Tag: a princess of mars
Q & A with Gregory Manchess, an artist who’s done one great piece of Barsoomian art and will hopefully do more
TweetOne of my favorite pieces of Barsoom art that wasn’t done by St. John, Krenkel, Frazetta, or any of the “usual suspects” of Barsoomian artists is by Gregory Manchess, and […]
New John Carter Banner discovered on obscure “Read.gov” page
TweetRadio PSA’s have begun appearing in which Disney and the Ad Council are promoting the idea of reading Edgar Rice Burroughs “A Princess of Mars”, the novel that is the […]
Video: Teen Readers Voice Opinions on the book that is the basis for Disney’s John Carter– A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs
TweetI reported previously on the Thursday night meeting and press coverage in the Long Beach Press Telegram of the John Carter Reading Group — our group of teen readers who […]
John Carter Teen Reading Project — Instructions and Registration Form
TweetDear Students, First of all, thank you for participating in our project . A Princess of Mars — a novel that was the Harry Potter of its day –was a massive worldwide hit […]
Project Gutenberg Text of "A Princess of Mars" — the 1912 Novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs
TweetOOOPS….this page has moved to a cool new home: PRINCESS OF MARS FULL NOVEL