#GoBarsoom online radio talk show/chat session to go live at 6:00PM PST
If you are seeing strange things going on in the right sidebar of the site, it’s our crack(ed) technical team of Dotar (yours truly) and Ras Thavas (my mad assistant) setting up a live broadcast of a #GoBarsoom special live internet radio broadcast in which we will be talking about things that fans can do to help with the promotion, and the things that we think we at the John Carter Files can do to help the fans help the project. (We’re fans too, obviously.)
There will be four of us on the broadcast:
- Dotar Sojat, Chief Curator of the John Carter Files
- Jack Scanlan, Publicist for #GoBarsoom
- Rebecca Garland, Director of the John Carter Reading Program
- Patrick Dearen, Author and Writer
Anyone who is on the site will be able to ask a question using the chat function just below the radio bar. We can also receive questions or comments via Twitter.
We will also save this as a podcast so it will be available that way as well.
What can we say except: #GoBarsoom!