Saturday at ComicCon: ERB Inc. to Present Tarzan at Noon
The San Diego ComicCon schedule is out, and the ERB Inc. Presentation will take place at noon on Saturday. Here is how the listing reads:
12:00-1:00 The Naked Truth About Tarzan and Jane: The First 100 Years of Spectacular Tarzan Imagery, and One of Literature’s Best-Loved Couples as They Enter Their Second Century— Bestselling novelist Robin Maxwell (Jane: The Woman Who Loved Tarzan) and author Scott Tracy Griffin (Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration) gather with illustrator Joe Jusko (The Art of Joe Jusko) to discuss these iconic literary characters. Join them for a presentation and Q&A session hosted by Jim Sullos, president of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Incorporated, the official licensing entity for Tarzan and John Carter of Mars. Room 25ABC
One thought on “Saturday at ComicCon: ERB Inc. to Present Tarzan at Noon”
Looking forward to reports from any “Barsoomians” who are able to attend!