Interesting Anecdotal Evidence that John Carter is Gaining Cult Status
It’s been awhile since I’ve weighed into the universe of “Defending John Carter” … and so it was a real treat to come across this post and read the comments, because there’s a message there, and the message is — John Carter is truly gaining cult status. These commenters — they are not anyone I or the John Carter Facebook peeps know. These are random people commenting on a post which seeks to resume the “piling on” ….
First the post — original available here.
Did You Know That The Two Biggest Money Losing Movies In History Were Both Produced By Disney…
Even though the Walt Disney Company has been one of the most successful mass media corporations and a leader in the animation industry ever since it was established by the Disney brothers back in 1923, it has not always been as successful in all its ventures.
In fact, two of the biggest box office bombs in the history of the movie industry were Disney films.
One of them, “Mars Needs Moms”, is a 2011 animated space movie with a budget of $150 million, which actually managed to accumulate a worldwide net loss of 136 million US dollars.
And the comments?
Just copy/pasting here, no editing. It’s a long list of comments, so I’ll sign off now. But seriously — the longterm legacy of the film is not the disaster it was painted as in the beginning. Please not I am not making a quality judgment or espousing a position on the film — I am only noting the reality of what is happening.
Daniyel McAvoy · Top Commenter · University of CanterburyWatched John Carter, wasnt the worst film I have ever seen -
Stephen Swiatecki · Top Commenter · Roy C. Start High School, Toledo, OhioJohn Carter didn’t make much money because their commercials for it showed nothing at all and had no hype whatsoever. Whomever was in charge of advertising that movie failed hardcore.
Mohsin Moose Lakhani · Follow · The City School
Samantha Peterson · Top Commenter
Kimmi Bui · Elmira Free AcademyI loved both these movies. I thought john carter had a really cool plot twist at the end
Mike Figueroa · Top Commenter · Owner/Master Mechanic at Las PulgasIdk what they are bitching about.. Disney probably made that shit back in like 20 minutes… Everything is so damn expensive at disneyland anyways… $4 churro that costs $0.25 to make FML
Sonia Guzman · Follow · Top Commenter · The Henchmen at Doofenshmirtz Evil, Inc.Lol Churro… That reminds me of the Simpsons episode where they go to “EFCOT” center and then Homer escapes and jumps into Disney and asks a churro guy for a churro and he says, “That’ll be $14.” And then Homer screams but buys it xD. Haha yeahhhh… I’m weird O.o
Lucas James McConnell · Fitlinkjohn carter grossed money… didn’t lose it.. it didn’t make a huge amount, but it still turned a profit.
Nick Corella · Works at Fry’s Food and Drug
Laural Boney · Top Commenter · Cumberland Regional High School
Christopher Verdenik · Top Commenter · Works at Tell ya later
Josiah Cowling · Top Commenter · Republic, MichiganChristopher Verdenik It wasn’t so much the mass audience, the advertisement for John Carter (i.e commercials) were vague with their approach which made people automatically judge that it would not be interesting at all, because of poor advertisement the movie failed. Mass audience once the movie was aired publicly seem to enjoy it more than dislike. Also it did not help they released it around the time of Hunger Games, bad move if you ask me.
Randy Rhoades · Follow · Top Commenter · Fremont, CaliforniaJohn Carter should have been a hit! It certainly was one of the best movies I have ever seen in a long time, it was a very good throw back to the old 1930’s Science Fantasy stories of old that had alot of heart and effort to it, it kept true to the books and other source material it was based off of, Edgar Rice Burroughs is probably rolling around in his grave by peoples dastardly reviews on his best classic and putting it on the same level as Battlefield Earth!
Disney, make a sequel but FIRE the producer of this film who ruined it because of his failure of advertising! He is the one to blame for the films failure in the box office, don’t believe me and still think this movie was horrible? Watch it yourself, do not give in to the hype, watch, and make your own opinion away from those who did not like it!
Corey Gray · Top Commenter · Masaryktown, Florida
Rory Eves · University of ReadingJohn Carter wasn’t a bad film, it was just brought out the same week as Hunger Games which was an error. if that had come out any other week, it would have done well
Sam Deakin · Top CommenterIt’s called the Mars Curse. Every movie that is set on Mars always fails at the box offices, and is savaged by Critics. Doom, Red Planet, Ghosts of Mars, Mission To Mars, and as stated Mars Needs Moms and John Carter (Of Mars). Most people stay away from Mars because it has been proven time and time again that it simply can not be done.
Tyler Williams · Top Commenter
L.j. Estacion · Top Commenter · K-9 Handler at USAF Security ForcesI watched John Carter on United Airlines. Worst two hours of my life.
Ida WebbJohn Carter is an amazing movie! I watch it every chance I get! Guess they had crapy advertizing bc I never heard of it till I found it on tv last year, but I love the movie! Very interesting!!!!
Susan Rose · Pediatric Nurse at The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital at Maine Medical Centeri loved mars needs moms!! it was such an interesting concept with actors actually doing all the moves and then being translated into animation!
Isaiah Marshall · Works at Walmart Valley Streami never saw the john carter movie, but the book series was AMAZING.
Sarah Clifton Phillips · North High School, Bakersfield, CAi liked john carter i dont know what everyone was bitching about the movie was good my whole family liked it :())
Alen Ostanek · Top Commenter · TrbovljeJust to make sure, do NOT let Disney sponsor any expeditions to Mars. You don’t want to see the mission flop back down, do you?!? 😀
Anthony RobilottaHonestly, I liked John Carter a lot. I though it was a kick ass movie!
Brett Warner Owens · Waiter at A-Tan Asian Bistro and Sushi BarAnd now Disney has rights to Sat Wars?! Greeeeeeeeat.
Anthony Hoang · Top CommenterDidn’t seem like a 250 million dollar movie. I forget but there were like 2 actors in that movie?
Drew Dewsall · Top Commenter · Southgate SchoolI quite liked John Carter up until the part where he starts bouncing around all over the place.
Hervé IR · Follow · Top Commenter · Graphic Designer / DTP at Creative Communications RwandaAVATAR ain’t the best movie either!
Michael ‘Squeaky’ Reynolds · Top Commenteri actually quite like John Carter.
Bre Alyssa · Follow · Top CommenterHonestly I like both movies. I’ve never seen previews! But I seem them on the movie channels on my television. Maybe they need to expand where there commercials go?
Atom Smith · Follow · Top Commenter · Manhattan Senior HighNeither of those movies sucked, they just weren’t marketed well.
John Carter was a reference source for many movies that did well, such as Avatar.
Cesar LopezAnyone else think that the village was a steaming pile of shit? Along with what ever m night shamilan makes
Z Daniel Esgate · Stage Performer at Help Me Mommy NWI RHPSYou’re going to tell me Waterworld didn’t lose MORE money? Wow.
Still, I liked both flicks.
Larry Bundy Jr · Top Commenter · Retro Game show Presenter/Producer at Information TVJohn Carter was pretty good, it was a little on the long side, but I enjoyed it.
Disney execs meddling witht he promotion didn’t help much, like removing the “of Mars” part of the title as they thought people didn’t like sci-fi movies, so you have a movie called “John Carter” which could be about anything, could be a period drama for all the title gives away.
But it would be the top THREE bombs soon looking at how The Lone Ranger is going.
Madison Picaboo Winn · Top Commenter · Lakeside High School – Home of the LancersI thought that both movies were great movies, tons of other movies have been made that were awful in comparison and made twice as much, I guess good story line movies aren’t as popular anymore
Victor MaldonadoThis isn’t true about that Carter movie, the movie actually made all it’s money back from the money overseas and of course in the US. That other movie I don’t know about…
Blanca Schultz · Gabrielino High SchoolI read the books, and I have to say Disney brought the pageantry to this book/movie. It was an amazing movie and was very well done. I have to agree with other post here, the person in charge of advertising should have had to foot the loss. They did Disney an injustice. I have to wonder why this happened to this movie and now The Lone ranger? Which was another good movie, that no one seemed to like.
Ricki Sahota · Audit Assistant at Baker TillyJohn Carter did make money in the end, didnt do well in USA or UK but did well in all the sub countries. Additionally they made more when the DVDs and Blu Rays came out.
Kuba Koszewski · Top Commenterdisney is getting shittier with each movie they release.
Josh Haley · Napa Valley College336 million is nothing for disney. They bought the star wars rights for 4 billion and that probably didn’t hurt them too much money wise.
Shawnee FirstRider · Cardston, AlbertaSays John Carter had a budget of $250 million and a box office over $282 million…… ?
Daniel Van Tonder · Top Commenter · Harare, ZimbabweI thoroughly enjoyed John Carter, Dunno why it flopped..
Jpd Bartolomei · Top Commenter · Creator at Lost Treasures (Obscure Music Videos)I haven’t even heard of either of those films!
Fernando Black Lourenço · Top Commenter · IPV – ESTVBut… Jonh Carter was awesome… It really introduced innovating ideas and the plot was just great!
Happy second anniversary of the John Carter release! It’s been a hell of a ride and it’s not over yet. 🙂
I really didn’t know much about the movie till it came out on dvd . My family rented it and now we have seen it like 5 times . Will def. go to the movies to see it for the sequel . The movie was awesome loved it . Hope to see the sequel soon .
Awesome to see that people are still discovering the movie and are willing to talk about it online, we’re quickly approaching two years since it was released. That won’t necessarily translate into active campaining for a sequel, but I hope someone of influence at Disney will notice. Or that Andrew Stanton will present all this as an argument for more! 🙂
Interesting indeed, Stanton’s film may infact have a million fans. However, because of the critical media, a sequel will never happen. Everytime I watch JC I want more. It’s just like listening to Gary Moore play the blues. Oh Well.
Actually it’s interesting — the people only now discovering the movie are, for the most part, not all that aware of the negative hype and it jut shows how powerful that negativity was. It really affected people’s reaction. Oh well. ; – )
Very encouraging to read all of the positive comments. It’s refreshing to know that there are still people out there willing to stand up for what they like, making up their own mind about the movie instead of giving into the negative hype. I just re-watched John Carter a couple nights ago when it was playing on TV. I’m very grateful to ERB for creating such a wondrous world, if it wasn’t for him, this movie would not have been possible which has helped so many more people to discover Barsoom. I hope people continue to find John Carter and fall in love. Thank you for sharing this.
” it kept true to the books and other source material it was based off of, Edgar Rice Burroughs is probably rolling around in his grave by peoples dastardly reviews on his best classic and putting it on the same level as Battlefield Earth!”
OK what books are these people really reading? How did turning the Tharks into cheap comic relief, making the Therns into shape shifters with Sith powers and making John Carter a whiny selfish jerk make this movie “true to the books?” Or it just someone else convinced this was “true” based on Stanton’s bullcrap claims of being a fan? As for ERB rolling in his grave, yeah he probably did wondering how his creation ended up in the hands of a raging egotist who had no respect for his work and how his own company endorsed this debacle.
Beyond that if this is a “cult classic” in the making I guess it would make a good double bill with either Plan 9 From Outer Space or Showgirls. Both are cult films if not necessarily good films.