A New John Carter Fan Trailer from France — “John Carter 1912”
Last night as I was watching John Carter, there were moments when I was acutely aware , emotionally so, actually, that Barsoom, Dejah Thoris, John Carter, Tars Tarkas, Sola — all of them were the original seedlings that grew into modern science fiction as we know it. It was emotional on a number of levels. Then today comes a fan trailer which is a very artful alteration of our own fan trailer, and it evoked that same feeling that I had las tight. I’m not sure this is for everybody — but it sure works for me. I’m wondering what others will think, but I give this a big thumbs up.
I love how this pays such great homage to the source material and its impact on generations.
@Daniel: They were made waaaay before that, dude!
@Trailer in anno 1912 fashion: Goosebumps! Totally immersive and riveting, even though just some seconds of discolored film footage! And there were so many “Man, that looks like a scene from Metropolis!”-moments in there! Just awesome!
It’s still more than a week until opening night and despite all the featurettes, interviews and general spoilage, I’M PUMPED to get a ride to Barsoom. Loved the books and being full aware of the changes, I embrace the mere existence of this film!
R.D. from Dortmund, Germany
The first machine patented in the United States that showed animated pictures or movies was a device called the “wheel of life” or “zoopraxiscope”. Patented in 1867 by William Lincoln, moving drawings or photographs were watched through a slit in the zoopraxiscope. However, this was a far cry from motion pictures as we know them today. Modern motion picture making began with the invention of the motion picture camera.
The Frenchman Louis Lumiere is often credited as inventing the first motion picture camera in 1895. But in truth, several others had made similar inventions around the same time as Lumiere. What Lumiere invented was a portable motion-picture camera, film processing unit and projector called the Cinematographe, three functions covered in one invention.
The Cinematographe made motion pictures very popular, and it could be better be said that Lumiere’s invention began the motion picture era. In 1895, Lumiere and his brother were the first to present projected, moving, photographic, pictures to a paying audience of more that one person.
The Lumiere brothers were not the first to project film. In 1891, the Edison company successfully demonstrated the Kinetoscope, which enabled one person at a time to view moving pictures. Later in 1896, Edison showed his improved Vitascope projector and it was the first commercially, successful, projector in the U.S..
“The cinema is an invention without a future” – Louis Lumière
I don’t think movies were made in 1912…