Jim Morris, Producer of John Carter, to be Special Guest of Honor at the Tarzan/John Carter Centennial celebration
It’s official — John Carter producer Jim Morris (who is also the GM of Pixar) has agreed to attend the upcoming Tarzan/John Carter Centennial “Dum Dum” convention and celebration which runs from August 16-18 at the Warner Marriot Hotel in Woodland Hills, California. Morris will attend the celebration dinner to be held on August 18, where he will join Jane Goodall as speaker and co-guest of honor.
It’s great news that Morris will be there, ensuring senior representation for John Carter at what is shaping up to be a great event.
You can attend the convention including all panels and everything but the Saturday night dinner for free — tickets to the dinner only are $50 and can be purchased online at this link. Full registration for the event which includes a swag bag to die for, attendance at the dinner, and priority access to all the events is $125.
Here’s the full press release from ERB Inc.
Tarzana, CA – Mr. Jim Morris, General Manager & Executive Vice President, Production at Pixar Animation Studios and Producer of the movie JOHN CARTER, will be a Special Guest of Honor at the Tarzan/JohnCarter Centennial Celebration to be held on the evening of Saturday,August 18, 2012. The celebration is part of a three-day BurroughsBibliophilesConventionto be held August l6-18, 2012at the WarnerCenter Maniott Hotel in WoodlandHills. CA.
Mr. Morris oversees the production of the studio’s features, shorts, DVD content and theme park activities. He has produced Disney/Pixar Academy Award winning feature WALL-E, for which he was also awarded Producer of the Year in Animated Theatrical Motion Pictures from the Producer’s Guild of America. With extensive experience in visual effects and digital applications, he brought a wealth of knowledge to the production of JohnCarter,including leading edge computer graphic imaging. The movie was an adaptation of the book, A Princess of Mars, written by Edgar Rice Burroughs in 1912, a novel which provided seminal material that was used later to launch numerous science fiction genres such as Superman, Star Wars, and Avatar.
Mr. Morris is attending the Tarzan/John Carter Centennial Celebration at the invitation of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., the corporation established in 1923 to house and promote more than 70 novels and 40 short stories written by Mr. Burroughs. The three day event, which is free and open to the public, will include a huckster room for collectors, panel discussions on literary and film subjects, and guest celebrity appearances; and will culminate in a banquet held at the hotl, Saturday, August 18, 2012. The celebration will include a tribute to the novel, Tarzan of the Apes, also written by Mr. Burroughs in 1912.
Mr. Morris will be joined by Dr. Jane Goodall, also a Special Guest of Honor, who at age 11 was inspired by the Tarzan stories to devote her life to the study of primates in Afirca.
For more information about TARZAN, JOHN CARTER, and EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS, or to pour chase tickets for the dinner only, please visit www.edgarriceburroughs.com
It’s going to be a wonderful event! I can’t wait! And I can’t tell you how excited I am that Mr. Morris will be speaking! I hope I get the chance to shake his hand! 😀
The 2012 Centennial Dum Dum is shaping up nicely!
I am very excited that Jim Morris will be attending and speaking at the dinner. Looking very forward to the Tarzan/John Carter Centennial Celebration!