk forum thread:

    Best Buy has an exclusive bonus disc available with the 3D set. According to some folks over at’s forums the bonus disc has 20 minutes of content, 5 minutes of extended scenes and a 15 minute documentary called “Populating Mars”. Best Buy’s prices are a bit higher than Target’s though, and chances are they won’t price match the packages with the Bonus disk.

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