Disney books Super Bowl ad for John Carter
The LA Times and Hollywood Reporter are reporting today that Disney, Universal, and Paramount are the studios who have booked time for their pictures for the Super Bowl. According to both the Times and HR, the studios were not yet confirming which pictures each studio has purchased spots for, but multiple sources close to Disney decision-makers confirm that the decision has been made and John Carter will definitely have a Super Bowl spot. This of course is positive news for those tracking the movie, as the Super Bowl is the most watched Television show of the year – and the purchase of a spot by Disney both ensures a maximum impact “moment” for the promotion of the film, and is further evidence of Disney’s commitment to the film. Ads for this years’ Super Bowl are reportedly sold out at a record cost of $3.5m per 30 second spot.
Well it gets them their single biggest and most efficient dose of “create awareness” among people who haven’t even heard of it by the time the Super Bowl happens. They won’t go based on seeing the trailer ….. but then when they hear more about it in the last few days before release — and then they get wind of (hopefully) good reviews….it pays off for Disney. Not saying it’s a brilliant strategy, but a defensible one.
Thank god.
Good, sports fans are good to market to . . . .
I dont want to sound . . . like an ass
but . . . it is better to market towards more impressionable and gullible people . . . because it seems that marketing towards so caleld “intelligent” people isnt working
Because most of these people are being snooty stuck up know it alls
it is better to market towards someone who will say “bro that looks sweet he is totaly going to brain that thing (white ape)”
who knows, maybe this film will salvage those kind of peoples minds