It’s Official: Disney announces June 5 DVD/Blu-ray Release Date for John Carter
For the last two weeks Amazon has been telling those who pre-ordered John Carter that it would be available on June 5th, and Walmart has been advertising the same, but the official announcement from Disney has just come across the wires and it contains complete details on all the disc combinations, special features, etc. Here is the complete announcement:
For Immediate Release
John Carter
A Warrior On Earth Becomes a Hero On Mars
New On Disney Blu-rayTM Combo Pack, Blu-ray 3DTM, HD Digital, DVD, and On-Demand June 5th
“A Visual Marvel” ––Steven Weintraub, Collider.com
BURBANK, Calif., April 27, 2012 – Disney brings to life an iconic hero, John Carter, in a visually stunning new world with heart-pounding action. The heroic epic adventure “John Carter” arrives on Disney Blu-ray Combo Pack, Blu-ray 3DTM, HD Digital, DVD and On-Demand June 5, 2012, just in time for Father’s Day!
As a warrior lost on Earth, John Carter is magically transported to Mars, where the fate of the planet and its people ultimately rest in his hands. With surprising new powers, and epic battles, he rises to become the man he is meant to be and the hero he truly is.
From Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Andrew Stanton (Best Animated Film, WALL•E, 2008) “John Carter” is a sweeping action-adventure set on the mysterious and exotic planet of Barsoom (Mars). John Carter is a war-weary, former military captain who’s inexplicably transported to Mars and reluctantly becomes embroiled in an epic conflict. It’s a world on the brink of collapse, and Carter rediscovers his humanity when he realizes the survival of Barsoom and its people rests in his hands. Stunning special effects, great characters and villains — and complete with extraordinary bonus features — “John Carter” is a heroic and inspirational adventure that will thrill audiences beyond imagination.
This ambitious and unforgettable screen adaptation of the classic novel “A Princess of Mars” by Edgar Rice Burroughs, stars heartthrob Taylor Kitsch (“Friday Night Lights,” “X-Men Origins: Wolverine”) in the title role, Lynn Collins (“X-Men Origins: Wolverine,” “The Number 23”) as Dejah Thoris, Willem Dafoe (“The English Patient,” “Spider Man”) as Tars Tarkas, and Dominic West (“300,” “The Wire”) as Sab Than. The screenplay is written by Stanton, Mark Andrews and Michael Chabon.
“John Carter” will be available to own and for in-home viewing as follows:
4-Disc Combo Pack (3D BD + 2D BD + DVD + Digital Copy) Includes:
Blu-ray bonus features:
Disney Second Screen – Explore John Carter’s journal with this innovative in- world experience and uncover a trove of fascinating details that extend the mythology of the movie.
360 Degrees of John Carter – Experience every aspect of the filmmaking process on one of the movie’s biggest production days.
Deleted Scenes with Optional Commentary by Director, Andrew Stanton
Barsoom Bloopers
Plus all DVD features
DVD bonus features:
100 Years In The Making – Follow the journey of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ story, from its origins as a pulp novel to its arrival onscreen.
Audio Commentary with Filmmakers
*The 3D Blu-ray Disc & The Digital Copy Disc do not include bonus features on it
2-Disc Combo Pack (Blu-ray + DVD)
All Blu-ray bonus features
All DVD bonus features
1-Disc DVD
All DVD bonus features
Digital 3D High Definition Digital
High Definition Digital
Life by the Second: The Shanzam Unit (digital premiere)
Disney Second Screen
Barsoom Bloopers
Deleted Scenes with Optional Commentary by Director, Andrew Stanton
Standard Definition Digital
Life by the Second: The Shanzam Unit (digital premiere)
Disney Second Screen
Barsoom Bloopers
Deleted Scenes with Optional Commentary by Director, Andrew Stanton
I am asking for the Blu-ray for Father’s Day along with a Blu-ray player. This is the movie that will get me to finally go Blu-ray.
Already had the 3D set and a DvD set pre-ordered, so I’ll be getting all the features, yeeha!
So that “Life by the second” special feature is not in the Bly Ray set but only the regular DVD set? Hmm, guess I’ll have to have both then. I want ALL special features 😀
Diana, buy a blu ray player now, they only cost $79, it will also play regular standard def DVDs. This way in the future you only have to upgrade your TV and you will be ready for HD viewing. The 4 disc set has a standard def DVD as well as the digital down loads and you will be all set to watch it in glorious HD when you get that new set.
Everyone unhappy with the cover art:
In the fan art section, look for the ones that appear to have two images separated by a verticle stripe in the middle. These are already made blu-ray and DVD replacement covers. Much better than the ones coming from Disney. I already printed out the one that uses the cool Mondo poster as the background and features the tattoo graphic and the full title, John Carter of Mars. I have it in a blu-ray case already waiting for me to put the disc in.
Just finished my fan edit of the movie, sourced from the Russian and Chinese bootlegs that they sell all over NYC. I have rendered it for my iPad or iPod, since quality isn’t that great. Can’t wait to get my hands on the real discs to get the higher quality image. Lost about 19 minutes of non essential flab which makes it tighter, less confusing and more kinetic.
Thanks Abe, looks like my age is showing up on me. I haven’t kept up on all of this new fangled technology. I thought I was going to have to make a decision chart for all the sets and options. Might still have to. My computer isn’t HD. I had been thinking that I maybe should get the 4 disc Blue Ray set because I could save them for later if I got a Blue Ray player and different TV someday. Just so I can get the extras and do they need to be downloaded or are they on a regular disc? I could always buy a regular DVD of the movie besides if I wanted.
Oh, and if your computer can run HD video, with an accompanying HD computer monitor (1080p resolution), you could just as well use the download privileges that are part of the 4-disc set to download the HIGH definition digital version and watch the movie in Blu-ray quality on your computer. But if your computer wasn’t purchased in the last three or four years, chances are it can’t show the high definition stuff and you should stick with standard definition.
Diana, the formatting and indentation of the list of different disc sets is certainly confusing.
The “high definition digital” and “standard definition digital” categories are referring to digital downloads directly to your computer, meaning they don’t involve a physical disc at all. And it looks like those digital downloads are only available as part of the 4-disc set, which would include two Blu-ray discs that you don’t need. Unfortunately, it looks like that same 4-disc set is the only way to get ALL of the bonus features.
If you buy a DVD player, and get the 1-disc DVD, you will only get the “100 Years in the Making” and the audio commentary for the theatrical cut. That one is about $20. If you went ahead and bought the 4-disc set, which is $35 right now on Amazon, you wouldn’t have any use for the Blu-ray discs, but you would gain the addition option of being able to download the standard definition digital copy to your computer, which comes with these additional bonus materials:
(1) Life by the Second: The Shanzam Unit (digital premiere)
(2) Disney Second Screen – Explore John Carter’s journal with this innovative in- world experience and uncover a trove of fascinating details that extend the mythology of the movie.
(3) Barsoom Bloopers
(4) Deleted Scenes with Optional Commentary by Director, Andrew Stanton
Unfortunately, since you don’t have Blu-ray, it looks like you’re going to have to spring for the 4-disc set if you want the deleted scenes (via the standard definition download), which would be a deciding factor for me, at least.
Clear as mud?
I agree with most of the previous respondents that Disney still managed to pull a ‘fail’ on tho but I give them credit. They managed to mention Burroughs, ‘A Princess of Mars’. Andrew Stanton, ‘Finding Nemo’ and ‘Wall-E’. There’s some hope for them yet. Not much, but some.
I ordered the full package. Don’t know what I am going to do with them all but I figured the big package would have all the extras. Maybe the digital copy will wind up on my IPOD.
Am I the only one who finds it rather ironical that there is more information about the character and the general story of John Carter on the cover of the DVD set than we saw in all of their supposed $100million plus advertizing campaign?
Granted the release did leave out anything that would specifically attract women, but I did think it was rather well worded, at least better than the ads for the movie were. Maybe they are starting to catch on, just a little bit.
As for the covers, I had thought I would buy the one from Getcovers.net which was featured on the Back to Barsoom site some time back. I would be interested in seeing what you guys come up with though.
I am trying to decipher the various sets of discs to see what I need, and I seem to be confused. I need to buy a DVD player and since I have a pre-HD TV, I guess it can’t be a HD player, right? Also I might need to play the DVD on my computer, so I am thinking I should get just the regular DVD, but I want all the extras I can handle. Is that what they call the standard DVD here or what would you suggest? Sorry to bother you with this, but my head just isn’t working too well here.
Just started reading A Princess of Mars and it’s a page turner! Cant wait to buy the film on Blu ray day one!!
First, the cover art has stunk for all of them. Again more proof Disney has no idea what they’re doing.
Second does anyone ever use that “digital copy” disc studios include with their blu-rays? I don’t. It’s just more waste of space, along with the 3D Blu-Ray.
That said I’ll do my part and buy it. Who knows maybe it will have improved without the crushing disappointment of the first viewing on my mind. (Heck I bought the Asylum version so why not?)
I will buy the blu-ray-dvd combo. And I don’t own a blu-ray player…
Bob I think it’s fallen to the likes of us … the bloggers and the fans …. to make the point you made. Unfortunately we don’t have the biggest megaphone in the world, but we’ll be trying. Jump in and help!
We could … in fact that are a number of fan-made covers that are much better. Have you joined the FB group?
There is also a fan art gallery here somewhere on JCF……no one is particularly happy with the official art.In fact — I see that you’re an artist… got anything? We could use you in the group if you’re not there already……
None as blind as those that won’t see. Disney still doesn’t get it, that this film is as much an interplanetary romance as well as an action movie. Lynn Collins brought the movie to life, not Taylor Kitsch. And finally, that the movie plays surprisingly well to women. They can see and feel the personal love story that is going on amidst the adventure and techno babel.
Disney don’t bring this up at all in their description of the movie and they give Lynn Collins just cursory credit, when it is her that really sells this movie. The source book was called ” A Princess of Mars “.
With this totally blind to what they had marketing and advertising art choices, how many people didn’t go see it because their girlfriends said “That doesn’t interest me. Don’t want to go” ?
How many copies of the disc won’t be bought because of the same thing ? So sad.
Could we not generate better cover? The hero running AWAY and looks not so brave. No Thoris (key attraction), no Tharks or Woola (key attractions)! There’s no excitmet or romance. I would love to do a cover and i think it would be for more appropriate than this.
Got it preordered a couple of weeks ago. Can’t wait to see all the goodies.