John Carter Sequel Fans expand beyond Facebook, open an outside forum site at
The John Carter Facebook Group “Take me back to Barsoom! I want John Carter to have a sequel!” has launched an online forum outside Facebook, open to anyone on the web, at
The group has seen its number swell to 8,000 on Facebook, where members have been posting an average 50 posts and more than 1000 comments per day.
In a statement to its own members explaining the reason for the off-Facebook forum site, the group says:
We created the forum because a) we need our cause to be visible to people outside of Facebook, b) we need to be visible to search engines — and this public forum will be indexed and, we hope, gradually become a magnet for anyone searching “John Carter” or “John Carter Sequel”, and c) Nothing gets lost — the posts stay up as long as we like and as the content grows, so does our SEO. d) It can be organized into different forums by topic, making it easier for us to be organized and MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.
The group now operates the following sites and pages:
- Facebook Group: Take me Back to Barsoom! I want John Carter to have a sequel!
- Facebook Page: John Carter: Back to Barsoom – The Sequel Campaign
- Website: Back to Barsoom
- Forum: JohnCarterTwo
Group members hope that the forum will allow to “expand the conversation”, and continue attracting members to the group even as the John Carter theatrical run winds down.
Jan Austin, a member of the group who was among those spearheading the drive to create a forum site, said: “It is exciting to have launched our new John Carter – Take Me Back To Barsoom Forum! Now, not only can our 8,000 Facebook members share in this Forum, but anyone, including those not connected to social media, has the opportunity to join us, to share their passion and love for John Carter, and prove once and for all that there IS a huge fan base for this very special film. Together, we can all work towards our campaign goals: To GO BACK TO BARSOOM! WE WANT A JOHN CARTER SEQUEL!”
This is great news for folks like me that don’t use Facebook, Twitter, nor similar services.
More importantly, now the John Carter sequel movement can have a good chance at higher visibility. The sequel movement has done well so far, I hope it contines to find success.
Great idea since not everybody chooses to be on Facebook. Welcome news for the fandom of John Carter!
The forum is a great idea. Since I’m not on Facebook nor on Twitter, it’s a great place to hang out. Great complement to thejohncarterfiles. 🙂
Who knows where this all will end up… Disney is in flux and John Lasseter has tremendous weight over at Disney and I can imagine that he is not happy about the John Carter fiasco and would like to right it… I’m telling everybody I know to check it out up here in Bangor Maine at the second run theater and I went went Tuesday night to a sold out show on dollar night. It was quite impressive to have a full theater of people (which never happened at the first run shows that I watched) and the response from the audience was overwhelmingly positive.
I am still hoping that it will catch on with home viewers when it comes out on DVD and convince the new powers that be at Disney to take a second look at possible sequels…
Love the new forum! It’s brilliant because now all of our awesomely talented and clever posts and comments will get grabbed up by Google and more John Carter fans will find us!! Woohoola! 😉
I have already become a member. It was easy. The John Carter Files for the latest info and to read what’s on other John Carter fans minds. I am so excited by all the growth we are seeing. Keep up the good work
There is some active discussion and a great deal of fan art sharing already over at the forum. If you like John Carter enough to read articles at John Carter Files, I am sure you will want to check this out.