Leia Barrett-Durham (Powell) Talks About Her Inspiration to Create Edgar Rice Burroughs Stained Glass Art
The folks at Edgar Burroughs Inc. have collaborated with artist Leia Barret-Durham (Powell) to offer some beautiful Tarzan and ERB-themed licensed stained glass artwork. Internationally-renowned, award-winning stained glass master Leia Barrett-Durham (Powell) is the first stained glass artist in history to be licensed to make representations of an author’s published works. I asked Leia to give us some background on her involvement with the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs, and here’s what she had to say:
Martin Powell is responsible for my obsession with all things Edgar Rice Burroughs. He and I met at a writer’s convention in Arkansas and became fast friends. I am also a published author of nine novels in various genres. As you know, he writes around eight comic strips for the ERB website. The fantastical and exciting scenes that he spun for his artists to create were a feast for the eyes. He invited me to attend the Dum Dum in 2014, where he was the guest of honor. While there, I met the gorgeous Linda, Jane, and Dejah Burroughs. I happened to have some of my stained glass work and my books with me, and Linda and the girls actually followed me out to my car because they wanted to see them. We struck up an amazing conversation where Linda encouraged me to get involved in any way I could, whether it be my artwork, or my writing. So, my incredible journey began in that parking lot, where my future husband, and the direct descendants of Edgar Rice Burroughs inspired me to step out of my already vast box, and to immerse myself in the works of this amazing man. The Eternal Savage is still my favorite book, followed closely by The Beasts of Tarzan. My first ERB stained glass window was Thuvia and her Banth, commissioned by Jim Thompson. Shortly there after, Rudy Sigmund commissioned Tarzan and the Moon from me for ECOF 2014. The rest, as they say, is history.
Leia will be at ECOF — but if you’re not going to be there or would like to get in touch with her for quotes on ERB Licensed pieces either on her Facebook Page or email her at fearandtrust@yahoo.com.
Below is the text of the ERB Inc. Announcement about this that went out via email — in case you missed it:
Edgar Rice Burroughs® Presents
Tarzan Themed Stained Glass
and other Burroughs’ themes by artist Leia Barrett-Durham [Powell]
Once again, Edgar Rice Burroughs is making history. Internationally-renowned, award-winning stained glass master Leia Barrett-Durham (Powell) is the first stained glass artist in history to be licensed to make representations of an author’s published works. As a master craftswoman, she could have had her pick of the litter, but her love for Edgar Rice Burroughs inspired her to work with ERB, Inc.
In celebration of the release of The Legend of Tarzan, Leia has created a unique stained glass window for ERB, Inc. to be auctioned off in Tarzana at the ECOF 2016. This window represents Tarzan, Jane, Tantor, Mangani, and Numa next to an African jungle stream. Tarzan is in the process of his iconic yell, with Jane steadfast by his side, while Numa looks directly at us, drinking from the stream but still ever vigilant for predators. Tantor playfully laps at the stream, and our ape looks at us with a critical eye, determining if we are also Mangani.
The Legend of Tarzan window [rough sketch above] will be the third licensed masterpiece window Leia has created with themes inspired by Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Worlds of Adventure – but it shall not be the last. This window [about 22 1/2″ tall and 28 1/2″ wide] is currently being created, but Leia tells us the image above is a good indicator of what the window will look like when finished.
For those of you with tighter budgets, Leia has assured us that she is creating other smaller sun catchers and panels related to Tarzan, John Carter, Carson of Venus, The Eternal Savage, The Land That Time Forgot, and many more! Below is a sneak peek of what you’re in for.
Thuvia and the Banth (commissioned by Jim Thompson) / Tars Tarkas Sun Catcher
ERB DooDad Sun Catcher / Nu and Nat-ul Sun Catcher
Carson of Venus Rocket Ship Sun Catcher / Duare’s Sultry Gaze Sun Catcher
We look forward to seeing you at EOCF 2016! Please join us, but if you can’t you can contact Leia directly for quotes on commissioned licensed pieces on Facebook, or email her at fearandtrust@yahoo.com.
Best Regards,
The Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Team
James Sullos | President | Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.
PO Box 570277 | Tarzana CA 91357 | 818.344.0181