A Carson of Venus Poster from Jeff Doten
Jeff Doten, curator at Barsoomia.org and other cool sites (see the links below) has tipped us to a new Carson of Venus poster he’s made, and said we could share it. Jeff worked on Angelic Pictures Pirates of Venus project and his Skype address has “ofvenus” in it, so he may be the oracle on matters pertaining to Mr. Napier.
http://www.jeffdoten.com http://www.strangeworldsanthology.com http://www.barsoomia.org
Pascalahad – thanks, all the names are remixes of names of people or things I like. John Comet is from Frank Frank Frazetta’s Johnny Comet comic. Seemed appropriate…
Oddly enough the Grandfather didn’t show up again ( in the draft I read ) I was sure he’d be the Grand Pooba of the Thorists or something.
No, no, John Carson was from the Carson Napier project. He was probably the grandfather Carson searched for.
I would gladly buy my ticket for The Empress of Mercury, awesome drawing! And John Comet is just the coolest name an actor can have. 🙂
John Carson ? Oh my. They want to do ERB so badly. If they were Asylum at least they would get it done … My suggestion to them was the title The Empress of Mercury ( just off the cuff ) which led me to paint this – http://jeffdotengallery.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/mercury-print-sized-sm.jpg At least something got done ….
Now that you mention it, there’s indeed a movie called Space Samurai: Oasis that features the same players previously listed in the Carson Napier movie. One year to eventually see it!
Monte Markham was slated to play John Carson in the failed project.
From Pirates of Venus:
“I was not quite eleven when my father died and my mother brought
me to America. We went to Virginia first and lived there for three years
with my mother’s grandfather, Judge John Carson, with whose name and
reputation you are doubtless familiar, as who is not?”
It was originally a straightforward adaptation of Pirates of Venus. When they lost the license on the property they started skewing things so they could still make it, but be free of owing ERBinc anything. You’ll see new titles around like ‘Carson Napier’ as well, and IMDB notices saying it’s still coming.I told them they should just write their own Sword and Planet movie,I was pretty much done with the project at that time anyways.
Are there any details that can be disclosed about this failed Pirates of Venus project? I found this sum-up on Imdb: “After the War, flying Ace Carson Napier has all but given up on life, and a “civilized” society. At the lowest point in his dark days, fortune changes for Carson and he inherits the expansive estate of his long lost Grandfather. Fate leads Carson and he decides to risk his life and immediately follow his Grandfather’s cold trail. Adventure leads Carson to a distant land aboard an aged craft built by a certified “crazy old man” his beloved Grandfather. Carson arrives to this new and exotic place and meets a beautiful alien princess. Her people are in need of help to defend themselves from the villains that also live within the deep dense jungles of this strange new world.”
According to it, it doesn’t seem to take place on Venus at all!
More on the Angelic Venus film project and the ERBzine Guide to the Venus Novels of ERB:
ERBzine C.H.A.S.E.R. Bibliography entries for the ERB Mars titles:
Pirates of Venus
Lost On Venus
Carson of Venus
Escape On Venus
Wizard of Venus
Yup – I wanted the Myposian to be more imposing than fishy. And for the Anotar I thought that something that landed and launched from so many rugged environments needed to be built different than a glider. But I tried to stick to the open doors that they’re always hanging out if in the books. – Jeff
Is that a Myposean in the picture above? I love the anotar design, even if it looks more like a fish than a bird. Looks like a cool ship to fly in.