John Carter Japanese Trailer offers tantalizing clues to the Stanton's script and John Carter's backstory
Moreso than any other trailer released to date, the new Japanese international trailer (I’m calling it the Japanese trailer because so far there is another international trailer that is different, and I can only find this one in Japanese) offers the most detailed information thus far on the John Carter backstory – i.e. the part of the story that takes place on Earth, before he is transported to Mars.
First of all, here is the Japanese trailer:
John Carter – International Trailer #1 [VOJP|HD] by cinemakervideo
Word among the Burroughs and JC faithful is that this is the best trailer yet, and I think I agree. I’m not totally sure about the decision to spend 45 seconds on the pre-Mars part ……but it goes a long way toward helping to make us get connected to the character of John Carter,and that in turn affects how we experience the events on Barsoom. The spectacle on Mars takes on new and deeper meaning…..if you go and watch the previous trailers after watching this … it makes the previous trailers seem better.
Update: Here is a link to Andrew Stanton introducing the Japanese Trailer