Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc President thanks fans at ComicCon, voices confidence in a sequel
During a visit to the Back to Barsoom Fan booth at ComicCon, where he was enthusiastically greeted by working members of the John Carter Sequel Facebook Group who were busy signing up other fans to join the John Carter Sequel movement, Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc President Jim Sullos voiced confidence that a John Carter Sequel will be produced. “Seeing the fans in action here, I’m convinced that we’re going to convince if not Disney, then someone else to make a sequel. It’s clear that John Carter is not finished as a movie series.”
Sullos was accompanied by Burroughs archivist Cathy Willbanks, who echoed Sullos: “The passion and enthusiasm is extremely high,and it’s such an honor to be part of what’s happening. The push for the sequel, and the excitement form the people who have embraced the film is just wonderful.”
“The Barsoom Corner is really something,” Sullos said.. “I’ve been by three or four times and the signing group here is enthusiastic 24/7. They’re upbeat, happy to be there, and volunteering to move this thing along. They’re doing a crackerjack job, getting 500 signatures a day. We’re very impressed and very happy to see this happening.”
Sullos and Willbanks met each member of the John Carter Sequel contingent manning the Barsoom Corner at ComicCon (Booth 501) — a group that included Tom Tarantowicz, Daria Brooks, Madeline Gann, Rebecca Baeder Garland, Debbie Banfield, and Patrick Malloy. The group’s online coordination for ComicCon is being handled by Jan Austin and Khanada Taylor, both of whom have been posting ComicCon news to CNN Report and Facebook, and passing the word among fans to help spread the word.
Sullos and Willbanks had just come from their Tarzan Panel, which included Sullos, authors Robin Maxwell and Tracy Scott Griffin, and artist Joe Justko. (Scroll down for a description of the panel.) Sullos and Willbanks have been going through a whirlwind series of meetings with producers, animators and others in this, the 100 year anniversary of both Tarzan and John Carter.
Here’s the description of the Tarzan panel — and scroll down for pictures from the panel.
12:00-1:00 The Naked Truth About Tarzan and Jane: The First 100 Years of Spectacular Tarzan Imagery, and One of Literature’s Best-Loved Couples as They Enter Their Second Century— Bestselling novelist Robin Maxwell (Jane: The Woman Who Loved Tarzan) and author Scott Tracy Griffin (Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration) gather with illustrator Joe Jusko (The Art of Joe Jusko) to discuss these iconic literary characters. Join them for a presentation and Q&A session hosted by Jim Sullos, president of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Incorporated, the official licensing entity for Tarzan and John Carter of Mars. Room 25ABC
Working on getting a report from one of the panelists. Stay tuned……
What was discussed at the Tarzan panel? I saw a lot of reports about the movie panels, but none about this one in particular.
It was so nice to see Jim, Cathy and Tracy again at Comic-Con! We greatly appreciated their stopping by our table and chatting with us about our efforts at getting the sequel petition signed. As always, they were very supportive and encouraging. Daria and I attended the ERB panel on Tarzan and thoroughly enjoyed it! The folks at ERB are as nice as they can be, and we love our newfound friendship with them. We can’t wait for Dum-Dum!
Since joining the TAKE ME BACK TO BARSOOM! Facebook group a day after an unexpected and pleasantly surprising discovery of its existence at the San Diego Comic-Con International 2012, I’ve been ecstatic to feel the sense of community and overwhelming level of support for this truly worthy cause…
This is only the beginning! John Carter is still alive! That’s great to hear. Now if only Disney would pay attention…
Great report, Michael. Thank you. I envy your being there in person and surrounded by all those ERB and JC fans. I too think there will be a sequel.
A special thank you to the contrarians of JCF for having the good grace to lay off this post. Thank you guys…..let the believers enjoy this one. A lot of well-meaning people worked really hard, and Jim Sullos and Cathy Willbanks are doing their best — thank you for letting us all enjoy this feeling of community and progress.
So glad the ERB group stopped by to see that there is not only a fan following from generations past, but a developing fan base from the new generations that have never been exposed to the fantastic worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs until John Carter! Great job to all those working the table and to our ever vigilant leaders and to all the artists and donors from the Take Me Back To Barsoom Group! Leave a Thark his head and one hand and he may yet conquer!!
Wonderful to hear their optimism about this project. Still saddens me to hear about the relationship that Andrew Stanton had built with Danton Burroughs and how excited Danton was about the details of the movie but glad that Jim Sullos and Cathy Willibanks are carrying on the tradition and keeping Burroughs estate alive. Oh, and Cathy Willibanks is such a LOVELY woman! My heart always beats a little faster when I see photos of her! Just as fast as when I view Lynn Collins as Dejah Thoris! What an electrifying smile! I’d sure like a photo-op with her! lol!
There’s a reason John Carter fans have “passion and enthusiasm:” It was a good movie, based on an even better series of books. We absolutely want to see more of the world that Edgar Rice Burroughs–and the fabulous Andrew Stanton–created.
Great news! So proud of all the Barsoomians at SDCC!
Great to hear this Michael! I too believe we will get our sequel! It’s great to know how much our Edgar Rice Burroughs friends are standing behind us and our Back To Barsoom Group. I think everyone of our members who worked the tabIe there at Comic-Con, definitely did us proud. I’m so looking forward to us being at Dum Dum next month!
I just love the folks at ERB! So happy they visited our booth and are impressed with the hard work of our members there! So happy for the success at SDCC! And SO happy to hear of Mr. Sullos’ confidence in a John Carter sequel! Behold the Power of the Fans!! GO BARSOOM! 😀