By The Numbers: John Carter Week 1 DVD and Blu-ray sales figures released

Other Stuff

By The Numbers has released DVD sales figures for the week ending June 10, 2012.  These are DVD only — they have not yet released figures for Blu-ray.  The DVD only figures show John Carter in third position behind Safe House and Act of Valor.  Nielsen rankings for the same week had John Carter in first position overall when Blu-ray is included, so we’ll have to wait until the Blu-ray figures come out to get a clearer picture.

The sales level of $11m for DVD only means that the Blu-ray, which according to Nielsen accounted for 60% of John Carter disk sales, could be in the range of $20m.  Again, we’ll have to see.

Click on the chart below to enlarge or visit By The Numbers.


  • So how much does this movie have to make to NOT be considered a flop? It made close to $200 million worldwide at the boxoffice – it has made at least 50 million on dvd/blu-ray by now (if not more) – and has been in the top five rentals ON Demand for like 3 weeks. Any other movie and this would be successful numbers. If it hadn’t cost so much to make – we’d be talking about a hit here. Sad – because Disney already admitted lack of PR for the movie when it came out – they were transitioning studio heads or something. I really want a part 2 — any chance, ever???

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