Memoirs of a War Bride by Mary Evaline Burroughs (mother of ERB)
Thanks to James O’Brien for reminding that today is the birthday of Major John Tyler Burroughs, the father of Edgar Rice Burroughs, whose life is interestingly portrayed in “Memoir of a War Bride” (Civil War) written by Mary Evaline Burroughs, his wife. James has directed us to a nice link at Erbzine where you can read the genteel but remarkable memoirs. Here is the link — check it out: Memoirs of a War Bride by Mary Evaline Burroughs.
What an extraordinary family treasure. In many ways, it reminds me of the writings of Louisa May Alcott.
I had that thought too …. either he edited it heavily or else now we know where a large portion of ERB’s talent came from.
Wonderful reading. A nice testimony of these troubled times. I especially liked this quote: “News to us of the North so glorious; but to the South, defeated, shorn of its wealth and most of its sons – what a day of gloom!”. No real winner in this war.
Do you think ERB wrote this from his mother’s memories? It seems to me the style is very close, but I’m no expert. It has ERB’s sense of concision and his way of finding the right tone between the great picture and the personal moments. If his mother indeed wrote this text, at least we have a glimpse of whose member of the family he inherited the talent for writing!