LATimes: Fans create unofficial new trailer for John Carter
Well, three days into the “John Carter Fan Trailer” adventure thing are getting curiouser and curiouser. LA Times called today and a few others, and now the article has come out. For the record, what I said about the Super Bowl Trailer was that the 60 second version released on the internet was okay and not upsetting — but the 30 second version that actually showed in the Super Bowl Broadcast was a huge disappointment and that’s what fired us up (well, that plus the Super Bowl margaritas and guacamole) to start a downloading frenzy and cut the trailer. Anyway — sorry to see that Disney chose not to comment. Here’s the article:
Fans Create Unauthorized New Trailer for Disney’s John Carter
For independent filmmaker Michael D. Sellers and his creative partner, Mark Linthicum, the main attraction for this year’s Super Bowl happened during one of the commercial breaks — the premiere of the new film trailer for Walt Disney Studios’ “John Carter.”
The spot scored high marks among hard-core gamers, according to research firm Bluefin Labs, which monitors social media conversations about TV. But the “John Carter” trailer failed to resonate with an Edgar Rice Burroughs fan like Sellers, who has been waiting decades for Hollywood to animate the 100-year-old character, around whom Burroughs wrote a series of 11 adventure books.
“The 30-second version was an incredible disappointment,” Sellers said. “I was like, ‘Come on, let’s fix this thing.'”
After the game, Sellers and Linthicum re-cut the trailer in a way that chronologically took the viewer from America circa the 1860s, where John Carter is seen riding on horseback in his Confederate gray uniform, to the war-weary veteran waking up, disoriented, on Mars.
The unofficial trailer and music build toward an epic conflict on Mars, with text that acknowledges the filmmaker’s pedigree (Andrew Stanton directed Pixar Animation Studios’ “Wall-E” and “Finding Nemo”), and hints at Burrroughs’ influence on generations of science-fiction writers, including Robert A. Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke and Ray Bradbury.
Sellers, who is working on a Burroughs documentary, called the re-edit a “therapy session.”
Since he posted it on his fan site, The John Carter Files, the trailer has attracted significant notice.
Click on the link below to read the rest at the LA Times.
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Ladies’s Health.
Hey Dotar,
when I click your link, it says ‘page not found.’
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“Walt Disney Studios did not comment for this story.”
– Yea Disney is Jealous.