“Take a Kid to Barsoom” – Dec 1 Benefit Screening is Full Speed Ahead Now
Check out the flyer below for the Dec 1 “Take a Kid to Barsoom” Benefit Screening at Aero Theater in Santa Monica. The event is a little less than 4 weeks away and it’s shaping up very nicely. It will benefit Childhelp.org and there will be 25-50 Foster Care Teens in attendance via The Children’s Bureau. Tickets are $10 Regular and $25 VIP — and even if you’re not in Los Angeles you can donate and sponsor a teen. Here is the link to donate and/or buy a ticket. If we get to our goal, all of the Foster Care kids will be getting a copy of A Princess of Mars and we’ll be using the event to stimulate reading interest and get new fans for Edgar Rice Burroughs.
One thought on ““Take a Kid to Barsoom” – Dec 1 Benefit Screening is Full Speed Ahead Now”
The sponsorship/donation option is a cool way for those who can’t attend to still contribute.
May the planning and organization go smoothly! Looking forward to the reports on the event!