John Carter Special Screening (Updated with More Photos)
The “Take a Kid To Barsoom Screening” at the Aero theater in Santa Monica ended up being a delightful afternoon, with an audience of 245 showing up and enjoying the movie, plus book signings, raffles, fan art, and more. It was a great opportunity to bring together three groups — longtime ERB fans, new fans who discovered Barsoom through the movie, and kids (and others) getting exposed to John Carter in any form for the first time. First photos available are from Daria Brooks’s Flicker account (click here to see her gallery on Flicker). To date, more than 30 million people worldwide have seen the film in theaters, and there is plenty of objective evidence that a small but substantial number of these are finding their way to the ERB books that started it all — and that is one thing that all of the various constituencies agree is a good thing. More photos to follow — here is a pic of John Burroughs, Grandson of Edgar Rice Burorughs, with Back to Barsoomers Daria Brooks and Patrick Malloy.
Among those who were there:
From ERBdom:
- John Ralston Burroughs, grandson of Edgar Rice Burroughs, and his wife Diane.
- Linda Burroughs, and her daughters Dejah and Llana Jane (great-granddaughters of ERB)
- Jim Sullos, President of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc, plus Cathy Wilbanks and Janet Mann of ERB Inc.
- Burroughs Bibliophiles’ Los Angeles “SubERBS” led by Bob Zeuschner
From the Cast
- Amanda Clayton, who plays John Carter’s earthly wife
- The “Council of Helium” Members
From Back To Barsoom Facebook
- Khanada Taylor and Annette Taylor, who flew in from Houston
- Daniel Presnell, who flew in from Virginia
- Mike Carlock, who flew in from Florida
- Many more who live in Los Angeles and the vicinity — including Daria Brooks and Madeline Gann who were seeing the film in theaters for the 39th time.
We were able to get some good video interviews which we’ll be posting soon. Meanwhile, here are the few pictures I was able to snap off in the lobby before the show.
Special thanks to Sohrab Oreste who made a nice 16 minute video that we played before the show, and will be posting online. John Carter Files also contributed a 20 minute slide show of fan art, plus we were alb dot play a clip from our documentary in progress “The LIfe and Mind of Edgar Rice Burroughs” which includes 3 minutes about the 100 year history of John Carter, plus the Heritage fan trailer — and it was great to see that trailer on the big screen for the first time.
One thought on “John Carter Special Screening (Updated with More Photos)”
That’s really awesome. I wished I lived nearby! 🙂