• I agree. Much better than the original. I like that it shows graphically where John Carter is, even thought the title left it out. Plus it gives Disney their big monkeys they seem so fond of.


  • Again, another awesome trailer that Disney didn’t do. Pretty much every fan trailer that I’ve seen is better than what Disney had.

  • That was fun!! And I’d love to see some variations on it actually. Great work!! 😀

  • I entirely agree with the last comment! Another excellent trailer that would have made potential movie-goers much more interested. In addition, the title needed to be either: (1) “JOHN CARTER AND THE PRINCESS OF MARS;” or (2) “JOHN CARTER OF MARS” (as originally planned).

  • Another good and well done fan trailer, Disney really should be ashamed of itself.

    Such a trailer would definitely have had people interested if Disney marketing had bothered to show a trailer like it.

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