Profile: Jim and Vicki Sullos of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc
The Contra Costa Times has a nice profile of Jim Sullos and his wife Vicki.
Long Beach Couple has Me Tarzan, You Jane Relationship
by Rich Archbold for the Contra Costa Times
You may know them as mild-mannered Jim and Vicki Sullos, but beneath their quiet exteriors lies the fantasy world of Tarzan and Jane.
“Except for the leopard loin cloth, Jim and I have had pretty much a Tarzan/Jane relationship for 40 years,” Vicki said gleefully from their home in Bixby Hill. “He beats on his chest, and I respond with my point of view, which usually prevails.”
Jim smiles at his wife’s characterization of their married life.
The Sulloses are having a little fun at Tarzan’s expense, but Jim is no nonsense in his late-in-life, second career as caretaker of the literary legacy and business empire of Tarzan’s creator, Edgar Rice Burroughs.
In his first job as a longtime accountant and managing partner with the powerhouse Long Beach accounting firm Windes and McClaughry, it would have been hard for Jim to imagine that he one day would be making deals and decisions affecting the image and business potential of one of the superstars of pop culture and literature.
Reading this made me smile. How very nice to know that the empire Mr. Burroughs created is in safe, capable hands. Wish I could be there for the mini con.
I’m so looking forward to seeing Jim and the rest of the ERB gang next week! Such a sweet little write up here! And wonderful to know the ERB empire is in such good hands! 🙂
Well, having an accountancy diploma myself, it’s good to see that you can land dreamlike positions like mister Sullos’ with it! Good convention to all and keep on the good work!