John Carter Sequel? Fans Give Their Reasons for Why They Are Fighting to Save the Cinematic John Carter From Extinction

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The year 2012 has been a tumultuous for those who value the world and characters created by Edgar Rice Burroughs a hundred years ago in 1912.  It is a year that began with hope, tinged with concern, as the rollout for Disney’s John Carter promised that at last, after 100 years, moviegoers around the world would be exposed to Barsoom — but, based on the trailers and posters being offered by Disney, there was a very real concern as to how many prospective fans, unimpressed by what they were seeing,  would ignore the film when it opened.   When the film opened at $30.6M in the US — far below the $55-60M needed for it to be considered a successful launch, it seemed likely it would quickly pass into oblivion.

But  in spite of the mixed critical response and indifferent box office figures — the reaction of fans  who saw the film and were unexpected enchanted by what they saw was swift and impressive.  Six days into the theatrical run Erik Jessen, one of the editors who worked on the movie, started a Facebook group with some other members of the crew, giving it the name “Take Me Back to Barsoom! I Want John Carter to Have a Sequel!”   Other sequel focused groups, started for other movies with similar box office results such as Prince of Persia and Van Helsing, had faield to take route.  The Prince of Persia group topped at at 325 members; Van Helsing never drew more than 160.

But unlike the others, what would become known as the Back to Barsoom Facebook Group did not fade away after a few hundred members joined.  Within two days its ranks had grown to 5,000 members and it continues today with more than 11,500 members from more than 70 countries who have found something special in the cross-century collaboraton of Edgar Rice Burroughs and Andrew Stanton.

One of the members of the Facebook Group, Jan Austin, started a petition (you can click here and add your signature) which has garnered 5,500 signatures, with petitioners invited to give their reasons for petitioning for a sequel.  The group sponsored Last Trip to Barsoom — a sendoff for the film on its last day of its theatrical run at El Capitan Theater in Los Angeles; they sponsored a table at Comic-con; group members Maddie Gan and Daria Brooks, in addition to seeing the film 39 times in theaters, handed out DVDs and Blu-rays to first responders in their area; and on December 1 sponsored a special screening at the Aero theater in Santa Monica.  Meanwhile here on the John Carter Files, our hit counter rolled past the 4 Million mark on Christmas Eve, and John Carter and the Gods of Hollywood, released in early December, is off to a promising start with an average user rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars after the first 16 reviews are in, plus our original John Carter Fan Trailer now has 212,000 views, and our second, “Heritage” is almost to 150,000 views.

Those signing the petition are given the opportunity to voice their reasons for supporting the call for a continuation of John Carter in theaters.  Following is a selection of their responses — voice from all over Jasoom, calling for a return to Barsoom.  (Sign the petition of you haven’t done so, and/or leave your thoughts about the continuation of the John Carter film franchise at the bottom of this post.)

Also — remember to use the Facebook Share button and/or the Tweet This Button at the top to help spread the word.

Fans Explain: “Why I’m Signing the John Carter Sequel Petition”

Jan Austin,,,,Burbank, California,2012-03-29,Take John Carter Back to Barsoom! We want a John Carter Sequel!

Joachim Rafaelsen,Drøbak,,1440,Norway,2012-03-29,”The John Carter of Mars trilogy may well turn out to be the most important epic adventure saga of our time and fans all over the world are falling in love with this movie. The future and legacy of this popcultural icon is in the hands of the Walt Disney company. I hope and believe that they are ready to carry the torch with pride. Finish the trilogy and it wil surely be loved and cherished for generations. The greatest marketing failure in the history of cinema or the new “”Star Wars””… Your call Mr. Ross.”

Khanada Taylor,Houston,TX,77099,United States,2012-03-29,Great idea to do a petition! Everyone I know who has actually seen the film loves it. It’s those who have not seen it and who have formed uninformed opinions of it that are dissing it. Better launch and marketing would have made a world of difference for a film that soars! So nice that the fans are pulling together to change the tide of this film’s reception! We want our sequel!!! Go Barsoom!!!

John Swinford,Redmond,WA,98052,United States,2012-03-30,”Because the movie was better than the box office makes it seem, and I believe a sequel could be even better.”

Adam Seebach,bloomingburg,NY,12721,United States,2012-03-30,People have waited for so long to see A Princess Of Mars adapted for the big screen. I myself have been waiting since junior high. This adaptation was done beautifully and I’ll be damned if I’m not gonna get a sequel just because the film was marketed to audiences poorly. Screw That!

Michael Harrold,St.Mary of the Woods,IN,47876,United States,2012-03-30,John Carter was a wonderful film and there is an eager audience wanting the story to continue!

Gary Hatch,Encino,CA,91436,United States,2012-03-30,”The Movie was excellent! However, the marketing left a lot to be desired. I would very much like to see more John Carter movies!”

Brian Fasick,Middleville,MI,49333,United States,2012-03-30,”JOHN CARTER is exceptional film making by extraordinarily talented people. It deserves sequels as a quality franchise, and properly marketed WILL be financially rewarding.”

Kavin Kalai Selvan,Petaling Jaya,,47301,Malaysia,2012-03-30,”Hi M.Ross,first of all i have to say that the movie critics have it all wrong and the movie is freakin bloody awesome.At first i didnt know what John Carter was about the entire marketing of John Carter for me was one billboard on a major highway so when i walked into the cinema wiht my sibilings i didnt know what to expect.After the movie i did somethinmg i have done in a long TIME,i stayed back until the entire credits were over lookin for a sign of a sequel.My siblings and i were the only ones left in the hall(not including clean up crew) immediately i went homw and started googling John Carter sequels,u can only imagine my horror upon discovering the movie critics giving a horrible review which frankly is reserved for the entire twilight series.  Concluding my plea to you Mr.Ross is not to let the potential money bag slip throught your fingers,now it may seem like a flop all u hvae to do is give it time=Good things come to those who wait. Thank you Sir(if u have taken the time to read this)”

Jack Mort,Belvedere,SC,29841,United States,2012-03-30,”John Carter is a fantastic film, one of the best I have ever seen. I am a lifelong fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs and this film captures the spirit of what E.R.B. intended for his readers to feel.”

Julien Dupuy,Paris,,75017,France,2012-03-30,”I love this movie, Andrew Stanton did an amazing job. We need more movies like John Carter, it’s Hollywood at its best.”

Thomas Lesourd,beuvron en auge,,14430,France,2012-03-30,Because it’s a f****ng good film !

Ferdinand Abueg,Taguig City,,1634,Philippines,2012-03-30,”This is a movie that has shaped many successful epic movies that a lot of people have learned to love. John Carter is a great film pm its own merit, and there’s still a lot to Barsoom that can be explored.”

Lou Matos,Brooklyn,NY,11201,United States,2012-03-30,I really want to see more of this world in sequels. Disney’s fail will prevent that. But the fans will let their voices be heard.

Jeff Carlisle,Columbus,OH,43214,United States,2012-03-30,”I am signing because this was the best adventure film I have seen in years–and most of the people I know who have seen this film enjoyed it immensely. Had it not been for major mistakes in Marketing (including changing the name from JOHN CARTER OF MARS), I think this film would have done spectacular business. I can’t wait to go back to Barsoom!”

Brad Blake,San Jose,CA,95127,United States,2012-03-30,”There remains a HUGE John Carter Worldwide Audience that will see a second and third movie, with budgets in line at $150M per film, you cannot miss! This first one is a remarkable film, and it’s such a tragedy the marketing was off target and for whatever reason Disney moved on. All of us surely hope you’ll reconsider green lighting two sequels.”

Jordan Connatser,Rossville,GA,30741,United States,2012-03-30,”Because I LOVE John Carter, I haven’t felt that way seeing a movie in a long time :)”

Tony Simmons,Panama City,FL,32405,United States,2012-03-30,”My column in today’s Panama City News Herald and online at sums up my feelings on this.”

Robert Stanton,Papillion,NE,68133,United States,2012-03-30,”This is the finest movie ever made. Period. The aliens were not muppets, the supporting cast and casting overall was perfect. This movie could not have been better made. Perfect pacing, scope and attention to detail. What a ride, what a ride! Do you like old-time Westerns? Roman-style intrigue? Science fiction? Welcome to the originator of all these genres, Edgar Rice Burrough’s faithful rendition of John Carter a Princess of Mars!”

Lawrence Taylor,Bremerton,WA,98312,United States,2012-03-30,Just read second book. I want to see it! Mikhail Zhivuhotsky,Minsk,,220040,Belarus,2012-03-30,”The first movie was amazing! It’s not “”The biggest bomb in history””, it can be modern classic! Please, take John Carter back to Barsoom!”

Peter Hawke,Bethlehem,PA,18018,United States,2012-03-30,A fantastic film. Have seen it 5 times. Best movie so far this year. I want a sequal.

Mark Wheatley,Westminster,MD,21158,United States,2012-03-30,”More than ever, we need the SENSE OF WONDER that can be found in JOHN CARTER!”

Terry Kennedy,Ajax Ont,,L1S3W4,Canada,2012-03-30,”I thought that the movie was well done and worthy of a sequel,it stayed very true to the source material and was fun to watch.”

Andrew Steger,Fort Collins,CO,80525,United States,2012-03-30,Because the movie was great fun and deserved more and better support from Disney. Andrew Stanton has done nothing but help bring billions to Disney and deserved more respect and support for the movie. The movie at this point has made over $265 million worldwide and will continue to grow.

Kai Sacco,Miami,FL,33137,United States,2012-03-30,I think it’s safe to say that the bad marketing single-handedly killed John Carter’s chances at the box office. Why bury the movie’s chances if the studio itself is at fault for it’s demise? The feedback from the general audience has been overwhelmingly positive and the movie itself received more favorable reviews than initially anticipated. TAKE US BACK TO BARSOOM!

Howard Rosen,Middletown,NY,10941,United States,2012-03-30,I want another John Carter film. This movie was too good not have sequels. The Critics were wrong and the viewers are right. Bring us back to Barsoom.

Johannes Rebhan,Daisendorf,,88718,Germany,2012-03-30,”A failure in properly advertising the right elements of the movie to the audience (that clearly IS out there), should not be the doom of a great potential franchise. The possibilities for this franchise are massive, easily in the scope of a new Star Wars, because it’s such a different license, with a great mixture of Sci-Fi / Fantasy / Mythology / Mystery, that after 100 years, it’s still relevant and strong. Don’t let this opportunity slip! Grasp it! Push for a proper marketing campaign for the Bluray/DVD and you’ll see just how much money Barsoom is going to make you!”

Karen Rush,Beaumont,TX,77706,United States,2012-03-30,”The movie is fabulous–every single aspect of it! A wonderful adaptation of the Princess of Mars. Great acting and effects. All I dreamed it could be–please complete this classic story! And sell us some stuffed toy woolas!”


Sharon Yates,Nantwich,,CW5 6DE,United Kingdom,2012-03-30,”As a life long ERB fan, and loving this movie we need John Carter back on Barsoom…and soon!”

Martin Andersson,Gothenburg,,414 81,Sweden,2012-03-30,”The movie blew me away — an excellent pulp action adventure of the old school, a worthy movie version of an important classic of its genre. It deserves better than it got.”

Kathy Lucero,El Paso,TX,79904,United States,2012-03-30,”John Carter is a beautiful movie…Masterfully done..and deserves a sequel…ERB fans love this movie, and we really want a sequel…with the same cast….Thanks and best wishes…”

Andres Pedraza,Del Water Gap,PA,18327,United States,2012-03-30,”The movie was magnificent. Don’t let malicious, so-called critics kill this franchise. Especially since worldwide revenues far surpass US revenues on the film and may even eliminate the ‘loss’.”

Steve Hathaway,Hercules,CA,94547-2706,United States,2012-03-30,I thought the movie was better than most critics had made it out to be. I particularly liked the 19th century segments and the Dejas Thoris character and actress. I would love to see sequel.

Benoît Prézeau,Boucherville,,J4B 1S1,Canada,2012-03-30,”There are not many sci-fi movies with original visual designs, John Carter is one of them and I would like to see more of them.”

Daniel Winston Ames,Springfield,VA,22152,United States,2012-03-30,Loved the books and movie and just have to have a sequel. Gods of Mars is one of the best 2nd stories ever…


Sanford Williams,Geneva,AL,36340,United States,2012-03-30,JOHN CARTER is a timeless epic hero that deserves both a franchise and merchandising. It is wrong to see Disney dishonor the legacy of Edgar Rice Burroughs this way.


Fabio Blanco,”Moreno, Buenos Aires”,,1742,Argentina,2012-03-30,John Carter es uno de los heroes de mi infancia. Es uno de mis personajes más queridos. Quiero que al menos la trilogía de sus primeras aventuras pueda llegar al cine.


Charles C. Albritton III,Pascagoula,MS,39568-1074,United States,2012-03-30,”This film is based on the most important Science Fiction book ever written. There are ten more books that follow it. After 100 years, they NEED to be filmed. And Disney is the studio to do it!”


Floyd Brigdon,Terrell,TX,75160,United States,2012-03-30,I have waited almost 40 years to see John Carter make it to film and Disney did a FINE job of filming a story that a lot of people thought would be unfilmable. Please don’t let naysayers and critics keep you from making more movies from one of the most important scifi/fantasy series of all times. Take us back to Barsoom!




Darren Bulmer,Marrickville,,2204,Australia,2012-03-30,”This was an amazing movie, and I have seen it 3 times already. A sequel is much needed.”


Wesley Waddell,San Mateo,CA,94402,United States,2012-03-30,”This was a great adventure film harkening back to the 50’s and 60’s versions of such things as The Lost World, Mysterious Island, etc. Better advertising would help as would continuing to use Lynn Collins as Deja Thoris. Wow!”


Michael Riley,Matthews,NC,28105,United States,2012-03-30,Because we have not yet begun to delve into the richness of The John Carter Mythos. The Movie was good. Do not shelve this before its had a chance to get a following


Roel Morillo,San Jose,CA,95131,United States,2012-03-30,”John Carter of Mars was a great movie!!! It deserves a sequel!!! It has stunning visuals featuring vistas that harken back to the grand movies of old. The original Sci-fi adventure!! It features something for the whole family to enjoy. Action, romance, laughs, and a cute loyal alien dog. Part Sci-fi, part fantasy, all movie goodness!!!!!!”


Elena Garnes,Ciudad de México,,06760,Mexico,2012-03-30,”This is a magnificent film. It deserves sequels, proper merchandising and promotion.”


steve dunks,wheelersburg,OH,45694,United States,2012-03-30,”i thought 4 months ago that this movie had horrible previews and was not being marketed properly. there was no attempt to bring in women with the love story, and the action scenes that were shown were shown in a “”flat”” manner…they had no punch….i think that if you made a sequel, with the proper marketing, it would more than make up for the los that was taken on this film”


Rick Ranshaw,Yougstown,OH,44511,United States,2012-03-30,”A great movie, but the marketing was all wrong.”


michael shoucair,tampa,FL,33624,United States,2012-03-30,”Thank you for making a movie as wonderful as “”John Carter.”” The crafting of the film, and all the actors were awesome. I think the marketing and denouncement of the film did it a severe injustice. I have not enjoyed a movie this much in a very long time and I hope that at least one more sequel will be forthcoming.”


John Reynolds,Arleta,CA,91331,United States,2012-03-30,Because I love this movie! Kyle Roberts,Muncie,IN,47304,United States,2012-03-30,”I loved the movie, and really want to see a continuation of the story. The actors were fantastic, the graphics out of this world, for the first time in a long time, I truly forgot I was watching a movie, and that means something to me. BACK TO BARSOOM!”


Steve Block,St. Louis,MO,63114,United States,2012-03-30,Once every decade or so I see a genuine science fiction story on the big screen. I would like to see more.


Austin Allen,Logan,UT,84321,United States,2012-03-30,IT DESERVES A SEQUEL Marc Weston,Townsville,,4817,Australia,2012-03-30,”I believe there should be a sequel to John Carter to finish the story told by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Andrew Stanton has put together a brilliant cast and a spectacular crew, it would be a shame to let that accumulated talent go to waste when there is more of the story to be told.”


Keith Pentland,Pittsburgh,PA,15233,United States,2012-03-30,”Amazing movie, I would love a sequel.”


David Boatright,Belfast,,bt36 8jq,United Kingdom,2012-03-30,JC is much better than the hatchet job the press did on it.


Douglas Draa,Nuernberg,,D-90491,Germany,2012-03-30,This is a wonderful film that deserves a follow up. I waited 40 years for this and wasn’t disappointed!


Serena DuBois,Sedro Woolley,WA,98284,United States,2012-03-30,”I started reading Burroughs’ works before my teens. All my life I dreamed of a film that would really GET his visions. Most of the many Tarzan films are dreck, making him far different than Burroughs wrote him. Ditto for attempts on other books. This movie is the closest I have seen to what Burroughs wrote, and was supported by his family. Not perfect but VERY close in many ways to Barsoom as he saw it. Disney blew it when it came to advertising, promotion or giving a damn after it was done.”


Douglas Dandridge,Tallahassee,FL,32303,United States,2012-03-30,”This was a wonderful movie and I want to see more of John Carter and Barsoom. I don’t really listen to the critics, more to the audiences, and the audiences have spoken. This is a great movie.”


Chris garzon,Singapore,,118998,Singapore,2012-03-30,The film was great. It has to have a sequel. Or at least the first three books to be made into a movie.


DT Butchino,Plattsburgh,NY,12901,United States,2012-03-30,With better press and promotion these movies could be incredible … the books are a great series and the movies could be as well …


JIM FURROW,ANTIOCH,TN,37013,United States,2012-03-30,”I watched it in 3D on Saturday of the opening weekend (and I have seen it every weekend since…and will go again this weekend if it is still showing in my area) This movie was so much fun and I felt excited watching it, which is something I hadn’t felt in a long time. When I left the theater I couldn’t stop thinking about it and have been reading and re-reading articles and posts on the internet since I saw the movie. Yes, please…Take Us Back To Barsoom!”


Ed Berland,Santa Rosa,CA,95405,United States,2012-03-30,”I read all the Barsoom books as a teenager, I’m now almost 65. It’s been a hundred years since the first book was written. While there were changes in the movie from the book(s), I thoroughly enjoyed the film and believe it deserves a sequel. We can’t let John Carter be separated from his Princess!”


Richard Malatinsky,Prague,,162 00,Czech Republic,2012-03-30,”John Carter is brilliant adaptation and I just want to see the sequel with the same cast, same writers, and the same director. Blame your financial loss on your lame marketing, Disney, not on the film itself!”








Isabel Rodríguez,Caracas,,1010,”Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of”,2012-03-30,”This movie is one of the BEST movies I have ever seen!!! Not only is based on the most famous, inspiring and successfull book series that has ever been written, but it’s true to the books and makes them fair justice. It’s brilliantly made, the cast is awesome, the crew is awesome, the effects are awesome, the sceenplay is awesome and thanks to all of that and other elements it has the amazing quality of taking you away to this world for the entire time of the movie!!! The only reason this movie is not doing so well is the marketing and the prejudices, everyone seems to think that every sci-fi movie with a big budget is meant to flop, specially if it comes from Disney, and also the marketing for this movie is completely and absolutely pure crap!!! It’s the worst marketing I’ve ever seen for a movie! And it makes me think that some people there didn’t believe in this movie from the very beggining, so it’s extremely important for me to show them wrong and fight for an amazing movie that could’ve been such an amazing thing (the AMAZING thing it REALLY IS!!!) if only the marketing was done on the right way and people didn’t have so much stupid ideas on their heads! Everyone I know that has seen this movie, LOVES IT!!! Starting for me!!!! So this is my contribution to this fight for justice for this movie and the people that worked on it! Let’s make this happen!!! =D”


Ian Gilbertson,Carlisle,,CA30GX,United Kingdom,2012-03-30,”I am signing because I think that this movie has been unfairly judged. Critics and reviewers had this movie targeted for box office failiure before it was even released and it was not given the respect that it clearly deserved. I think Andrew Stantons reputation has been unfairly criticised, and all of the other people who slaved on this movie deserve a tremendous ammount of credit… I also think that even though the film did not make great deal of impact in the US Box Office, Internationally it has been very well recieved and I think it is unfair to deny peoples right to ask for a sequel to an outsanding accomplishment in film making.”


Diana Cole,Council Bluffs,IA,51503,United States,2012-03-30,”Turn this series from a Disney “”flop”” into the Disney epic it deserves; We want the sequels.”


Bryan Bustard,Greenville,SC,29617,United States,2012-03-31,”This movie is already destined to be a perennial cult hit, popular for years to come at sci-fi conventions. A Facebook Group wanting a sequel is already 6000 strong and still growing and the movie is just now beginning to show in Japan. Many viewers have seen this movie for repeated viewings. I’ve seen it 6 times and know of one who has seen it 9 times in THIS economy. People just don’t keep coming back or get as passionate about a single movie like this anymore. Audiences are much too cynical for that anymore. But lo and behold, it has ALREADY become a cultural phenomenon. Disney will definitely be kicking themselves down the road if they don’t cash in on something that is going to become bigger and bigger as time goes by. Think of all the “”flops”” in film history that came back and took the industry by surprise, Disney. The Wizard of Oz, Matrix, Star Trek! Don’t miss out! This is going to be HUGE! ”


David Poepoe,El Segundo,CA,90245,United States,2012-03-31,I’m a Disney shareholder and am angered by how poorly the Walt Disney Co. supported this terrific film.


Karen Reel,Carlsbad,CA,92018,United States,2012-03-31,John Carter is a great movie that does not deserve to be buried in the vault. A sequel is wanted!


Jim Webb,Marine City,MI,48039,United States,2012-03-31,”Please take us back to Barsoom with the sequel(s) that “”John Carter”” deserves. More merchandising too please. I read my first Burroughs book (Thuvia Maid of Mars) in the 1950’s and have been waiting over 50 years for this movie! Please do not abandon this franchise!”

saioa aleman,iruñea,,31002,Spain,2012-03-31,”It´s a wonderful, wonderful movie and it will become a classic. Back to Barsoom!”


Jordan Wright,Taylors,SC,29687,United States,2012-03-31,”My entire family adored this movie. More in the US WOULD have liked it, if the media hadn’t savaged it before it even came out. Given a smaller budget, Gods Of Mars makes perfect sense. Don’t let Barsoom die!”


Timothy Taylor,Lewisburg,PA,17837,United States,2012-03-31,”I thought JC was a phenomenal movie, and the marketing dropped the ball, destroying what would, and should have been a blockbuster. ”


Debby Jordan,Oklahoma City,OK,73120,United States,2012-03-31,”This is a great movie that deserves a sequel. You’ll have a built-in audience for the sequel, and the sequel can likely be done for much less than this first movie, thereby allowing the studio to make a profit on the franchise.”


Melody Akers,sheppey kent,,ME12 3QZ,United Kingdom,2012-03-31,”Publicity for this film-poor.Everyone who has seen it really enjoyed it. I thought it clever, visually stunning and great entertainment!!”


Joshua Bowman,Loveland,CO,80537,United States,2012-03-31,John Carter is a wonderful film. I believe that it might have been more well received at the box-office if it had been marketed differently and hold on to the hope that Disney or another studio will give us another shot at visiting this world in theatres. Thank you.


Petra Cahill,Fredericksburg,VA,22407,United States,2012-03-31,I have read 4 of the Edgar Rice Burroughs books before I saw the movie John Carter! It was very tastefully and in the spirit of E.R. Burroughs done. I hate other shows or movies get shot down and it’s about time that we the fans show the powers to be that not everything depends on money and good and wholesome entertainment is still worth something!


Laura Zurita,King of Prussia,PA,19406,United States,2012-03-31,”Loved the film, and my husband loved the books as a child. The title of bomb should be given to the effort or lack of effort given by Disney to promote this unique and awesome movie. May it become a sleeper hit, such as Jurassic Park did and other fine films that needed to “”catch on””.”


Christopher Page,Cincinnqati,OH,45231,United States,2012-04-01,Signing to give a good story a chance to prove itself despite the overwhelming incompetence that the Disney marketing has shown


Al Harron,Glasgow,,PA19 1TB,United Kingdom,2012-04-01,I believe in John Carter.


Dale Rippke,Fort Dodge,IA,50501,United States,2012-04-01,This is a movie I have waited my whole life for. To end it now would be a great shame.


Raymond Le Beau,Crystal Lake,IL,60014,United States,2012-04-01,I have waited all my adult life to see Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Mars Trilogy come to the big screen. I’m now 73 years old and want the sequels before it’s too late for me.



ray west,Whittier,CA,90604,United States,2012-04-01,I would pay to see a sequel! I’ll most likely buy the dvd!


clayton hinkle,Imperial Beach,CA,91932,United States,2012-04-01,”It is a good movie based on classic pulp sci-fi/sword & ray-gun fiction by the inventor of the genre, Edgar Rice Burroughs.”


Barbara Ring,San Diego,CA,92115,United States,2012-04-01,”My three sisters and I absolutely loved this movie and were saddened to hear that it did not immediately become the blockbuster it should have become. We saw it with our Mom who grew up reading Burroughs, and we all liked it. The movie has a bit of everything: action, romance, humorous lines, hunky guys and pretty ladies. My three sisters and I are seeing it every weekend it stays in the theaters, and we would love sequels.”


Michael English,La Mesa,CA,91941,United States,2012-04-01,” I see that we are reaching nearly 500 signatures but lets take it a step further. Lets reach about 1000 signatures! I would also like to add that another reason I am signing this is because I along with many other filmgoers would love to return to Barsoom once again. “”We still Live!!!”””


Pierre Cuvelier,Paris,,75013,France,2012-04-01,”””John Carter”” is a really good adventure movie. Its plot is better deviced than many of the basic commercial blockbusters we get to watch these days. It has got impressive FX, but also a credible setting, interesting characters, a surprisingly good soundtrack, and a lot of potential. I truly can’t understand why Disney did so poor a job to promote it, and seemed to think it a flop so soon after its release. So please, give John Carter a chance and take us back to Barsoom ! Don’t believe what the Therns want you to believe !”


Doug Ellis,Chicago,IL,60010,United States,2012-04-01,John Carter was great and cries out for a sequel!


Scotty Wright,Gallatin,TN,37066,United States,2012-04-01,”John Carter is one of the best movies to come so far. I really enjoyed it, and I would love to see a sequel!”


Debra Fisher,Ooltewah,TN,37363,United States,2012-04-01,”I’ve waited 50 years to see my all time favorite story brought to the big screen and I don’t think that I can wait another 50 to see the sequel! When I saw the first trailer, I nearly cried from the anticipation. The movie was beyond my expectations. It was visually stunning, exciting, fun, and most importantly, for Disney, made fans out of my 17 year old son and his friends. They even want a sequel. So, Disney, jump in there with John Carter and get this going. If for no other reason than giving the respect due to this 100 year old story that inspired so many others. Please, take us back to Barsoom!”


Maria Lindgren,Gillingham,,ME8 6DT,United Kingdom,2012-04-01,”I loved John Carter, brilliant film. Give us a sequel!” Marcelo Passarini,Paris,,78800,France,2012-04-01,becouse I loved this film


Moritz Ziegler,Freiburg i. Br.,,79104,Germany,2012-04-01,I love this movie and will watch it again.


Clare Brooks,Rancho Dominguez,CA,90220,United States,2012-04-01,I’m signing this petition because I LOVE this movie! ‘John Carter’ is a fantastic film which Disney abandoned and should have had more faith in. The movie deserves a sequel! Thousands of fans x $10+ per person = millions in ticket sales. Disney needs to think about it.


Robert Garder,Ogden,UT,84401,United States,2012-04-01,”When you have horrible movies such as the new pirates of the carribean making millions and millions of dollars. Then you have great movies like John Carter not doing as well as it should, something is wrong here. I think with dvd and blu ray sales the loss might not be as bad. Give it a few years consideration, Taylor Kitsch might be as big as Tom Cruise with some of his new movies, his name alone could make a sequel very profitable. Or add jonny depp as a villian or something, his movies which are mostly bad still do well for some reason. John Carter was an awesome movie, it really left me an awe. It had all the right elements, it was funny, action packed, good mix of drama, and epic! I hope for a sequel, i never heard of the book series before the movie and now i will check them out. Maybe other people will as well, look at the books sales to see. And maybe in a few years everyone will be ready for a sequel.”


Bobbi Beane,Rancho Dominguez,CA,90220,United States,2012-04-02,”‘John Carter’ is an amazing movie and deserves a sequel. I’ve seen it 7 times and would love to see more of John’s story in a sequel. Disney, make it happen!”


Bob Woody,Elkhart,TX,75839,United States,2012-04-02,” For the first time in over 25 years I have been fortunate enough to watch a movie that completely allowed me to escape all the problems and worries of the world. Call me old fashioned, but I have always believed that entertainment was supposed to do exactly that. In this day and age, a movie of this quality is a rarity. I believe that because of this movie, there is a great opportunity for movie makers to now get away from the same old tired, jaded, predictable movies that we’ve been subjected to for years. There most certainly should be at least one sequel, if not more. This will come to be known as a classic film with something for everyone. ”


Clare Brooks,Gardena,CA,90248,United States,2012-04-02,”I think ‘John Carter’ deserves a sequel. The movie was awesome and Disney should have supported it more. Thousands of fans loved the film, and we want to see more of John Carter’s story.”


Ariadne Down,Gardena,CA,90248,United States,2012-04-02,I haven’t seen such a rich and colorful movie in a long time. I loved every minute of ‘John Carter’ and would love to see what Taylor Kitsch could do with the role in a sequel. Please make one!


Lexie Shore,Gardena,CA,90248,United States,2012-04-02,”The movie was fantastic! I’ve seen it 7 times and hope to see it one more time. It had everything: romance, action, and adventure. ‘John Carter’ deserves a sequel, and I hope Disney will listen to the fans and make that happen.”


Madeline Gann,Los Angeles,CA,90220,United States,2012-04-02,”I’d love for ‘John Carter’ to get a sequel. It’s a wonderful film which has something for everyone. I also would have loved merchandise like action figures and a Woola stuffed toy! Disney really missed the mark on this film by not having any action figures and toys, but I’d settle for a sequel! ”


Eddie Retournard,san francisco,CA,94134,United States,2012-04-02,This movie deserves a far better shake than it was given. The movie was excellent and the public needs more of the classics books adapted to film with getting shot in the foot by it’s backers




John Carter,Long Beach,CA,90803,United States,2012-04-02,I WANT A SEQUEL!!!


Graham Moughton,Bournemouth,,BH23 7HX,United Kingdom,2012-04-02,”This character John Carter of Mars has been waiting to be immortalised and thanks to Walt Disney Studios it has finally been accomplished, there are twelve fantastic John Carter of Mars stories by Edgar Rice Burroughs that need to be made into a fantastic series of films that could be bigger than Star Wars so make the sequal’s bigger and better. ”


thomas farrell,Philadelphia,PA,19148,United States,2012-04-02,I want a sequel. This was a great movie.


Michael Champion,Providence Village,TX,76227,United States,2012-04-02,”I’ve seen this movie 6 times in the theater now, and plan on seeing it again. Better than the Hunger Games, which I also enjoyed. But John Carter is far more enjoyable on so many levels. I’m a 40 year fan of the books and was not disappointed by this movie. Like others, I’ve recommended this movie to all of my friends and family, and every single one of them leave scratching their heads in confusion as to why they didn’t know about the movie or why it’s received bad press or inadequate marketing from Disney; they all loved it! And Disney is dropping the ball in not adding another princess to their Disney Princess line…my five year old little girl went with me to one of the viewings (she insisted on going after seeing me watch the trailers non-stop on my computer and talk to her about it). She came home loving Woola, and playing ‘Princess Dejah’, who was a strong, independent, intelligent female role model (unlike the rest of the Disney Princesses who seem to push the idea of ‘look pretty and find a handsome prince to support you’). This move deserves so much more support than it’s receiving in the states, and it deserves a sequel. It is a far superior movie to most of the other tripe that is foisted on us by Hollywood. Please give us a sequel!”


Katherine Lucero,El Paso,TX,79904,United States,2012-04-02,”John Carter is an awesome movie, loved by thousands of ERB fans….It deserves sequels….Disney created a beautiful, magical movie..,,and we want MORE !!”


Lexy V,Saugus,MA,01906,United States,2012-04-02,”I love this movie. It deserves more than the Titans movies, more than a bunch of other movies. Why the hell did Ghost Rider get a sequel? Why the hell is Grown Ups getting a sequel? I like Grown Ups, but this is so much better.”


Brandi Reynolds,Grapevine,TX,76051,United States,2012-04-02,It’s a great movie and story-let’s see it to completion! Jared Robb,jackson,MI,49203,United States,2012-04-02,i love this film and overrated films like hunger games are stealing this films well deserved glory. i want a damn sequel Brian Bellamy,SLC,UT,84106,United States,2012-04-02,Because my sweet Wife loved the books as a child and made me read them before we saw the movie. It was pure fun and we need more movies like it!


Scott Dutton,Edmonton,,T5N 3V5,Canada,2012-04-03,You can make money with this property. It’s good business.


koko nyunt,monterey,CA,93940,United States,2012-04-03,”Great movies deserve a sequel.thank you.”



Nicholas Morgan,New York,NY,10128,United States,2012-04-03,”Although I’m a huge film snob, I rarely go to theaters because I find it hard to justify shelling out the cash to go see a movie on the big screen. I have never seen a movie more than once in theaters before. I have now watched John Carter FIVE TIMES. I have brought 8 different friends to see it and all loved it. John Carter isn’t good, it’s GREAT! I’m talking Star Wars Episode IV great. I can’t express how depressed it makes me to hear the talk that there won’t be a sequel. I will do everything I can to make sure this isn’t the case. I will continue to spread the word. JOHN CARTER MUST LIVE ON!”


Ken Coe,Mims,FL,32754,United States,2012-04-03,My daughters and I loved this movie. Take us back to Barsoom


Jerry Gilligan,Austin,TX,78759,United States,2012-04-03,”I had read the bad press, but went anyways. I really liked it and want to see more of Helium.”


Natalia Pardalis,Surrey,,V3T 2E4,Canada,2012-04-03,”I don’t understand why Disney believes it would be a flop – it is almost as if they wanted it to flop! Make the next film -i want to know what happens 🙂 ”


frankie Bruno,Hickory,NC,28601,United States,2012-04-03,Thank You for this! This is AWSOME ! John Carter was Amazing..I cant believe what people like and dislike. Im a HUGE FAN!


Lisa England,”Milwaukee,”,WI,53212,United States,2012-04-03,”As a storyteller and filmmaker, I love the Burroughs novels and thoroughly enjoyed seeing it finally on screen!!!!!!! A well done, uplifting film with engaging characters, a fun plot and some great acting chemistry. I also fully support the development a global audience and am thrilled to see how audiences around the world have responded to John Carter, even if the average American movie goer foolishly listened to critics who told them not to see the film. Go John Carter! Thank you for your hard work on bringing this amazing and important cultural tale to life on screen. Please, please listen to the box office dollars of the global audience and take us back to Barsoom.”


Jenny Colley,Orage Beach,AL,36561,United States,2012-04-03,Loved loved loved the movie!! Penny Higgins,Williamson,NY,14589,United States,2012-04-03,”This was a great film with a perfect balance of story, acting, and effects that kept me engaged (but never distracted) throughout. It upsets me that Disney essentially abandoned the film before it was even released in the United States. I want to see the next installment! There is clearly more story to tell!!”


Patrick M,Playa Del Rey,CA,90296,United States,2012-04-03,”John Carter made me feel like a kid again, when I would go to the movies with my dad. I have not had that experience or feeling in years. I even went to watch the film a second time, which is something I have not done in a long time! It is my hope that a sequel is made, for it truly was an outstanding family film! Thank you for your time and consideration.”


David Anderson,Calgary,,T2E8K9,Canada,2012-04-03,”I loved the Barsoom novels as a kid and waited 50 years to see them on the big screen…and the John Carter movie was worth the wait! Please, please make a sequel.”




Noreen Vincent,Rockport,MA,01966,United States,2012-04-03,”This is a great story. Also, there is some serious money being made globally in other markets that did not get tainted from the negative press which Disney had a hand in creating in the USA. I want to go back to Barsoom. Take me now!”


Newton Ewell,Logan,UT,84321,United States,2012-04-04,”This movie was damaged by deliberately poor marketing, probably as a result of studio politics. This is a well-made movie, better than most “”adventure blockbusters”” by an order of magnitude. If you want to make money, re-advertise this film with the treatment it deserves. “”Carter”” is on par with “”Sherlock Holmes,”” and deserves the same level of publicity and sequel treatment. It’s too good to shove to the back-burner regardless of who didn’t like it at Disney. Good movies, like “”John Carter””, DESERVE good publicity. This particular good movie also deserves a real sequel.”


Tony Branch,West Chester,OH,45069,United States,2012-04-04,”I’m sure this has already been expressed, but I would have loved to have seen this story promoted as it’s due. This is the first heroic fantasy story of the modern age. Without John Carter of Mars we’d likely have had no Star Wars, no Superman, and no Avatar. Just to name a few.”


Robert Coplin,Sacramento,CA,95816,United States,2012-04-04,I think if its done correctly a sequel to John Carter would make a huge profit for Disney plus i enjoyed the movie and loved every one of the books in the series when i was a teenager.


David Gustafson,Hopkins,MN,55343,United States,2012-04-04,I enjoyed this movie immensely. It’s the first film in years I’ve seen twice on its first-run.


Eric Predoehl,Santa Clara,CA,95055,United States,2012-04-04,”As a fan of the original ERB books for over 30 years, I waited a long time to see a cinematic adaptation of the first book. I really enjoyed this movie, and would gladly return for the sequel, if such a thing would happen.”


Steven Joyce,Grand Prairie,TX,75052,United States,2012-04-04,This movie was so well done. Disney failed to advertise it correctly. A sequel is just so important toround out this magnificent story


Brian Zhang,Carlsbad,CA,92009,United States,2012-04-04,”This movie is by far one of my favorite, no My favorite movie of all time I will go back to the theater to see it a few more times, and also buy the Blu-ray disc when it comes out. Many of my friends loved it too. Are the critics blind or deaf? or both. Take me back to Barsoom!”


Rex Rouviere,Kearns,UT,84118,United States,2012-04-04,This artform needs to tell more of the story! Jan Avarr,Barcelona,,08013,Spain,2012-04-04,Because it is a 100 by 100 movie adventure. For entertaining. Because his characters deserve to be revived again. Because their worlds are about to learn and explore. Because it’s always capitalized FILM. – C – ogem – octet – wish – Barsoom


Nicole Heienmann,Apfelstädt,,99192,Germany,2012-04-04,GREAT MOVIE! LOVE TK!


Jeff Long,Chicago,IL,60640,United States,2012-04-04,I’ve been a fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs since I was 8. This is the first movie based on my favorite author’s work that ever captured the spirit that made my heart pound like it did decades ago when I first found a stash of ERB’s books in my grandfather’s basement. Take me back to Barsoom!

Jeselle Hambek,Tustin,CA,92780,United States,2012-04-04,”We do not give in to Schadenfreude, and Disney shouldn’t either. Fight for the movie. It was wonderfully epic, and there is so much source material to create amazing sequels. ”


Matthew Markovich,Alta Loma,CA,91701,United States,2012-04-04,I want a sequel (2 actually) because it’s a wonderful story that needs to be told.


Patrick Abney,APO,AE,09067,United States,2012-04-04,”I loved this movie, it deserves a sequel. ”


Lidia Avendano-Grabow,Richfield,MN,55423,United States,2012-04-05,”I really love the heart and imagination in this story and feel that we really need to have more of the story told, in a sequel!”


Alexander Choat,norwich,,nr340lg,United Kingdom,2012-04-05,this film was good. the critics who talked bad about it don’t know anything about good films. they put a load of people off it who would probably have liked it . was way better than the star wars prequels


David Stecklair,Clarksboro,NJ,08020,United States,2012-04-05,”Disney, we’re not knocking you. You’ve already done an extraordinary thing in bringing John Carter to the screen. But we’re asking you to see it through. Not just because there is a growing collective of fans that love the first film and want it. Nor because you could probably turn the franchise into huge money by the time film 3 arrives. But because good storytelling is important. Creating magic. Giving people dreams and wild adventures. Isn’t that what Disney once was? You could be that again. And let John Carter stand as one of the few shining cinematic exceptions of this generation: where we glorify heroes and imagination instead of how important it is to get a boyfriend (read: The Twilight Saga).”


Emma Thick,Wimborne,,bh215ep,United Kingdom,2012-04-05,To me the film was better than Star wars and has the potential to be greater than those who have copied from the books over the years


Connie Vestal,El Cajon,CA,92019,United States,2012-04-05,”I love the movie and would like to see its conclusion, What happens to Dejah and John Carter. Its a great story and needs to continue”


David Steele,Santa Fe,NM,87505,United States,2012-04-05,”Have been telling my 58 y/o brother to see this movie. Here’s what he sent back: “”Just went to see this John Carter movie the other day in 3D with a 13 year old kid. Pretty freakin awesome! Couldn’t buy in to the Mars connection though, thought it should have been a more distant location. Watchin the kid watch it was priceless too.”” I think Disney should rename this film and reissue it this summer, perhaps as Warlord of Mars. Do some marketing and promos aimed at teens. Do it right this time.”


Michael Lyons,Dothan,AL,36301,United States,2012-04-05,”I enjoy the John Carter book series, enjoyed the movie, and I want to see more of John Carter’s Mars on the big screen.”


Elisai Echevarria,New Haven,CT,06513,United States,2012-04-06,”I enjoyed the story of John Carter, I truly believe if that the marketing was presented to audiences better, Disney would of made a huge profit. ”


Ryan Volk,Denville,NJ,07834,United States,2012-04-06,I loved this movie along with my father and it would be an injustice to not make another.

Dennis Lynch,Cedar Rapids,IA,52404,United States,2012-04-06,”I’ve seen it twice and ordered the DVD. This was so well done, and really becomes the best SF adaptation that Disney Studios have ever made. For a company built on dreams, it seems odd that it didn’t recognize what a wonderful piece of story telling it had produced here.”


Leo Jenicek,N.Y.,NY,10009,United States,2012-04-06,”I loved this movie, I’ve wanted to see it since I was 10. I would definitely go see a sequel. ”


Luigi Aniello Ciancio Zerpa,”Valencia, Edo.Carabobo”,,2001,”Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of”,2012-04-06,”I love this movie, is right now one of my motivations in life to help others on the change to a better world… Is a movie of great impact i think the reason of a not so well valued in cinema was the not promotion of this movie you have to capture the people with the soul of the movie every where and belive me this movie is going to be with the sequel a great hit… God will help on the good will of we humans to show more values to society ”


Brie Marie Moody,San Antonio,TX,78258,United States,2012-04-06,”This movie is amazing. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I loved this movie. I’ve seen it four times, and two of those were on IMAX 3D. Please give us a sequel; to not, would be to do the movie a great injustice. ”


Travis Barrett,Waterford,VT,05819,United States,2012-04-06,”A true and visionary rendition of the classic I loved as a child. This film was the entertainment that has been lacking in films of late. My boys loved it, I loved it, and we want more!”


Sharon Contini,St Louis,MO,63129,United States,2012-04-06,This was a great movie that marketed all wrong. Get a new PR person.


Robert Brzustoski,Middletown,CT,06457,United States,2012-04-07,”I have been a John Carter fan for over 50 years. John Carter was my first idol/hero.I have always wondered if Tarzan became such a big hit, how could Hollywood miss the golden opportunity of putting John Carter on the big screen? It is all too obvious that someone at Disney fell asleep at the wheel here. There are 11 books here to open the door to numerous sequels. I am really heart broken that the first movie well may be the last also. It is so sad that much of what made the books so good was left out of the movie. John Carter was the best swordsman on two planets and that was downplayed in the movie except for the one scene where he obliterates so many Tharks. His famous line “”While I live, I hope!”” was nowhere to be found. The action in this movie could have been much like “”Alien”” with traps and surprises galore. His adoration and bewilderment with Dejah was so much of the books also. One more try please! And this time get it right!”


Lauren Henderson,State University,AR,72467,United States,2012-04-07,Love for the original stories


Hadji Singh,Gardena,CA,90248,United States,2012-04-07,This is the best live-action Disney flick ever and I want more!!!


Remy LeBeau,Gardena,CA,90248,United States,2012-04-07,”””John Carter”” is fabulous! Please make a sequel—Taylor Kitsch is THE BEST!”



John Bridges,Stone Mountain,GA,30087,United States,2012-04-07,”John Carter was a tremendously entertaining film that captivated me, my son and his friends. I’ve been waiting for this film since I was 12, but my friends who have seen it without knowing the character or the books enjoyed it just as much, and we all agree that a sequel is well deserved. Who doesn’t want to see Woola running across Mars again? Sign me up for a return trip to Barsoom!”


Kat Lucero,El Paso,TX,79904,United States,2012-04-07,Disney created a wonderful movie…John is truly awesome and deserves sequels….


Stefanie Mehrtens,Zug,,6300,Switzerland,2012-04-07,It was a absolutely magical movie and not the usual commercial mass market escapism.


Heidi Hartley,Baton Rouge,LA,70810,United States,2012-04-07,critics trashing this movie are wrong it is great


Leslie Stem,Gardena,CA,90249,United States,2012-04-07,”While as a life-long fan of the books I would have liked to have seen a more literal interpretation of the books what I did see was a very good if not great movie, certainly not one that deserved to bomb in such a big way. I blame the marketing of the film, especially the generic title, for its failure to catch on. Please don’t be so quick to dismiss “”John Carter”” as a failure and give it time to find its audience. Many films now considered classics lost money on their initial release. Give Barsoom a chance!”


Elise Rowe,Port Orchard,WA,98367,United States,2012-04-07,”I read John Carter books when I was a kid. In my opinon, this movie did a great job of bringing the story to life. I have seen it several times, and have heard others in the theater say, “”Wow”” and “”great movie”” at the conclusion. I agree–Disney could have done a much better job of marketing this fillm–it is complex and has a lot to offer. The characters are great! So why not return to Barsoom and keep the magic going? I want to find out what happens when John Carter opens his eyes on Barsoom again! ”


James O’Brien,Cincinnati,OH,45238,United States,2012-04-07,”I have been an ERB fan for years, and the “”John Carter”” stories are my favorite. The movie was very well done, and it was a labor of love by all involved. I want to see a sequel.”


Mike Alonzo,Baton Rouge,LA,70809,United States,2012-04-07,I am a life long Edgar Rice Burroughs fan!


Lynn Hurley,San Tan Valley,AZ,85143,United States,2012-04-08,The sequel will be a hit. The first film will have found its audience and you will be surprised at the earning potential.


Diane Banfield,El Cajon,CA,92019,United States,2012-04-08,”It is so rare to me to come across a movie that truly touched me. To me its all about the story. With all the movie makers trying to find the next Harry Potter series, the next guaranteed hit. Redoing 80’s movies for the next generation. They forget that movies are all about the story. John Carter has a 100 year old great story. I would like to see it continue. Please consdier taking me back to Barsoom. It was a great movie that I have now seen 7 times and counting. I am dragging friends and family who then come away with a Wow that was a good movie. Please consider it. ”


Daniel Ã…strand,Södertälje,,15257,Sweden,2012-04-08,”While I have not yet seen the movie, I like the books. For once there is a possible sequel that is based on a litterary work instead of a computer game, childrens toys or a carnival ride…”


Joseph Dutra,Apache Junction,AZ,85119,United States,2012-04-08,I loved the movie and it deserves to have a sequel.


Chris Dingsdale,Llandudno,,LL30 3PF,United Kingdom,2012-04-08,”Finally someone had the courage to make this movie! Movies are descending into a CGI pit of “”Transformers”” type rubbish with mindless action and no story – lets celebrate creativity, great storytelling and breathtaking movie making. More please! ”


adam galas,silver spring,MD,20904,United States,2012-04-08,”John Carter was an epic film, with the worst advertising campaign ever seen by the eyes of man. It deserves to have the trilogy completed.


Charlotte Nicely,Berkeley,CA,94707-2214,United States,2012-04-08,I am singing this petition because I frickin loved the first movie! MAKE A SECOND MOVIE! Wohooo!


Pauline Weiss,Chicago,IL,60640,United States,2012-04-08,”This movie did not get the advance publicity it deserved from Disney. Its grosses equalled its cost within 30 days of its release, leaving one to wonder why Disney felt compelled to make a big deal out of taking a $200M write off on it only 11 days into its release. This film has fantastic word of mouth and you did not do it justice. You owe us as well as this film’s creators an apology and a do-over.”


Bryan Senka,Winnipeg,,R2J 0P9,Canada,2012-04-08,”It’s one of the most important and influential sci-fi and fantasy series of all time. It deserves proper promotion, and a chance to fill out the story.”


Sebastian Checinski,Leicester,,le3,United Kingdom,2012-04-09,Need more great sci fi epics. Really we need them pretty bad. Don’t take away from us what we love and care about.


Edward DeFino,Yonkers,NY,10705,United States,2012-04-09,This was a great movie that was assassinated by reviewers and a poor marketing campaign. It deserves to be recognized for what it is.


Andrew Bagley,Oldbury,,B69 1JY,Vanuatu,2012-04-09,because I watched the film and it was amazing want to watch more of it


Darryl Fabia,Gaithersburg,MD,.,United States,2012-04-09,”Though the movie’s trip through the box office has been rocky, you don’t get passion from fans without having something special at hand. Don’t let it go–hold onto it and bring it back to us.”


Dave Griswold,Miami,FL,33179,United States,2012-04-09,”As someone who loved the books from my teen years, and read “”A Princess of Mars”” to my son, I was impressed with the movie, have seen it twice at the IMAX at the Museum of Discovery and Science, and would love to see the movie saga continue on.”


rachael wells,toronto,,M6J3W6,Canada,2012-04-09,”Everyone I know who saw this film, loved it. It’s a masterpiece, and I want to see more.”


Timmurra Morton,Chambersburg,PA,17201,United States,2012-04-09,The movie was amazing!


Ryan Sinclair,Stockbridge,GA,30281,United States,2012-04-09,”As one who has always been fascinated with the starry night sky, space exploration, SciFi and the distant heavenly bodies I would like to do my part my part to transport those of us who are Barsoomians at heart everywhere back to Mars with Andrew Stanton’s proposed John Carter trilogy. I’ve enjoyed Star Trek, Star Wars and the like and I think it’s time we all stood behind the Virginan warrior and help him get back to his beloved Dejah Thoris. For BARSOOM!


Ryan Sinclair” Peyton Polk,The Colony,TX,75056,United States,2012-04-09,”The movie was awesome, plot and effects were amazing, and we would love to see the story come to life as John returns to Mars.”


Mike Mihina,Tucson,AZ,85719,United States,2012-04-09,Because I’ve been waiting for these movies my whole life and I want to see Andrew Stanton’s entire trilogy!


Stephen Beckner,Elkview,WV,25071,United States,2012-04-09,”I’ve waited all my life for a John Carter movie, and when they finally do one, and a great one at that, it’s being killed by accountants who demand an immediate profit on the first weekend box office. ”


Charles Segrist,Fairfax,VA,22032,United States,2012-04-09,I read all of Burroughs books and loved the John Cater movie.


Roy Dean,Sedalia,MO,65301,United States,2012-04-09,am signing because the movie was great. It was not the fault of the movie that it is not doing perfect. it is the fault of a horrible publicity campaign.


Aaron Nicewonger,Columbia,SC,29206,United States,2012-04-09,”This film was absolutely incredible, as is the entire franchise surrounding it, from the original books/stories, to the current line of comic books. I sincerely and wholeheartedly long to see the sequels to this film come to fruition. I’m a film student and hopeful film maker, and if I can contribute in any way, even working as free labor on this project I happily submit my request to join up this very moment!”


Virgil Tracy,Compton,CA,90220,United States,2012-04-09,”””John Carter”” is THE BOMB! Absolutely great piece of filmmaking!”


Aaron Nicewonger,Columbia,SC,29206,United States,2012-04-09,”Marketing and other unfortunate circumstances have hurt this films performance in the states. However, it’s doing rather well overseas. I really REALLY hope they do. A disney amusement park ride got 4 movies, and apparently they’re working on films 5 and 6. I’d love to see “”John Carter”” become a franchise. Or at the very least, a trilogy. I mean, come on, there are EIGHT books featuring John Carter, and even more Barsoom books than that. Star Wars has MORE than 6 movies now. I’d love for John Carter to get the same. Hell, they could pull a James Bond, and just keep making movies set in that world. Make a long-lasting franchise. Hell, I’d love to see a “”Pirates of Venus”” series take off. 11 Barsoom books, and 5 Venus books. That’s a lot to pull from. Hell, call Venus Cosoom, and I’d be totally happy with a new story featuring a cross-over! This movie could be a one-time marketing and budgeting disaster or a lucrative franchise. It’s all about playing your cards right. AVATAR had a smaller budget than this film. I see sequels to this movie easily getting made for far less than either movie. Pirates of the Caribbean got made for 140 million, and On Stranger Tides got made for 150-250 million. John Carter sequels could easily be made for 150 million and be surprisingly profitable.”


Dustin Yoak,North Canton,OH,44720,United States,2012-04-09,”I loved Disney’s John Carter. The story line and the cast were perfect. Though I have not read the books upon which this movie is based, I am most eager for a return to Barsoom to discover what happens next with the characters I came to love in this movie. ”


Zoe Mihina,Tucson,AZ,85719,United States,2012-04-09,It was the best movie in history go Virginia!!!!!


Lillian Mihina,Tucson,AZ,85719,United States,2012-04-09,It was cool and I really liked john carter.


John Severtson,LaCrosse,WI,54601,United States,2012-04-09,this film was the best seen it multiple times it never gets old


Bill Demetree,Orlando,FL,32804,United States,2012-04-10,Because I like the movie



Jason Andrews,Lexington,KY,40509,United States,2012-04-10,My family and I loved this movie and were left wanting more when it ended. We want sequels!


Rick Mannell,Nokomis,FL,34275,United States,2012-04-10,”Loved the Books and the Movie was great. Want to see more of Barsoom brought to life.”


Alexander Yarapolsky,Nalchik,,360016,Russian Federation,2012-04-10,”Very disney-kind bright and impressive sci-fi movie, i watched it in cinema like three times and it was great!”



Robert Page,New York,NY,10023,United States,2012-04-10,”This was a great, fun movie, of a classic book from which so much has been taken over the years. Disney did not do right by the marketing of this movie to modern audiences. It deserves a second chance just for how badly THEY botched the launch of this movie that could have been a fantastic franchise.”


Austin Fischer,Olathe,KS,66061,United States,2012-04-11,”I loved the books and the movie definitely didn’t disappoint. With a lot of the road already paved, i would love to see Disney do a sequel, as all of the effects developing and stuff would be mostly in the bag already. I feel like it has the chance to be the Star Wars of my generation if it is marketed correctly and can garner the fan base. No matter what, it will definitely become a cult classic, but I would love more movies to watch over and over and show my kids someday. They will say “”That was awesome dad!”” and I will say “”I know, and I tried to do my part to get all of the movies after the first one to come out!”””


James Stringer,Berea,OH,44017,United States,2012-04-11,”Because “”John Carter”” is one of the best properties to have in a studio’s ensemble, and one of the best movies of the year thus far!” Tuan Mai,San Jose,CA,95123,United States,2012-04-11,I need to get back to Barsoom! Pronto! Let there be a sequel and all my enmity towards Disney will dissipate!


Bruce Kaplan,Champaign,IL,61821,United States,2012-04-11,”Fantastic movie. Have seen twice, would see even more if it was still playing. Would see sequel multiple times ! ”


Melvin Wilson,”Pikeville, KY”,KY,41501,United States,2012-04-11,”The movie is popular. If it had not cost so much to make, then it would have been considered a hit. The second novel in the series, The Gods of Mars, is the best in the series I think. The triology needs to be completed. ”


Shari Armstrong,Bedford,OH,44146,United States,2012-04-11,”I waited nearly 30 years to see John Carter done as a movie. I am signing because John Carter (of Mars) was an amazing movie, something for the whole family to enjoy. I haven’t enjoyed a movie in a theater this much in a long time. It deserves a sequel, the rest of the story deserves to be told. My husband and I enjoyed it, as did our children, ages 10, 7, and 22 months (although she did nap through part of it, she clapped a few times). I saw the same excitement in their eyes that I felt watching Star Wars for the first time as a kid. It’s a shame Disney didn’t put the marketing and merchandising into this movie as they do everything else they’ve produced. I hope that they reverse that mistake with a sequel. ”


Andreas Gabler,Melsungen,,34212,Germany,2012-04-11,I really really enjoyed the Movie and I want a sequel!!


Ross Brown,Columbia,MO,65203,United States,2012-04-11,One of the greatest sci-fi films to be released in years. It needs and deserves a sequel!


Christian Leong,Selangor,,46000,Malaysia,2012-04-12,”I loved the story and how it showed that there might have been life on planet Mars not too long ago, that we’re not the only ones. I also loved the characters John Carter (a lost man at first, but then finds his true home, I hope) and Dejah Thoris (who mesmerize everyone with her beauty). I hope to see a sequel…”




James Lawrence,Fredericksburg,VA,22405,United States,2012-04-12,Stanton did a wonderful job of capturing the essence of all the characters involved. Burroughs’ books open doors to wonder. Stanton manages just that with this true flight of fantasy. I took eight family members aged 7-34 with me to this movie and we all enjoyed it immensely.


Edward Kabana,Lindenhurst,NY,11757,United States,2012-04-12,”This movie is epic, that’s what’s wrong with the movie industry…you would rather make new versions of old movies than to make a great series like john Carter, i don’t get it”


Bob Morgan,Federal Way,WA,98003,United States,2012-04-12,”ERB’s Mars Books was an amazing series that taught entire generations high morals and nobility at the same time as being incredibly fun adventures. American society as well as the world needs to be reminded, and shown examples, of what being a hero really is all about!!! B.L. Morgan Creator of The John Dark Books”


Gordon Wilson,Edinburgh,,EH6 6HN,United Kingdom,2012-04-12,I am a big Edgar Rice Burroughs/John Carter of Mars fan and I loved the movie and think a sequel would be great


Michael Woods,Hutchinson,KS,67502-4145,United States,2012-04-13,”Very good work to translate ERB’s work to the modern theater screen. I have to wonder about the competency of many movie critics who didn’t like it. My wife and I both liked it ( in 3D ) and I’ve seen it twice more in 2D. Definitely worth doing a sequel or more, IMO.”


John Garrard,Cary,NC,27519,United States,2012-04-13,”After watching the film I read the first 3 books by Edgar Rice Burroughs and have completely fallen in love with the rich setting, characters, and action of Barsoom!”


Richard Marsden,Selby,,YO8,United Kingdom,2012-04-13,Because John Carter was great and I’d love a sequel.


Derek Short,Newark,NY,14513,United States,2012-04-13,I love this movie!!!


Nicholas Montelongo,American Fork,UT,84003,United States,2012-04-14,I want a John Carter sequel! Karen Evans,Rio Rancho,NM,87124,United States,2012-04-14,”I loved the movie. Even better than the book, and I like the book. Please please please have a sequel!! ”


Stephen Cundifff,Seminole,FL,33777,United States,2012-04-14,”The second book in the series, Gods of Mars, is a much more interesting novel with it’s various plot twists. If John Carter could make so much money, and still be considered a failure, then a well made 2nd film, with proper budgeting, is sure to make a good profit. ”


Steven Munson,Sparta,MI,49345,United States,2012-04-15,it was a great movie and it deserves a sequel


Spencer Higham,Castaic,CA,91384,United States,2012-04-15,”This is the greatest Disney movie I’ve seen since “”Tangled””, and if we don’t get sequel, I’m gonna sue the Disney marketing department, for making the movie lose money in the U.S.!!!”


Dennis Parker,Newnan,GA,30265,United States,2012-04-15,”Loved the movie. Thought it was promoted all wrong. I think it will do very well in DVD and Pay Epr View, setting up a ready made audience for the sequel. Wife, daughter and several firends loved the movie as well.”


David Pudwill,Silver Spring,MD,20906,United States,2012-04-16,”Because I just watched the movie, and I think this is the type of movie that Hollywood should be producing on a regular basis, great acting, great story, great adaptation to the book. I loved it.”


Jon Butcher,Madison,WI,53716,United States,2012-04-16,”I totally LOVED this movie!! For me it ranks up there with Star Wars. I think Disney did a great job trying to bury this movie, but I got to see it 3 times and took lots of friends!! Nice try! Now, where’s my DVD??”


Rob Reed,Davison,MI,48423,United States,2012-04-16,”This is officially my all-time favorite film. I know it doesn’t align perfectly with the book, but it embraces the spirit of the book and the imagery and characters are amazing. It certainly added more than it took away. I want to see Tars and Woola again. And SPOILERS: I want to see John and Tars fight those crazy sounding plantmen and banths. I want to travel to the sea inside Barsoom, before Cameron steals it for Avatar 2. I want John to meet his son. And another thing. The critics can suck it, they wouldn’t know a great film if it hit them upside the head. DONT LISTEN TO CRITICS! And Disney should be ashamed of themselves for their marketing and treatment of this fine film. The studio head should be fired, unless he wisely greenlights a sequel. Then he’s a genius.”


Rogerio Prado Mendonca,Sao Paulo,,08330240,Brazil,2012-04-16,I loved the movie.


Pierina Short,”Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire”,,EN8 8BD,United Kingdom,2012-04-16,”Simply because, John Carter deserves a sequel!!, and I deeply appreciate this film, and would love to see more.”


Brenna Ring,San Diego,CA,92115,United States,2012-04-16,The only other movie to have touched my heart as much as the John Carter of Mars movie is Lord of the Rings. Lord of the Rings was a megaseller and this one deserves to be too. My family and I have seen John Carter of Mars once a week and we still leave the theater with a smile on our face. We enjoy it just as much now as when it first opened. See the movie again and again. Box office is what the studio cares about most.


Andrew Madsen,Kearns,UT,84118,United States,2012-04-17,I want to see banths! That is all the reason I need. (That and to see Gods of Mars and Warlord.)


arie auble,Lexington,KY,40504,United States,2012-04-17,”This film was simply spectacular, and captured my imagination. I think the slow start was due to poor marketing, not the film itself. I strongly believe that sequels will be a success if made, and predict this film will gross a profit after the blu ray and dvd sales. I know I’ll be picking up a 3d copy day one. I hope the series continues as I would love to see more stories in this captivating world.”


Brittany Schmitt,Cheterfield,VA,23832,United States,2012-04-17,”I loved this movie and the story is great. It let me escape within the wonders of another world. It had such good, honest themes of genuine heroism, self-sacrifice, and trying to find the heart to heal and fight again for something good. I love the fact that the story is one hundred years old but still made it to the screen. I want to see more of the books come to life, and will be very disappointed if I don’t get the chance to. ”

Addie Abrahms,Granada Hills,CA,91344,United States,2012-04-18,I loved John Carter. I’ve seen it 5 times!! A wonderful movie. I love all the characters and so desperately want to see a sequel. Please TAKE US BACK TO BARSOOM!


John Michals,Bayside,NY,11357,United States,2012-04-18,”John Carter was a terrific film! It was exactly the type of film Disney needed to break its “”kiddie”” image. The plot was engaging. The actors were well cast in their roles. The villains were typical Disney villains! Action, romance, humor, what more could you ask for? The presentation of Barsoom/Mars left me wanting much, much more! Who dropped the ball at Disney and why do they still have a job is what I want to know! As Tars Tarkas exclaims in the film, “”Who is to blame!?!?!?”” Why was the marketing campaign virtually non-existent? Why didn’t the posters mention the fact that this man was on Mars? Where are the toys? The film deserves a sequel. Perhaps even many sequels. Revamp your publicity & marketing strategy and build on your John Carter brand with sequels as entertaining as this film-if not more so.”


Len Prescott,Edmonton,,T5T0X4,Canada,2012-04-18,Lets return to Barsoom and continue the fantastic journey of John Carter and friends.


Laura Figueroa,”Mexicali, B.C.”,,21038,Mexico,2012-04-18,I want the sequels. First movie was very entertaining


Jeff Funke,Omaha,NE,68116,United States,2012-04-18,”I had never heard of John Carter prior to this movie. Now that I’m reading the novels, I truly want to see them on the big screen!”


Christina Prescott,Edmonton,,T5T0X4,Canada,2012-04-18,We need a return to Barsoom!


Larry Ketchersid,Tomball,TX,77377,United States,2012-04-19,”Edgar Rice Burroughs Barsoom series was not only the gateway for many readers into the worlds of fantasy and science fiction, but it was also a large influence on many great science fiction writers, past and present. My personal anticipation of the movie’s release was equal to that of the Lord of the Rings trilogy: hope that is would be worthy of the books, fearful that it would try to rewrite a sacred tome. The screenwriters and director Stanton did a masterful job in balancing these with an excellent movie. Though the marketing was less than adequate, the international response has been excellent by all reports. The source material is strong, with not only two more books in the John Carter/Dejah Thoris story arc, but many more behind that. If interested, see my John Carter Primer at I strongly implore Disney to Take us Back to Barsoom!”



Peter Weber,Ghezzano,,56010,Italy,2012-04-19,”THE COLORS OF HELIUM See mighty warships in battle line Pennants flicker and metals shine The air is thin, but we won’t recede Blue rise the colors of Helium’s fleet We salute our Jeddak, our banners fly Twin towers watching the crimson sky”







Susannah Challis,Rockville,MD,20853,United States,2012-04-19,”I loved the movie “”John Carter.”” I’d like to see more of his adventures.”


John Ginn,Corvallis,OR,97330,United States,2012-04-19,”This was an excellent film. One of the best fantasy films I’ve seen in years, and the first film I’ve seen in a long time that I actually wanted to see a sequel, but more important, actually had several interesting loose threads left to explore. You have a great film, here, and in years to come that will be well understood as being an overlooked masterpiece. Please give this wonderful film a sequel.”


Charlie McElvy,Fredericksburg,VA,22408-8033,United States,2012-04-19,”This was the BEST sci-fi/fantasy epic I’ve seen since I was a kid! Disney did it several disservices, from changing the title to poor marketing, and really should give this another shot. I’ve already pre-ordered the 4-Disc home release on Amazon, my kids love it, most of my friends love it, and it’s truly a worthwhile effort to drop a QUALITY sequel for this great flick. Thank you…!”


Anthony Hary,Minneapolis,MN,55406,United States,2012-04-19,John Carter was a superb film and deserves at least a second round on the big screen


Ryan Corbyn,Oakham,,LE15 6PB,United Kingdom,2012-04-19,Poorly marketed and critics were wrong!!!


Randal Benjamin,Las Vegas,NV,89147,United States,2012-04-20,”I waited for over 40 years to see this film. Just because it was marketed a little weakly shouldn’t keep us from having a sequel. The film is great fun. With world wide box office, it looks like it will eventually come close to making back its money. A carefully budgeted sequel, properly marketed, could likely earn back the difference and make a profit. Lets get JC back to the planet and the woman he loves.”


I. B. Grow,Kansas City,MO,64111,United States,2012-04-20,I want to see Barsoom live again!!!


Bob Heffner,Philadelphia,PA,19128,United States,2012-04-20,”Yes, the film, had a few rough patches, but the content, and subsequent world wide box office, is proving that there is great interest in the film and the continuation of the series”


Irina Prahcharova,Sofia,,1000,Bulgaria,2012-04-20,Because the the movie was great! I want a sequel


Benjamin Hardin,Lakeland,FL,33810,United States,2012-04-20,”It’s a shame about Rich Ross resigning. I thought John Carter was an excellent movie, and if it would help make a sequel, I’d buy it on Blu-ray SEVERAL times when it’s released. I thought it was amazing, and so did everyone who I forced to watch it. Heck, I gave away two tickets so that my brother and his girlfriend could see it!”


William Stafford,Bilston,,WV14 9EL,United Kingdom,2012-04-21,”The film didn’t really get a fair chance when so many, poorer quality efforts get hyped out of all proportion. This is an intelligent and excellently well made, superior sci-fi adventure – in no way a flop, artistically speaking. It hasn’t even lost money. ”



Geoffrey Evans,”Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta”,,T8L 2N1,Canada,2012-04-21,”I have been a Burroughs fan for almost 30 years, and was so excited to see this movie released for the centenary of A Princess of Mars. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie as it had the perfect balance between faithfulness to the novel and updating for today’s audience. I would love to see the series continue.”


Devon Gillighan,Halifax,,B3H4K6,Canada,2012-04-21,”It was a great movie, one of the best I’ve seen in a long time. Fans shouldn’t be punished for Disney’s ineptitude and inability to market and advertize. ”


Alan Sinder,Santa Monica,CA,90403,United States,2012-04-21,”John, I’ve attended lectures you’ve given starting in 1984. I was why 2 PIXAR employees got to visit BUG in Sapporo Japan. Please give John Carter a 2nd Chance to fill seats with a late Summer Re-Release. We have we have fans to who want the sequels. We will make it a profitable endeavor. – Alan”


Chela-Rene Spaargaren,Sylmar,CA,91342,United States,2012-04-21,This story has the potential to reach the same level of Lord of the Rings if provided with the chance to do so. Please let us continue to journey to Barsoom!


Emmanuel Rios,Gilbert,AZ,85234,United States,2012-04-22,”I, for one, really enjoyed this movie and completely disagree with the negative press it received. ”


Travis Grisso,Coppell,TX,75019,United States,2012-04-22,That movie rocked!!!


Lynda Pearson,Bloomfield,NJ,07003,United States,2012-04-23,”I didn’t see John Carter until I finally saw positive campaign information about this film. Then decided to give it and go and it was a fantastic movie. I loved the story, I loved the characters. Up until then, I had no idea what this movie was about and never saw advertising for it. What a mistake Disney has made in not promoting this film properly. I wish more people could have seen it. Now, it’s too late. I would love to have a sequel and see John Carter’s return to Mars. ”


Garen Osborn,Portland,OR,97220,United States,2012-04-23,”It WAS an amazing movie, better in story than James Cameron’s Avatar, and worth paying full price to see *and I never say that about movies* The failure was not with the movie but with the marketing department. They are the ones who should have been fired.”


Matthew Madigan,Ventura,CA,93006,United States,2012-04-23,John Carter was one of the best movies I have seen this past decade. A shame Disney never promoted the movie. Do it right Disney and bring us back a sequel.


Marianne Kenniston,Chicago,IL,60603,United States,2012-04-23,I loved John Carter. I’ve actually seen it several times. It definitely deserves a sequel.


Mark Mitura,Tampa,FL,33629,United States,2012-04-23,”John Carter is a fantastic movie which was unfortunately advertised and marketed incorrectly. Should John Carter fans and movie-goers alike be fortunate enough to one day see a sequel, Disney should reintroduce the original and relay to the masses “”From The Author Of Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes”” and “”Introducing America’s ”



Harold Holcomb,Owensboro,KY,42303,United States,2012-04-23,”This movie was a very worthwhile version of the great 1912 novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs. The story precedes and has influenced so many other stories and movies (including STAR WARS)! It is, through overseas ticket sales and (soon) DVD/Blue Ray sales, recouping it’s production and advertising money. Something this FABULOUS must continue!”


Jack Ausley,Burbank,CA,91502,United States,2012-04-24,Best film i have seen in ages! Too bad this excellent film was not advertized more or I would have seen it long ago! Best characters and storyline one could ask for. I would hope Disney would come to their senses and bring us back a sequel.


Michael Giron,west valley city,UT,84128,United States,2012-04-24,I am signing because John carter was just an amazing movie and i would love to see a sequel.


David O’Mira,Pittsburg,PA,15201,United States,2012-04-24,What a shame more people didn’t see this movie. Why did Disney kill this movie off? Can’t get much better than John Carter. I want a sequel.


Jonathan Merrick,Boulder,CO,80304,United States,2012-04-25,Take Us Back To Barsoom!! LOVED THE MOVIE!!


Beth Olliges,Louisville,KY,40222,United States,2012-04-25,”I’ve seen this movie in theaters twice now, and probably wouldn’t have if not for a friend’s recommendation. Please don’t let poor marketing kill what could be a great film series! I’d love to see more of John Carter’s adventures played out on screen!”


Matt Davis,Collierville,TN,38017,United States,2012-04-25,”This movie was epic! Sure, it didn’t do well financially, but that is due to bad marketing decisions on Disney’s behalf. Make a sequel, IT WILL BE SUCCESSFUL! Just hire new marketing people…”


Anna Buyskikh,Moscow,,11472,Russian Federation,2012-04-25,”I loved the film, I love Taylor, I love fantasy”


larry basin,Los Angeles,CA,90034,United States,2012-04-26,”I am signing because John Carter was a movie I have been waiting for! Beautifully made. Beautifully directed. Excellent cast. But bad, bad, bad, marketing from Disney, and can’t figure out why. Definitely want a sequel.”


Dave Nelson,Seattle,WA,98105,United States,2012-04-26,”I was unaware of the upcoming John Carter movie, until early March this year! I enjoyed it enough to see it twice in 3-D Imax, including once with my daughter and her husband. They enjoyed the movie, and are also looking forward to a sequel!”


Pascal BEHEM,ANDRESY,,78570,France,2012-04-26,”In spite of all the expositions issues (that disappear on second viewing anyway), “”John Carter”” had plenty of heart, and Andrew Stanton deserves the chance to finish the trilogy. The movie has legs and is worthy of a long, long legacy.”




bill zuschlag,ft. myers.fl,FL,33967,United States,2012-04-26,ITS just great in all ways!!!!


Rene Progin,Vuadens,,1628,Switzerland,2012-04-27,”I can’t understand why the first John Carter movie was not more announced and promoted. The movie is simply great, and I believe the only real problem with the first was the insuficcient promotion. At least here in Switzerland I onky knew about the movie by chance. John Carter could be a Trilogy, if only it was more promoted.”


Allegra Wilson,Northridge,CA,91325,United States,2012-04-27,Seeing this movie really opened my eyes to the world that ERB created. I have ordered the books to continue on the journey to Barsoom and I think that this series deserves to be continued on the big screen! WOOLA!


Sean Taylor,Cumming,GA,30040,United States,2012-04-27,”Because this film got shafted badly and still turned out to be a fantastic film, and perform admirably around the world and the U.S. ”


Chris McAvery,Lexington,KY,40503,United States,2012-04-27,”Terrific film! Was more than I had hoped for. Too bad you failed this movie could have had a winner on your hands with the right marketing. Would love to see a John Carter sequel, only make sure you get it right next time.”


Francesca Esquenazi,Los Angeles,CA,90034,United States,2012-04-27,”I believe that this movie was poorly marketed. It was not poorly made however. This movie is a great, entertaining, fun film to watch and was ruined by poor marketing campaign and critics who had no context for what the film was about. This movie deserves a sequel and a second chance”


Gerard Frey,Allentown,PA,18103,United States,2012-04-27,”Given the wealth of Burrough material, and the abysmal Disney output, I want more John Carter movies!”


Ian Ray,Los Angeles,CA,90066,United States,2012-04-28,JOHN CARTER was as entertaining a movie as I’ve ever seen. Just want MORE of that!


nicole willett,savannah,GA,31406,United States,2012-04-28,”ERB was a prophet of science fiction and with the plan for a human mission to Mars on the horizon, we should expose the public to as much info as possible about Mars. The movie was wonderful. I went 3times to the theatre to see it. I wish I had gone more. A sequel should be made. There are ten wonderful books about John Carter… We need to see the adventure continue.”


Philip Gust,Redwood City,CA,94061,United States,2012-04-28,”Disney owes it to its investors and fans of the first movie to make a second one, and to market and promote it as an A-list property the way we all believe Disney knows how to do.”


Michael Go,Mandaue City,,6014,Philippines,2012-04-28,This is one of the best films i ever watched since Indiana jones and star wars and lawrence of arabia please make a sequel about this movie


John Archibald,San Diego,CA,92123,United States,2012-04-28,”Wonderful movie: great adventure/romance! Would be criminal if a sequel isn’t made. (Actually 2 sequels, as originally planned.)”


Richard Pescod,london,,BR2 7HA,United Kingdom,2012-04-28,i loved the film and it’s great story. it kept me cooked from srtart to finesh

Paulle Jung Morvant-Alexander,Cutlerville,MI,49548,United States,2012-04-29,”I am 65 years old and read these books when I was a kid. I waited SO long for somebody to treat this story with the dignity and attention it deserved. There’s 11 books in this series, Diz. Please give consideration to doing some of them. And please! THINK about your promotion next time. ”


Tory Boyce,Lubbock,TX,79407,United States,2012-04-29,The works of edgar rice burroughs are some of the best in literature of our time. He was so ahead of his time with John Carter of mars and I think the disney movie did his characters and the world he created justice and that the way to honor this great writer is to finish what disney started and that is to make a sequel for John Carter.


Lisa Carlock,Stuart,FL,34994,United States,2012-04-30,John Carter deserves a second chance with smarter marketing.


Christina Guardino,Panama City Beach,FL,32413,United States,2012-04-30,”This was an EXCELLENT film, overshadowed in a poor release month. Give it wings! My daughter didn’t want to see it, but at the end she was begging for a sequel. Continue the story and market it properly. Don’t let this die.”


Jean Moscinski,Katy,TX,77450,United States,2012-04-30,”Every once in a while, there is a movie that defies the standards of special effects blended with acting to create a new world. Star Wars did this. Robots, lightsabers, side buns, and awesome helmets only complimented an age-old tale of friendship and hope overcoming a great evil. John Carter has also done this. Four-armed green martians, ships that ride on solar rays, exotic princesses with actual brains and brawn, and CGI so seemless from the actual actors created a whole world that everyone though they knew so much about. Mars, the red planet, given a past, a civilization spanning millenia. Showing how easily a majestic and powerful planet can turn to ashes and dust from its own overconsumption. The plant life: non-existent. The people: falling to war and strife. Did no one notice the parallels of Zodanga to some parts of Earth? A congested city using nature-oppressive fuels to maintain an unstable economy. Oh, I think the John Carter movie has a lot to tell people. And then, a hero. A man, who has lost everything, given a second chance on a new world. That is the apex of this movie…a new world where anything is possible. Everyone wants to go back to Pandora. Why not Barsoom? I….want to be taken back to Barsoom. ~John Carter for Jeddak of Mars 2012″


John Couch,Bakersfield,CA,93309,United States,2012-04-30,”I loved the film John Carter. I knew nothing about the film, nor did most people I knew. On a whim, I went to see it and it turned out to be one of the most exciting movies I have seen in a very long time. I think if Disney had promoted this film better, so many people would have ended up loving this movie as much as I did. I really want to see John carter return to Mars.”


Steve Peters,Willow Grove,PA,19090,United States,2012-04-30,Big fan of both the books and the movie.


Henry Coy,Sevierville,TN,37876,United States,2012-04-30,Been a John Carter fan for over 50 years. The movie was true to the spirit of the book.


Chris Higham,Castaic,CA,91384,United States,2012-04-30,”I love this movie so much, and I want more adventures for John Carter to go on.”


Robert Trim,Taylorsville,UT,84123,United States,2012-05-01,We need good stories. The be one.


Janell Boone,Provo,UT,84604,United States,2012-05-01,This movie was one of the best movies to come to life in a very long time. It’s sad that no one appreciated it as much as it should have been. More need to be made that audiences can understand how incredible this story is!


Leslie Chartrand,Vancouver,WA,98686,United States,2012-05-01,I really enjoyed the movie and want to see the rest of the trilogy.


Guy Redwing,Rosemount,MN,55068,United States,2012-05-01,”I have been waiting for a John Carter film, ever since I was a kid. It was a groundbreaking Science Fiction series that defined the entire genre as we know it. Decades have past since I paid full price to see a film in the theater this many times. I gladly went each weekend and I had no qualms about doing it. I felt like a kid again. Please continue this series. It was a great movie and it’s fanbase can only get larger as it is discovered on home video.”


Jean-Pierre sengers,Saint-nicolas,,4420,Belgium,2012-05-01,J’ai aimé le film meme s’il ne suivait pas tout à fait le roman mais je considere que ce film doit avoir au moins une suite et peut-etre plus…..


Spencer Higham,Castaic,CA,91384,United States,2012-05-01,”This is one of the best movies I’ve seen this year, and the movie really deserves a lot more respect from Disney, so that their marketing strategies would not cause the movie to bomb at the U.S. box office. While it’s far from perfect, it’s one of the things that Walt Disney would be very proud of. This is the greatest Disney movie they’ve made since Tangled, and Andrew Stanton did an amazing, marvelous job at directing his first live action feature. This is one of the few live action Disney epics which has a great story, unforgettable characters, and the Disney magic, along with the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. John Lasseter, if you love the movie and support the fan petitions and groups, go and convince Robert Iger to let Andrew do the sequels, or my guess is that you guys will have ways of making him convinced.”


Scott Henderson,Seattle,WA,98155,United States,2012-05-01,”John Carter is an excellent film that did not get a fair shake upon release and it richly deserves a sequel with the same director and cast!!! It will be come a definite “”cult classic””!!!”


Chris Jewett,Quincy,MA,02170,United States,2012-05-02,I want at least 2 sequels for John Carter. This move means soo much to me. LOVED the 1st one. Designs and execution were soo well done. Best movie of 2012!!!


P Moyle,Salt Lake City,UT,84103,United States,2012-05-02,”Saw the movie 4 times, willingly paid more for it each time, and pre-ordered the DVD the minute it became available. Let’s have a sequel.”


Clifford Hong,Jericho,NY,11753,United States,2012-05-02,”One of the most creative & entertaining movies I’ve seen in years. Much of the cost must have been in the computer design work, which is already done, so the sequel should be able to be done at a more reasonable cost. In any event, I would really love to see the next part of this story!”


Albert Chessa,Brisbane,,4154,Australia,2012-05-03,”It’s obvious – The marketing of this excellent, classically made film was very poor, and now the quality of the film is being brought into question over a numb, dumb advertising launch. Big Yellow Letters? wow, you totally ‘get’ John Carter, right there. Drew Struzan, Raymond Swanland, even commission James Gurney (of Dinotopia ilk)…honestly…the film deserved better, much better. Thankyou to everyone signing this petition with me!! – John Carter Of Mars 2014!!


Albert” joe karcher,franklin,NC,28734,United States,2012-05-03,”lousy trailer,dumb title, but A DAMN GOOD MOVIE with a gorgeous princess”


Jack Carberry,newton,MA,02461,United States,2012-05-04,We need at least two more!




Bill Burgess,Richmond,ME,04357,United States,2012-05-05,”Because, this was a very good interpretation of ERB’s story and a fun movie. It should have had better marketing and deserves another shot ”


Sarah Gilmer Payne,Martin,GA,30557,United States,2012-05-05,”This movie is a true classic and captures the spirit of the books. The actors, the story, the special effects were all superb, and Woola quite won my heart.”


Kenneth Jordan,Oklahoma City,OK,73120,United States,2012-05-05,”Because JOHN CARTER is an artistic, entertaining movie that needs a sequel!”


Katherine Freymuth,”Colorado Springs, CO”,CO,80906,United States,2012-05-06,”This movie was absolutely wonderful! A credit to the Disney name! What prevented it from gaining box office interest was poor advertising. The adds should have mentioned that the character was created by the creator of Tarzan. I was only a little interested in it before a friend of mine, who is a big Edgar Rice Burroughs fan, told me who created the character. After that, I had to see it! Everyone who is a sci fi fan appreciates the fathers of Sci Fi. If more people had known this movie was based on the works of a Victorian Sci Fi writer, more people would have seen it. We need a sequel – this time with better advertising – to show everyone who missed this movie that they need to go back and watch it! And buy it, which I am going to do the minute it is on Blu Ray.”


Livy M,Livingston,NJ,07034,United States,2012-05-06,”I agree that there should be a sequel. Taylor is definitely a credit to the craft, all of his selections in varying roles thus far have been (not only an OBVIOUS a credit to him) but, also to the directors on each project from Friday Night Lights to Bang Bang Club and forward to today.”


Rich Mingin,Telford,PA,18969,United States,2012-05-09,”Your marketing team failed a great movie. Try marketing it again, better, for the Bluray release, and then give us a sequel.”


Jim McLeod,Sebastopol,CA,95472,United States,2012-05-09,I loved the movie and will purchase on blu-ray when it comes out



Shane Wehr,Sydney,,2035,Australia,2012-05-09,Thought the movie was awesome and the critics and press were unjustly negative.


tukai sen,mesquite,TX,75149,United States,2012-05-11,It was a truly great movie. A blend of Star Wars and Avatar. Please make part 2 and have merchandise as well. I have John Carter pre-ordered on Amazon so I can watch it again


Michelle Rippy,Rock Hill,SC,29730,United States,2012-05-11,The movie was completely awesome. I think a success far beyond what the $$ it brought in showed. It’s problem was that it wasn’t a recent book and not many people understood it. but it definitely deserves a squeal.


Marcello Gentili,Genzano di Roma,,00054,Italy,2012-05-12,”The film and the story are awesome, they deserve a sequel!”


jimmy devereux,shanks,WV,26761,United States,2012-05-12,”i loved the books when i was little, it was great to see the movie stay on target”


Johnny Lowery,Ozark,AL,36360,United States,2012-05-12,A very good movie deserves a sequel. Also the book has been out 100 years. Time for some press!!


Sean Wohlken,Oakland,CA,94612,United States,2012-05-12,”I never read the books or even heard about them, but the movie was AMAZING! I hold this movie in the same regard as I hold Avatar. I need a sequel! I actually care about the characters. I need to know what’s going to happen to them. Please take me back to Barsoom!”


Steve Willbanks,Mesa,AZ,85202,United States,2012-05-13,”As a long-term (decades) fan of the characters and books, I found this film to be an absolutely wonderful adaptation. In an era when it’s easy to find disappointment with many films, this one stood out as the exact opposite; exceeding our expectations. Please don’t let poor marketing and ill-informed ‘buzz’ destroy what could be an otherwise successful series. My family agreed enough to see it twice, to want to buy it on Blue Ray, when it’s released, and to certainly go see any sequels that are produced (and there are 8 of us).”


Ian Hazlett,Plano,TX,75023,United States,2012-05-13,”John Carter is a great action-adventure movie with interesting characters you can actually care about. That doesn’t happen very often at the movies. JC was made with sequels in mind so everyone can enjoy ERB’s classic stories brought to life on the big screen. I paid to see JC multiple times at the theatre and I’ll buy it on Blu-Ray, so get us back to Barsoom so we can see the rest of this story in JC 2 and 3! I see a lot of fans here willing to pay to see sequels despite the fact that Disney all but abandoned this movie before it ever hit theatres.”


Miles Kitts,Brisbane,,4035,Australia,2012-05-14,Awesome movie that should be followed up by sequels!


Mark Lipka,Quarryville,PA,17566,United States,2012-05-14,”John carter is such a lovingly crafted, sincerely emotional, action-packed, and FUN movie. It’s a rare gem! What a shame if it ends now!”



Edgar Cossy,Paraná,,3100,Argentina,2012-05-15,”Because John Carter is one of the best action movies in many years. I love it, my wife loves it, and so anyone whom I talked to about it. It’s an action movie with heart and soul, something pretty odd lately.”


Rev. Laurel Phoenix, CHt”,Roswell,GA,30077,United States,2012-05-15,”My kids and I all enjoyed John Carter immensely, and it didn’t do as well because there was absolutely NO advertisement about it until a week before it was released. As a James Purefoy fan, and a tremendous fan of all 12 Barsoom books, I was very much anticipating the movie, and it was every bit as good as I knew it would be. Had you advertised it as you did any one of your big budget Pixar movies, there was no way it wouldn’t have been seen. I saw n’er a review or preview for it ever and you should all be ashamed of yourselves for your failure to advertise this movie properly. My children and I can’t wait to buy the DVD so we can enjoy it again and again, and if you fail to make another John Carter movie, you are doing everyone a huge disservice and my esteem for Disney will drop to the pits. This is a nice, clean, exciting sci-fi series which my 8 yr. old son & 11 and 20 yr. old daughters all enjoyed as much as I did as a kid… and still do as an adult. Out of 12 books, there is no reason, had you advertised this appropriately, you shouldn’t make several sequels from the original. Bring us back to Barsoom with John Carter, Kantos Kan & Woola!”


Adam Gray,Marseille,,13000,France,2012-05-16,”I was hoping for a John Carter movie, and I would love a trilogy, since my childhood. The first movie is GREAT, with great actors and for me it’s as awesome as Star Wars in 1977. A sequel would be fantastic, but it needs a better publicity I think, and better posters in the street. Please, bring us back to Barsoom… Please… Best wishes from France.”


Thomas Atkinson,Linthicum,MD,21090,United States,2012-05-16,”I have been a fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Barsoom for many secades. “”John Carter was a fine movie that did not deserve its shoddy marketing. It could and should have been a big summer blockbuster! Let it have its sequels — and promote them better! ”


Stephen Irving,Melbourne,,3194,Australia,2012-05-17,”Loved the film, great work by Stanton & his whole team, dserves another shot on Barsoom”


Thomas Heasman,worthing,,BN12 6DF ,United Kingdom,2012-05-18,John carter was a simply spectacular film and was left with a cliff hanger ending


Johan Berghmans,Maastricht,,6217 CR,Netherlands,2012-05-18,”This is one of the greatest movies I’ve ever seen. Many critics compared it to being a copy of other “”older”” movies, forgetting the fact that its story is much older. And that many science fiction books, stories, moves in the 20th en 21st century have their roots in Burrough’s novels. I’d be thrilled if the planned sequels would still be produced.”


Cailey Marshall,Central Point,OR,97502,United States,2012-05-18,”I’m a fan of the books, and I think that many people enjoyed John Carter and would if they gave it a chance. There are so many movies that don’t deserve a sequel, yet they get 2 or 3. Why not give a sequel to a worthy story.”


Meranda Cochran,Fort Worth,TX,76133,United States,2012-05-18,”I loved this movie, I just thought the title did not give people enough information and neither did the marketing. It can be done right! ”



garnett stancil,hayden,AL,35079,United States,2012-05-18,The story is too good to stop!


Mark Davenport,bridgwater,,ta6 3pp,United Kingdom,2012-05-18,”strong stories are a rarity in hollywood these days… and as a sci-fi, movie and story lover john carter deserves a sequel”


Sandra Jones,Victoria,,V9C4L7,Canada,2012-05-18,Loved this movie! Please market the sequel better and release during the summer. Its a great story!


Len Thompson,Grimesland,NC,27837,United States,2012-05-19,”Great movie, terrible marketing and hype.”


John Traylor,Lancaster,PA,17601,United States,2012-05-19,As a long time fan of ERB I enjoyed this film very much. I do think the marketing was done very poorly.


Luke Michael,Cagayan De Oro,,8700,Philippines,2012-05-19,”The movie was great.. Great effects, storyline, and the ending kinda leaves me hanging and wanting for more.. LETS HAVE A SEQUEL people!!! please :)”


Michiel -,Zwolle,,-,Netherlands,2012-05-19,”John Carter is a good movie. I didn´t know where the movie was about. Now i know it and i love it! I just read all the books. John Carter inspired people as George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Arthur Clarke, Alex Raymond, James Cameron and go on for making great stories and inventions. The truth is that Disney failed the marketing campaign. They can fix this. People only have to know where the movie is about! ”


Delphine Tran,Montpellier,,34000,France,2012-05-19,”I want John Carter 2 !!!! … And if the movie didn’t work, I think it’s because of the bad communication/promotion of the movie… But the movie was really great… P”




George Damme,Riga,,1083,Latvia,2012-05-20,Take Me Back To Barsoom!Can’t live without it now :D!


Theodore Tschida,Redlands,CA,92374,United States,2012-05-20,Because some sagas can’t be judged based on box office results. It will make money in the long run.


hamza mujtaba,birmingham,,B81LU,United Kingdom,2012-05-20,it was an amazing movie


Ron Barnes,Sacramento,CA,95860,United States,2012-05-20,Loved the movie – John Carter – want a sequel


Mo Khalik,Walsall,,WS5 3PZ,United Kingdom,2012-05-20,”I watched the film and really enjoyed it and wanted to know when the sequel was due. I searched on google and found out that due to the lack of decent marketing the film didn’t make a big impact at the box office. This film deserves a sequel or maybe two and with good marketing they will have a big hit and recoop any losses. ”

Marco Lopez,Virginia,VA,23464,United States,2012-05-21,The books are amazing. The movie is amazing. More please.


Todd Argyle,Farmington,UT,84025,United States,2012-05-21,The movie was great. I was all it should have been to deserve a sequel. It’s obvious that some few people at disney didn’t want it to be all it could. Please rectifly that situation and do what needs to be done to get this historic project back on track to becoming a great franchise for disney.


Michael Milburn,Newton,MA,02458,United States,2012-05-21,”””John Carter”” is an excellent movie.”


Chris Mason,Worthing,,Bn13 2NA,United Kingdom,2012-05-21,I want to see what happens next.


David Portela,Mogi das Cruzes,,08730-510,Brazil,2012-05-21,John Carter RULES!


James Guidry,Butte,MT,59701,United States,2012-05-21,Fan of Burroughs’ work for many years – first one to even come remotely close to my imagination from back in the day…


Mike Edwards,YORK,,M6S 2M8,Canada,2012-05-21,”I enjoyed the story, and wish to see a sequel made and released on the big screen.”


Nick Liaskos,Thessaloniki,,54248,Greece,2012-05-22,”I just watched the movie, it was awesome and I’m already dying to see a sequel!!!!!!!!!!”


WIll FItzgerald,Washington,DC,20001,United States,2012-05-22,”John Carter was incredible, and the ending wasn’t enough. It eluded to a sequel, so give us a sequel. You can afford it. ”


Jeffrey D’Ambrosio,Cicero,NY,13039,United States,2012-05-22,I WANT A SEQUEL!!!!!


Jeff Rogers,Laguna Hills,CA,92653,United States,2012-05-22,This was a great movie and the rest of the series and those who worked so hard to make the first one so great should not be sacrificed to cover the sins of Disney’s marketing department who completely botched selling this film to the general public.


Tomislav Pocedulic,Varazdin,,42000,Croatia,2012-05-22,”It’s ridiculous how underrated this movie is, we need a sequel!”


Chris Eggleton,Oxford,,OX33 1HX,United Kingdom,2012-05-22,This film was my favourite film of the year! This film was awesome and i think people will buy it in large numbers. I did not even hear about this film at all until it was released on dvd. Get better marketing people dont punish the viewers that found this film and that will spread word of it to all their friends.


Vinícius D’avila Bittencourt,Rio de Janeiro,,24910000,Brazil,2012-05-22,John Carter is an amazing film and the fans diserve a sequel.




Joshua Werner,New Baltimore,MI,48047,United States,2012-05-22,”John Carter failed as a film simply because of terrible marketing, including bad graphic design and an improper title for the film. This was a fantastic film and the fans of the novels and fans of sci-fi loved it, myself included. This has the makings of the next Star Wars if the series is able to continue on, so we want a sequel!”


Gordon Armstrong,Townsville,,4815,Australia,2012-05-23,”Because it is an fun, old style swashbuckler and I enjoyed every minute of it. ”


sharon eggleton,bicester,,ox26 2nl,United Kingdom,2012-05-23,”This film, one word amazing!”


Maxx Berendt,DeKalb,IL,60115,United States,2012-05-23,I want a Sequel!


Hasan Amin,Karachi,,00000,Pakistan,2012-05-23,D’uh! I want JC 2!!


Glynn Jenkinson,Largo,FL,33773,United States,2012-05-24,”This was a great film that truly captured the essence of ERB’s work – I honestly don’t understand why it was so badly trashed by the critics, in some cases well before it was even viewed. It is definitely worthy of a sequel, preferably a trilogy. ”


Jenna Collins,Boulder,CO,80304,United States,2012-05-24,Please Disney give us a John Carter Sequel! This was the best movie I have seen in a long long time.


Adrian DeBeer,ponoka`,,T4J 0A8,Canada,2012-05-24,”Cliffhanger ending much? He was gone 13 yeaqrs, i want more! ”


Bevan Castle,Bentley,,6102,Australia,2012-05-24,”JCOM deserves to be continued, it has a place in Sci Fi history, even an anime version, remeber “”Fire and Ice””?????”


Mark Summers,Orange Park,FL,32065,United States,2012-05-24,”This story must be told on screen. Please Advertise the Movie bette, next time by mentioniong ERB/Tarzan inspiration for Modern Sci fi etc… Dont advertise this movie as the next best CGI movie….Bad mistake. This movie is and story is so much more than just look how cool we can make big white apes. Fire your advertising department and Make #2 and 3.”


José Roberto Ocaña García,Tuxtla Gutierrez,,29059,Mexico,2012-05-25,”I love the movie, and i want to see the reunion between carter and the princess deja”


arnold de jesus ospina julio,barranquilla,,0000,Colombia,2012-05-25,es la mejor pelicula quiero la segunda parte


Francois Riches,southend-on-sea,,ss3 9dt,United Kingdom,2012-05-25,”This film delivers on the possibility of a cult classic trilogy (or more) for this current generation. We had star wars, we love it still. Now here is an offering worthy of that mantle to generations new and old. Don’t let a bad economy or other fleeting social crisis end this journey. ”


Rogier Oude Heuvel,Delden,,7491KA,Netherlands,2012-05-25,”Watch it, dont watch the trailers (cause the marketing is screwing up this masterpiece) And you’ll fall in love with it, its so EPIC!”


Roger Seymour,Rancho Cucamonga,CA,91701,United States,2012-05-25,I loved the story and the movie.


Hugo Gundewall,Bromma,,16733,Sweden,2012-05-25,I am willing to add money to a crowd-sourced sequel


Christopher Ballas,Milford,CT,06461,United States,2012-05-25,”Loved the movie, want more.”


Michael G,Los Angles,CA,90022,United States,2012-05-26,I love this movie and there is no other way to put it. There has to be a sequel or I can’t see no other way of living!


Corey sarbacher,clarkston,WA,99403,United States,2012-05-26,loved the movie have all the books and would love to see anther movie


T Kurtheru McKenzie,Santa Barbara,CA,93160,United States,2012-05-26,”Awesome movie, already ordered the Blu-ray, John Carter was a well made many layered adventure to savor over and over, and the story needs to be continued!”


Matthew Nifield,San Carlos,CA,94070,United States,2012-05-26,”Superb film deserves a sequel, i can’t understand why it didn’t do better in the cinema.”


Ken Newman,morristown,TN,37814,United States,2012-05-26,Because it is the right thing to do.


Jeff Joseph ,Hummelstown,PA,17036,United States,2012-05-26,The movie stimulated my interest in the ERB books.


Eugene Toh,Singapore,,650358,Singapore,2012-05-26,”The movie may be a flop, the story isn’t. Its a kind of movie that brings out a kind of feeling that warms my heart. Something that is lost in this current society that we’re living in. With all the realism and harshness, Humans needs a little fantasy to release us from this painful reality.”


Diego Viana,Olinda,,53080300,Brazil,2012-05-27,”The movie is excellent, but targeted the wrong audience. The people interested in watching it doesn´t have an 8 years old inteligence and the actors were poorly used, also in some cases the special effects were too much. It could cost less and profit more. It can´t be a great movie anymore, but could have an spectacular sequel.”


Jacob Bradford,Temple,TX,76504,United States,2012-05-27,Amazing movie. It just can’t end there!!


Evaldas Augustas,claremorris,,n/a,Ireland,2012-05-27,It was meant to be a trilogy & I want a trilogy!!!







Efren Ventura De Horta,San Luis Potosi,,45058,Mexico,2012-05-27,”Firmo por que es una de las peliculas mas infravaloradas y coincido completamente … fue un error de Marketing y no de calidad de la pelicula, yo soy un caso nunca me llamo la antencion por que no vi publicidad ni promocion… la acabo de ver tiempo despues y ahora me arrepiento de no haberla ido a ver en el cine… es una belleza de pelicula a todos los niveles…es infantil pero no la hacen comica como Piratas del Caribe , las actuaciones ganan muchsimo , la musica los efectos… son enormes y el final soberbio… Una de mis favoritas y espero de vdd logremos algo para una secuela…”


Morgan Tanafon,Manchester,NH,03104,United States,2012-05-27,”Grew up reading the books, and it was great to see them translated so well to the screen. Great movie, just terrible marketing strategy. I’m going to buy it when it comes out, and I’d love for there to be a sequel.”


Miriel MacKenzie,Madrid,,28770,Spain,2012-05-28,”Because I believe Burroughs’ novels deserve a better chance at being adapted to the big screen. Adaptation of his works have almost never being successful, and I believe now to be the chance for that to change. ”


Thomas Ly,Paris,,75015,France,2012-05-28,”The first opus was epic, a very good start to a sequel. I loved the universe, the actors, the fx ! The failure of the movie in theater was obviously due to a very bad marketing, seriously the name “”John Carter”” for those whom did not know Burroughs, this name over being not attractive did not refer to anything. But this license is so rich and did deserve a enormous success, just check the feedbacks of those whom did see the film the grand majority is fan of it. In hope to see a sequel ! best regards”


Nick Akrivos,Loutraki,,20300,Greece,2012-05-28,John Carter was an incredibly fun movie and deserves a sequel! It was a beautiful story that must be told! Let John return to Dejah!!


Jakrii Apinya,Papaaloa,HI,96780,United States,2012-05-28,”I am supporting the continuation of a sequel to included Dejah Thoris of Barsoom, the most beautiful princess of Mars with admirable qualities of nobility in yet another John Carter adventure! ”


gary stowell,melbourne,FL,32901,United States,2012-05-29,I loved the books as a teenager and as a young adult. I still have the books and am re-reading them. The movie was great. I took my son( who is hard to impress) to see it and he liked it too! I just saw it again tonight. There is nothing about the movie that would have prevented it from being a blockbuster. Where were the books and action figures before the movie came out??? I want the sequels.


Gurjant Singh Kaura,Patiala,,147001,India,2012-05-29,John Carter is a great movie. Me and all of my friends hv liked it. This movie surely deserves a sequel……..


Peter Johnson,Kapolei,HI,96707,United States,2012-05-30,I feel that the perceived failure of the film is not due to the film its self but due to the lackluster effort put forward in promoting the film. i also feel the critics that panned the film didn’t fully understand that the story of john carter is the basis for many sci fi franchises.


Trizzy Slice,S. Bohan,NY,10000,United States,2012-05-30,moved by this film




Austin Ogden,MOOROOKA,,4120,Australia,2012-05-30,”Because John Carter as a movie was fantastic. I went and saw it twice, in 3D and 2D. The sequel has the potential to be awesome and think about this, of the ‘Terminator’ films, which one is most remembered? Number 2. I’d never even heard of the franchise until 2 came out. You’ve already got the design work for the sequel nutted out. Flex some muscle Disney and show everyone you’re not in it for awesome profits, but awesome stories still mean something to you. ”


Hardeep Singh,wolverhampton,,wv6 9dh,United Kingdom,2012-05-30,”because i watched the trailer for john carter and thought it would be rubbish but i watched it in cinema and it was one of the best movies ever. ps i never get so worked up about a film but this one was frickinnn awesome ”


Neil Baker,Ottawa,,K1J 7G8,Canada,2012-05-30,”So much potential… ”


Dawn Grove,”Sacramento, CA”,CA,95819,United States,2012-05-30,”It was the perfect blend of elements for awesome entertainment and in a world where it seems like every movie plot is so predictable, John Carter actually suprised me. Delightfully so. ”


Jonathan Mendez,greensboro,NC,27401,United States,2012-05-30,John carter was one of the best movies I’ve seen in the last years




Robert Scott,Luray,VA,22835,United States,2012-05-31,”Don’t let this go, it was such a marvelous, fun family film.”


Mark Egerton,London,,NW4 4EB,United Kingdom,2012-05-31,I loved the film and want more!


Leticia Herrero,Málaga,,29013,Spain,2012-06-01,LOVEEEEED THE MOVIE!! I need to know what happens next!!


Stephen Connolly,APO,AE,09226,United States,2012-06-01,”This movie was fantastic, my kids loved it, my father loved it…. everyone I know liked it, and I don’t understand how a movie like this could “”flop””. If this was supposed to be a trilogy… please see it through!”


Tom adams,brooklyn,NY,11543,United States,2012-06-01,I truly LOVED John Carter and want to help the movement!!


Michael Camper,Raliegh,NC,27606,United States,2012-06-01,This film is a life changer.


Joe Myers,Chattanooga,TN,37411,United States,2012-06-01,An entertaining and very enjoyable movie that didn’t get a fair shake. Loved the movie adaptation–and I’ve also read the books. Would love to see a sequel.


Tom Wieszczyk,Dansville,NY,14437,United States,2012-06-01,”John Carter of Mars is an amazing movie that only lost in the box office because of crappy advertising. This movie deserves a sequel and i would gladly pay to see it twice, something i have never done before!”


Dana Gard,Kensington,,c0b1b0,Canada,2012-06-01,It was an awesome first movie…bring on the sequel!


Saša Gagić,Banjaluka,,78000,Bosnia and Herzegovina,2012-06-02,Fantastic movie!!! It is magical experience !


nathan coyne,doncaster,,dn124ng,United Kingdom,2012-06-02,John Carter is in my opion one of the greatist films ever made the people who reviewed it where wrong and the marketing was wrong if you put more into the advertising of this film it would have made much more money then what it cost to make it.


Derk Bloin,Kennebec,,G0H1K0,Canada,2012-06-03,Really loved the movie and the cast… would love to see another one and wouldn’t mind a lower budget just to see what happens next!


Joni Kallio,Tampere,,33710,Finland,2012-06-03,Great MOVIE !!! Must get sequel and prove wrong to critcs!!


jeann navarro,balanga,,2102,Philippines,2012-06-04,”i have very much love for the movie ,it is an amazing movie ,it MUST have a sequel ..let us go back to barsoom!ock, ohem, ocktei, weis, BARSOOM!”


Genalyn Estrada,Makati,,1200,Philippines,2012-06-05,BECAUSE JOHN CARTER TOTALLY DESERVES A SEQUEL!


Nevin Halvorsen,Oregon City,OR,97045,United States,2012-06-05,Because while Pirates is getting yet another (albeit useless) sequel. JC deserves another chance – to at least get the public to experience the origins of sci-fi.


James May,Cairo,,55407,Egypt,2012-06-05,”I very much liked the film. I’ll have another, thank you.”


Henry A Otero,Miami,FL,33185,United States,2012-06-05,An amazing movie that deserves a sequel… I’m heading out to buy the Blu-ray today!!!


Akash Yadav,New Delhi,,110063,India,2012-06-05,I want to go back to Barsoom again.


rob davies,Cwmbran,,np44,United Kingdom,2012-06-05,John Carter did the impossible and brought barsoom to life but no one understood what was going give it another chance with better marketing


Sean Holland,Athens,GA,30606,United States,2012-06-05,Do not let the poor marketing of the first film cancel a promising series.


Gerald Folse,Raleigh,NC,27616,United States,2012-06-05,This movie was epic and a victim of poor promotion. I want to see how the rest of the story plays out. I loved the books. Let’s get this done.


Roscoe Ellis,San Antonio,TX,78205,United States,2012-06-05,I really want to see another John Carter movie.

Grace Amond,Pittsburgh,PA,15237,United States,2012-06-05,This movie was great! I’d love to see a sequel!


Thomas Novak,Cumming,GA,30041,United States,2012-06-05,ERB rules!


Mark Harmon,Robertson,WY,82944,United States,2012-06-05,”John Carter was a fantastic movie! The only ones who didn’t like it were the ones who didn’t see it. 😉 Like some of the other comments have said, it just had some less than effective marketing. A lot of people didn’t know this was based on a classic series, and was NOT copying movies that have come before, but the other way around.”


Timothy Tyler,Brodhead,KY,40409,United States,2012-06-05,”The passion in this film shows. It was a great movie and MANY people thought so. I bought the dvd the night it came out, as 7 other people that were there picking it up….Please don’t let this great vision die. Andrew Stanton did a GREAT job and his passion for the material clearly shows. Please listen to the fans on this one!!!!”


James Beimborn,Colo Spgs,CO,80920,United States,2012-06-05,As a Fan of John Carter since I read the first book in the 1970’s I loved the movie. This was a great movie and the story deserves to be completed with additional movies. Please bring it back


Daniel Kingston,Grantham,,NG31 9BQ,United Kingdom,2012-06-05,The only reason it flopped is because of the time the studios decided to release it. Why choose to go up against the likes of the Avengers?


Derek Heyden,Cumming,GA,30041,United States,2012-06-06,”Was a fantastic movie, just needed better previews to explain the plot better. Really hope to see a second one!”


Wayne Sung,Irvine,CA,92602,United States,2012-06-06,The movie just kicked a**. So why not a sequel?


Rob Toomy,Northborough,MA,01532,United States,2012-06-06,Great movies need support


Gregg Pirazzini,Carlsbad,CA,92011,United States,2012-06-06,”I saw the movie twice in theaters, bought the 3D Blu-Ray and want to see a sequel!”


Steve Sullivan,Kansasville,WI,53139,United States,2012-06-06,”This was an amazing film for all ages, and will surely be considered a classic in the future (if it’s not already). Andrew Stanton did a great job, and as fans, we want more.”


Scott Kimmey,Steamboat Springs,CO,80477,United States,2012-06-06,”I just finished “”Warlord Of Mars””, This movie inspired me to read the books and I was blown away. I liked this film even more after reading “”Princess Of Mars”” for the first time and eagerly anticipate your seeing the light and continuing this epic story!!!!!!”






Biki Minhas,surrey,,v3x3t6,Canada,2012-06-06,The movie took me back to a time of when Disney use to make heart felt touching story’s that bring about a sort of awe and imagination. Great movie would love to see what happens to John and Dejah and the rest of the crew PLEASE bring on a sequel Christine Varelas,Adelaide,,5018,Australia,2012-06-06,Because this is one of my favorite films and i would love to see the sequels David Moulton,Orem,UT,84097,United States,2012-06-06,John Carter was a great movie that wasn’t given the chance it deserved. Melanie


Crosmun,Lansing,MI,48917,United States,2012-06-06,”John Carter is one of the best films I’ve seen in a very long time, and the terrible mismanagement of the promotional material is what led to its poor performance in theaters. Now that the DVDs and Blurays are up for sale, it’s clear that America LOVES John Carter! All the franchise needed was a chance to get out there and appeal to the younger generations who weren’t familiar with Burroughs’ work. This movie was fantastic… it deserves a sequel, and I know it’d do great now that the franchise has established an audience!”


Dryka Lefrak,Boynton Beach,FL,33472,United States,2012-06-07,”This movie was amazing! One of the best in a while. It had poor timing as it was released with other movies that had big following, but we’re all desperately awaiting a sequel! PLeaaaaaaaaase!”


James Haws,Moses Lake,WA,98837,United States,2012-06-07,It was a great movie that needs more! With an ending like that why not?!!


Bill Lukawy,Calgary,,t2v4n7,Canada,2012-06-07,Saw it yesterday on pay per view. Incredible movie!! Loved every second!!!!!!!


Doug Hall,Austin,TX,78749,United States,2012-06-07,”John Carter was an OUTSTANDING movie. I paid for 7 tickets in total. My sons both saw it. My youngest 3x, me 2x, my wife and oldest son 1x. It was excellent on almost every level. What did you guys do to undermine it?”


Ken yount,Marshfield,WI,54449,United States,2012-06-07,I love Edgar Rice Burroughs. I’m a member of Disney DVD my copy of John Carter got here yesterday.


Todd Massie,Bangkok,,9,Thailand,2012-06-08,”I think this film was marketed well, to say the least.”


Armando Olazabal,Wausau,WI,54403,United States,2012-06-08,”As skeptical as i was after seeing the trailers on tv, i decided to buy the bluray dvd and i have to say it was THE BEST MOVIE i’ve this year!!! If the commercials and ads would have been more informative about what this movie was about i strongly believe this would have been a blockbuster. I HAVE TO GET MORE OF THIS STORY!!!”


Brian Lannon,Kamloops,,v2e 2e4,Canada,2012-06-08,There needs to be sequel to such a great story. The first was poorly named and marketed. Please finish the story.


Bonnie Dillabough,Rockingham,NC,28379,United States,2012-06-08,”Many years ago my husband of now 39 years and I were newlyweds and still kind of figuring out how to be a couple. I accidentally stumbled upon “”A Princess of Mars”” by Edgar Rice Burroughs. I shared it with my husband and we ended up reading the entire John Carter of Mars series together, to be followed by just about every book Burroughs ever wrote. We were so excited to see the books portrayed so well on the screen, but you are right, JC has so many other amazing adventures which could make an awesome series, after all, if they can do it for Rocky and Spiderman, JC deserves his chance. ”

Michael Eldridge,Sutton,MA,02590,United States,2012-06-08,”There is so much more to tell from this series. It was such a great read. This movie should have gotten so much more attention, but instead the only ones that attended the showing I went to were older people who had read the books as a kid, like myself. I spoke to another person I convinced to go (who also liked them and then read the books. He is my age, 50s and said it was the same, just older folks who attended) The word just did not get out to the younger generation about the importance of this movie. Thank you for making this first movie!” Charlie Pontiff,Littleton,CO,80123,United States,2012-06-08,Because the ending to john carter made me want to see more!


Jason Diaz ,San Bruno,CA,94066,United States,2012-06-09,”Movie was awesome but I barely heard anything about it. A friend suggested it. He said “”the best movie ever!”” So I went and checked it out and couldn’t agree more. I bought the movie for my Kindle!!! Bad marketing!!!”


Joe Selleck,Surprise,AZ,85379,United States,2012-06-09,The movie was fantastic and deserves a sequel. Critics are worthless and should never be taken seriously


Isaac Leath,Big Rapids,MI,49307,United States,2012-06-10,I believe the John Carter movie has been wrongly given bad reviews. I loved it and would love to see a sequel!!


Brandon Brown,Arvada,CO,80004,United States,2012-06-10,”i loved the books and was stoked that they made a movie, but when i heard that there wont be a gods of mars movie i felt ripped off that one of my favorite stories wont be made into a saga like star wars was”


Michael E. Pajak,Ware,MA,01082,United States,2012-06-10,”This was the best movie I’ve seen so far this year, and I see alot of movies. Better than The Avengers, Prometheus, and much better than The Hunger Games. It was unfortunately released sandwhiched between The Lorax and The Hunger Games. The marketing was terrible, and everyone jumped on the bandwagon wanting this to fail, including Disney who wrote this movie off after only 10 days announcing a huge write-off. This movie never stood a chance of letting good worth-of-mouth give this movie some legs. I thought this movie would be the start of a great new franchise. I would rather look forward to a new John Carter sequel or two, than another tired Pirates of the Caribbean sequel. ”


Rachel Patterson,Virginia Beach,VA,23454,United States,2012-06-10,The books are a great read and the movie transcended it beautifully!


Mark Woodcock,Battle Ground,IN,47920,United States,2012-06-10,The movie was totally under rated I my family enjoyed the heck out of it and left us wanting more.


Tim Brown,Midwest City,OK,73130,United States,2012-06-10,I read all of the novels by Edgar Rice Burroughs as soon as I was to read. I greatly enjoyed the movie and would love to see more of John Carter and his adventures on Barsoom.


Jaymes Thompson,Bowling Green,OH,43402,United States,2012-06-10,Because John Carter deserves to have a sequel!


Nikki S,K,HI,96744,United States,2012-06-10,”This movie wasn’t given nearly enough of a chance. People were ready to hate it before it even came out, and the marketing didn’t help. But I loved the film, and I would love to see a sequel with the original cast. I think John Carter deserves it. :)”

Clare Smith,Kaneohe,HI,96744,United States,2012-06-10,Loved this movie! Want to see a sequel soon.


Michael Wills,Austell,GA,30168,United States,2012-06-10,Because there is far more to the story of JCoM.


William Geary,Pacific Grove,CA,93950,United States,2012-06-11,”John Carter was a damn fun movie hit by the perfect storm of bad marketing and coming up against the Hunger Games, and the inspiration for Star Wars, Avatar and even freakin’ Superman deserves better than being a giant flop.”


Beau Hesterberg,Los Fresnos,TX,78566,United States,2012-06-11,”I had no idea what “”John Carter”” was, and the trailers didn’t help. But I was curious enough to do some research. As I started reading the titles of the book series, I recognized them from some of my dad’s old paperback novels we found in a box as a kid. Then I was curious enough to start reading them. Fully stoked for the movie, I finally watched it and LOVED it! Just showed it on DVD to my wife, and she loved it too. We have no idea why this bombed. But I would LOVE to see a sequel. Take us back to Barsoom!”


damaso hanson,estherville,IA,51334,United States,2012-06-11,i would love to see a sequel to this


Phaedra Flietstra,Hollywood,FL,33019,United States,2012-06-11,It is one of the few truly great science fiction adventure movies to date (i can think of only two others) and it would be a shame to end the fun there. Remarkable movie.


Akeel Ahmad,Glasgow,,G53 7UL,United Kingdom,2012-06-11,”This film never got a fair chance, they panned it before it even came out!”


Jeffrey Vaca,San Diego,CA,92126,United States,2012-06-12,100 years in the making and it was hamstrung before it ever had a chance. This movie deserves a sequel!


Daniel Price,Chesapeake,VA,23325,United States,2012-06-12,Cause that movie is flipping AWESOME!


Devin Pruitt,West Terre Haute,IN,47885,United States,2012-06-12,Because John Carter is one of the best Disney Movies made so far!!!


Jeffrey Lee,San Gabriel,CA,91775,United States,2012-06-12,”I’d really enjoyed the movie, John Carter is something new and refreshing compare to today’s movies. Based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Princess of Mars novel, this movie is great and not to be missed if you love science-fiction and fantasy novels and movies! Good thing, Disney bought the rights and made the film, if it were made by another company, it won’t be that good. John Carter deserves a sequel and a trilogy in relation to the POTC movies! I want to go back to Barsoom! Disney, please make a deserved sequel!”








Diana Davidson,Rigby,ID,83442,United States,2012-06-12,”It was a F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C. movie that I’m anxious to own, and very Very much would love to see the sequel. Do John and Dasia make a baby with purple blood? *lol* I want to see Mars restored to lush life! Also the subtle humor threaded through-out was so perfectly placed I sort of died. ^v^ Okay, fully died. LOVED the monster dog thing that moved like speedy gonzalas, and the development of the… um. Thuugs?? The green people. There is just so much potential here- and now I feel I must read the book by Edgar Rice Boroughs, who with his artistic vision was run out of the same town I was run out of much the same way, Pocatello, ID. Yay for Artistic Genius little guy overcoming neanderthals of our time!”


Ariel DeLgado,Antioch,TN,37013,United States,2012-06-12,Loved the movie. Really well made. It deserves a sequel. Francesco Mascetti,capiago,,22100,Italy,2012-06-12,”John Carter IS one of the most promising sagas of the last years, it could even be the new star wars or LOTR, but it needs time to grow in fame and fans. Stopping now, with such a good cast, production and the stories already written would be the real waste of money. Big projects, like this one, need a LONG TERM view. When the saga will come out with the second movie everyone will run for the first one to catch up. Dont give up on this, it could be this generation sci-fi saga. Dreams is what Disney’s brand is famous for. Keep it up guys! We’ll back you up!”


Michael Chapman,Cornelius,OR,97113,United States,2012-06-13,These are a great series of books and will make a great series of movies if directed right and promoted properly! Look at what Peter Jackson did with Lord of the Rings!


Michelle Gibbs,Port Ludlow,WA,98365,United States,2012-06-13,This movie serieswill be like the new star wars…My whole family LOVES this movie and we can’t wait to see more


Shannon Davis,Huntington,WV,25703,United States,2012-06-14,”This movie was wonderful, and I would adore a sequel. What you need is better advertising! How many people brushed this off as a cheesy movie because they didn’t know of the books, or what the movie was all about? My wife nearly did, and now she’s a complete devotee!”


Nick Lars,Saint Paul,MN,55125,United States,2012-06-14,”This was the first movie I ever clapped at the end in the theaters and when I went online to find out it had so many bad reviews and people calling it a flopped, I was so offended. There is so much junk out there now and all these “”critics”” say its a bad movie? I absolutely loved John Carter and I don’t care what other people say. I WANT A SEQUEL!! A LOYAL SEQUEL, WITH THE SAME ACTORS! DO US RIGHT FOR ONCE CAPITALISM!! Lol. Seriously, give us a sequel, or two. ”


Paulo Lam,santa ana,CA,92705,United States,2012-06-14,I just enjoyed the movie and was left wanting more.


Jason Hensley,Anchorage,AK,99508-6005,United States,2012-06-14,Because I loved John Carter!!!


Sheryll Ryder ,Garden Grove,CA,92843,United States,2012-06-14,I loved John Carter and really want to see a sequel!


Keith Mudd,Tallahassee,FL,32311,United States,2012-06-14,I love well written and directed film – it would be a shame for Hollywood to kill it!


John Pilz,Treasure Island,FL,33706,United States,2012-06-14,”I love this movie a lot. I just hope the people at Disney know that this awesome movie has been seriously undermined by its marketing. I don’t have a degree in marketing but I know how the marketing could have been done to make the movie appealing to more people. For one, people love the shiny things – the cool flying vehicles, the moving city and the city of Helium itself! The unpredictability of the plot and the setting of the story alone are awesome things to market! Sure, the gladiator fight was nice… but the unfamiliar masses want to know what the story is really about. Playing with the age-old Helium/Zodanga feud and the mysterious Thurns would have definitely attracted people to see this movie for themselves in droves.”


James F. Thompson,Clarksville,TN,37043,United States,2012-06-15,JOHN CARTER was a fine film from the pen of the grandfather of Science Fiction; America deserves more of his adventures.


Jamil jones,millville,NJ,08332,United States,2012-06-15,John Carter blew me away and the last movie like that was casper lol im 20 years old and im a pot head so you know i know what im talking about. If Avatar and Prince Of Persia had a baby it would be John carter


Isaiah Falcon,helena,MT,59602,United States,2012-06-15,i want to move forward that’s all


Matt Dibb,Salt Lake City,UT,84117,United States,2012-06-15,The movie was so fun and everyone I know that saw it agreed. It got screwed by its marketing campaign.


Jason King,Henderson,KY,42420,United States,2012-06-16,I want a sequel. I want more to the story.


David Bollenback,Tallahassee,FL,32304,United States,2012-06-16,”Hated the Ads. Hated the name. I wasn’t convinced in the least by Andrew Stanton’s over-zealous pitch. But I loved this movie. After renting it, I bought it and will buy the rest.”


Dan Nez,Schenectady,NY,12305,United States,2012-06-16,The franchise has so much potential. Would be a terrible waste to not explore the universe if u


Josh Patterson,Kent,OH,44240,United States,2012-06-16,Due to Disney’s inability to hire mindful and creative individuals to make proper trailers; in addition to releasing this movie during a season in which most movies of its kind are released during the summer or Christmas season should not deter making a second film. Hire a proper marketing team to really deliver a quality product.


Curtis Danner,Albany,OR,97322,United States,2012-06-16,”John Carter is awesome, and deserves more.”


Jim Ptice,Bunker Hill,WV,25413,United States,2012-06-16,Loved the movie and hoping they make a sequel!!!!


Garrett Mathews,Providence,UT,84332,United States,2012-06-17,”I loved this movie! It was such an immersive, awesome experience! I wish I would have known more about it when it was released in the theatre, i would have gone at least twice! You can really feel the actors love for the story they are a part of. I sure love it on blue ray. WE NEED MORE JOHN CARTER!! ”


Tom Kimbrough,Port Charlotte,FL,33948,United States,2012-06-17,”Loved this Movie, and now I can enjoy it on Blu-Ray many times over!”


Carmine Richie,Clarksville,TN,37042,United States,2012-06-17,”I’m signing this because the movie was outstanding! It deserves to continue to be told. So help me god if I see another sequel to a dance movie, an american pie or the likes and this amazing movie doesn’t get a sequel, I will lose my mind. Much better marketing that will appeal to those on the fence about this or that don’t know what it is would have helped and can help the second time around!”


Daniel Geer,Howell,MI,48843,United States,2012-06-18,Because JOHN CARTER was an incredibly wonderful film with a great story that was poorly marketed and deserves sequels.


John Lampoe,Australia,,4034,Australia,2012-06-18,”I read the books as a child, and i really loved this movie, please, please please release a sequel”


JARED SETTLE ,leesburg,FL,34748,United States,2012-06-18,”Because i loved this movie, and now that people are spreading the word i know that if a john carter sequal was made that it would def put the series back up there.”


Tom van der Ende,Naaldwijk,,2671wb,Netherlands,2012-06-18,Bring Back John Carter I am a fan of john carter


bert tuttle,spring,TX,77373,United States,2012-06-19,”like most other first movies..the sequels always do better, too many to list. people will know a lil something about the next movie.”


Andrew Hutson,MESA,AZ,85201,United States,2012-06-19,”This film was better than the studio gave it credit for. Its title was its Achilles Heel, marketing-wise. I loved it, and would pay to see more of it.”


LORI BROWN,Rock Springs,WY,82901,United States,2012-06-19,JOHN CARTER SEQUAL MUST HAVE


Dirk Rosenberry,Oregon City,OR,97045,United States,2012-06-20,Great movie


Lewis Chamberlin,San Diego,CA,92154,United States,2012-06-20,”I grew up reading these books. I want to see the trylogy completed. I know that the next two movie would be great to see, and I know that everyone else would love to see it completed too.”


Kattia Prado,Madison,WI,53704,United States,2012-06-20,”I didn’t saw this movie in the theater because never heard of it on time. Now that I have watched on TV, I’m hoked. I want to see it back in the theaters and absolutely want to see a sequel. I’m buy the Bluray today.”


Ashley Spera,Lomita,CA,90717,United States,2012-06-21,”John Carter was one of the best movies this year. It transports you to another place and time, the entire cast and crew deserve the chance to finish telling the story of John Carter and Barsoom!”


Jonathan Owens,Columbus,IN,47201,United States,2012-06-21,I love this movie and the books and it breaks my heart that Disney won’t give it a second chance


Julian Sicrea,Newcastle,,2287,Australia,2012-06-22,”I am a huge fan of the film and it is the most original and finely produced piece of work i have seen in a long time, there must be a number 2 or 3 produced !”


Howard Rogers,Scottsdale,AZ,85258,United States,2012-06-22,Love the movie!!



Sarah Wall,Corn,OK,73024,United States,2012-06-22,”Because out of the many films I’ve seen, John Carter was one of the few that I didn’t want to see end.”


Arne Starr,Burbank,CA,91504,United States,2012-06-22,”This was the character that started it all, Superman, Buck Rogers, Star Wars and this film was most definately up to it even though the former Disney regime was not and failed miserably in making this one of the years blockbusters instead of stabbing it in the back, DVD/Blu sales will prove that it was what we always thought, a good film, and worthy of continuing as a franchise. Alan, you have the finished product. You have the words of the people who have actually seen it, largely positive, and not those arrogant news people who didn’t even see the film, just copied from one another a story about a budget. and by now you are seeing the numbers. Already made its budget back, and the dvd/blu sales launch ot well above that. It was and is, a hit. Sabotaged, but has risen above that. Be the hero.”


Peter Marron,Westlake,OH,44145,United States,2012-06-23,I saw this movie and loved it. John’s story isn’t over yet!


Karina Adame-Meza,Burien,WA,98148,United States,2012-06-23,”This movie was AMAZING from beginning to end. I was entretained every minute of it. It’s a great story with really cool special effects, but the entire story hasn’t been told yet… i need john carter to go back to Barshoom to see if things changed over there in the past 10 years…. is the princess still alive? has it been more than 10 years in Barshoom??? i don’t really see the point for the movie John Carter if it’s not going to be a sequel. I’m pretty sure that we all want to know the rest of the story ;)”


Thomas Brueggemann,Columbus,IN,47201,United States,2012-06-23,John Carter was an inspiration. Make a Sequel


Russell Oldham,Blanchard,OK,73010,United States,2012-06-23,”As a society we do not promote or encourage people to remember the classic stories that are the foundation for all of our modern fiction. This was a very good film, but too many people have no idea who John Carter is. The fan base will come in time, so Disney needs to keep making plans for a sequel and be ready!”


Stephen Wilson,Houston,TX,77084-2859,United States,2012-06-24,”I think that the movie took a hit that it didn’t deserve, I thought that it was an excellent movie and I would love to see a sequel!”


Shanna Wilson,Houston,TX,77084-2859,United States,2012-06-24,I thought that the movie was excellent and I really think there needs to be a sequel!


Matt Behm,Boone,IA,50036,United States,2012-06-24,I fell in love with the first film and I must see the series through its entirety.


Miceal O’Griafa,Paris,,75012,France,2012-06-24,”I Am a “”bande dessinée”” (French hardcover comic book) writer. Loved this unpretentious nevertheless ambitious movie which was everything I’d have dreamed to see in my teens, hated the way its communication was so poorly handled, was totally taken in both by its qualities and its defects, and want to see more. Adventure, romance, epic battles, exotic locations, charismatic characters, and tons of fun: what else ? This movie, true to the spirit of the Edgar Rice Burroughs books, is exactly what widescreen was invented for and definitely deserves to be given a second chance in movie theaters! Let them take us back to that lost golden age of filmaking when Directors still used to shoot for their dreams…”

Ryan Labrie,kitchener,,n2n3s3,Canada,2012-06-25,It was a beautiful film


Raymond Hesterberg,Brownsville,TX,78520,United States,2012-06-25,I loved reading John Carter as a kid and it’s even more fun watching the movie creativity.


Bill Driskill,Rocklin,CA,95677,United States,2012-06-25,Big fan of ERB and Disney. Loved the movie and looking forward to parts 2 and 3!


Brad Hodson,Sammamish,WA,98074,United States,2012-06-25,I’d like to see a second one better than the first!


Moshome Rabothata,Johannesburg,,2195,South Africa,2012-06-25,”I loved the movie, great adventure and imagination. I would love to see the story continue.”


Lloyd Obrien,dagenham,,rm9 6dj,United Kingdom,2012-06-25,”The first was a brilliant film, let down by poor media coverage… More publicity for the next one! ”


Latham Woodward,Oakland,CA,94607,United States,2012-06-25,”Other influences ruined this film release, not the movie itself. I loved John Carter, let’s see another!!”


Sarah Tasch,Delavan,WI,53115,United States,2012-06-25,”This movie is amazing. I’m watching it now for the sixth time, in the last few days.”


Muzikayise Buthelezi,Randburg,,2188,South Africa,2012-06-25,”this is an awesome movie, more people should watch it. seems like there’s a general plot to make this movie fail i wonder why? could it be the fact that it talks about Mars having a breathable atmosphere or the fact that there are humanoids on Mars. Whatever the reason is someone does not wish to see this movie succeed anyway,lets prove that person wrong, that we will decide for ourselves what is good,therefore join the cause. I will be definitely be buying the DVD. thank you!”


Robert Appleton,Bolton,,BL1 3EU,United Kingdom,2012-06-26,”‘John Carter’ is my favourite movie this year–I saw it three times at IMAX–and having read the next two books, I can only imagine how incredible the movie sequels would be. Bring back Taylor and Lynn!”


Lisa Walsh,Westfield,IN,46074,United States,2012-06-26,I loved John Carter and want to see what happens next.


Dan Strecker,Columbus,NE,68601,United States,2012-06-26,not very many movies that are as good as this one is


Carl Fuller,,,,United States,2012-06-26,”I saw it at the theater when it came out and loved it. I bought the Blu-ray and in the last 2 weeks I have watched it 4 times. I am not a kid I am 56 years old and a 32 year veteran of Army Special Forces and a big Si-Fi fan. You have a winner here, you cannot watch the movie and send John Carter back and not want to see the sequel!!! Need to work on your marketing.”


David Landers,Draper,UT,84020,United States,2012-06-26,It was a really good start to a story that I’d like to see more of.


Albert Perez,El Paso,TX,79912,United States,2012-06-27,Liked the original books so much I’ve bought three copies of the first three books over the years.


Greg Baumgartner,Vail,AZ,85641,United States,2012-06-27,Been reading Burroughs for 35 years. Mars series one of my favs.


leslie reyes,whitby,,l1p1x3,Canada,2012-06-27,I watch this movie at least once a week. It has a better story line and acting than a majority of films now a days! Disney give it a second chance!!!


Nicholas Fenner,Amarillo,TX,79121,United States,2012-06-28,”I did not make it to see this movie in theater, as I had just moved and did not know much about the movie. I am petitioning because I feel better advertisement and promotion for a sequel would make it a success. There is a great storyline to work with, and the team for the first movie did an excellent job.”


James Manley,newnan,GA,30263,United States,2012-06-28,John Carter was not a bad movie. Better marketing would have helped a lot.


Chris Fenner,New Orleans,LA,70123,United States,2012-06-28,I really would like to see a sequel.


Chad Hobby,Orlando,FL,,United States,2012-06-28,Coolest movie this year! syahmi sulaiman,johor bahru,,80350,Malaysia,2012-06-28,john carter is a great movie for me and watching it without the sequel will make the movie an unfinished business


Renee Barrett,Madison,AL,35758,United States,2012-06-28,”This was a great rendition of Burroughs novel, I was able to enjoy it with my Dad, who read them as a boy (born in 1938)! He is also hopeful of a sequel.”


Emily Macafore,,,,United States,2012-06-28,”It’s the air ships. The air ships so closely resemble what I had imagined when reading the books as a child, I was stunned! Bring back my air ships! Fabulous movie!”


Michael Morrow,West Sacramento,CA,95691,United States,2012-06-28,Disney has a great history of bringing worthy legends and tales to life for everyone to see. I prefer that Disney be the one to bring more of John Carter to life as ERB and Walt intended.


Giselle Tunis,New Castle,DE,19720,United States,2012-06-28,”Movies like this make much more money overseas than domestically. Once a studio lets go of the fixation on the American market, the possibilities (and profits) are endless. John Carter was wildly popular around the world, and sequels are a sure-fire investment, so let’s all go back to Barsoom!”


James Stanley,Greater London,,RH2 7HR,British Indian Ocean Territory,2012-06-29,”First Mongrels is denied a third series, now this?? i Demand that Carter get a follow_up!”


Barry Warner,Draper,UT,84020,United States,2012-06-29,I think the film was fantastic and would love to see the story pick up where it left off! I love the reality that the audience was immersed in this film and would like to return there again.


Mark Damato,Henrico,VA,23228,United States,2012-06-30,I saw the movie today on DVD for the first time. It reminded me of how I felt when I first saw Star Wars & Indiana Jones when they came out in the theaters. I was John Carter to have a sequel — I need to experience the rest of the story!


Charles Boots,Westfield,IN,46074,United States,2012-06-30,I want to go back to Barsoom.


Diane Boots,Westfield,IN,46074,United States,2012-07-01,”I loved “” John Carter “” and I want to see more.”


Sergey Borisov,Kyiv,,03150,Ukraine,2012-07-01,Because I really enjoyed the 1st part and want some more of John Carter’s adventures.


Reg Jesshope,Bothell,WA,98021,United States,2012-07-02,”At age 59, & a semi-retired doc, I just found out about this books series, books in a weeks time before seeing the movie. I was not disappointed & loved the movie. And so much so, went to the movie theatre to see it twice, & that I have done only to a handful of movies in my life! And, I have been a science fiction fan all my life too!! Just did not know. But I made a point of reading all the books in the series the week before the movie opened, so I would be up to speed & understand. Though the movie did not follow the first book in its exact format, which was amazing (the book), the movie was still an amazing well done job, & in fact, was spectacular! This series sequel(s) needs to been done!! As the book series is ‘the’ classic one that started it all, as, a movie sequel series would in my opinion, take off even bigger than this first movie, now that the public has been made aware of the movie & book series. But a better advertising job needs to be done. I see that was the failure of the movie marketing to the public and theatres, not the movie itself. As everyone I reco’d to see that movie & did, loved it as I did! So, please do the sequels, & also get a new advertising team, as they blew this one big time! Keep the director & actors, as they were excellent & made is a wonderful ride into another world, & was as much fun as Star Wars. And that is saying a tremendous amount, as that series is one of the all time greats ever done! This movie series has the equal potential to equal or surpass that series….this movie was that good! Thanks for reading & I hope you are getting the message from this person, & others doing this petition….& of course, the usual ‘silent majority’ that probably feel the same way as well. Please make the sequels!!…..  ”


Drew Adams,Exeter,,EX4 2NH,United Kingdom,2012-07-02,To see this taken further. Sequels with better target groups and publicity in advance.


George Marin,Oak Harbor,WA,98277,United States,2012-07-03,I read all 13 books of the ERB Martian series in the early 1970s. I loved the characters and was so grateful to see that someone in hollywood caught the vision and made a movie based on his story. It begs to have a sequel (probably more).


Ricardo Valencia ,Riverside,CA,92508,United States,2012-07-04,A movie which turned out to be great in my eyes got unfair press.


Christina Roloson,Fredericksburg,VA,22405,United States,2012-07-04,The Princess of Mars was the first book my dad gave me as a young person. I greatly enjoyed the movie and my kids were inspired to read the books!


Aleksandar Damjanovic,Belgrade,,11000,Serbia,2012-07-04,I am signing because this movie is inspiring and is worth of having a sequel!


Dareen Elkhairi,Dubai,,0000,United Arab Emirates,2012-07-04,”Because John Carter is the best movie ever, and I am signing this peition so we you can make a sequel out of it! :)”


Ray Brewer,,,74361,United States,2012-07-04,We need a sequel please. Do not let all this fan love be lost.


Jeremy Garretson,Lima,OH,45801,United States,2012-07-05,Im signing because I really had no ambition to watch this film when it came out in the theatre. Your marketing firm tanked this film and created this entire mess. Fire the people that marketed this film and use that money to create a sequel. This was on of THE BEST SCI-FI films I have watched to date. The entire idea is surreal and captures the imagination.


david hess,baltimore,MD,21211,United States,2012-07-05,loved this film


Dan Evans,Liverpool,,L18 1du,United Kingdom,2012-07-05,I wasn’t expecting much from this movie after watching the trailer. I ended up seeing it and absolutely loved it. I really want to see how the story continues. Please make John Carter 2


Jason Waelti,Christiansburg,VA,24073,United States,2012-07-05,I love these stories!! The screenplay was an intelligent adaptation and deserves continuation.


Peggy Linden,,,,United States,2012-07-05,”I agree with other signers that the movie was well written, well conceived and well produced, why wasn’t it well publicized? I have loved these books since I was very young girl, and the movie did not disappoint. Please give us a sequel of this caliber, and they will come!”


Charles Jackson,Lake Charles,LA,70607,United States,2012-07-05,Wana see a part two with same major actors.


Justin Becker,,,,United States,2012-07-06,”The first film is far better than it got credit for, and there is a wealth of ERB material to mine a full on trilogy from. The fanbase will grow.”


Dawn Alcorn,Shepherdsville,KY,40165,United States,2012-07-06,My family and I want to see John Carter back on Mars. Hopefully with a family and better knowledge of the 9th Ray. To see the Thern destroyed. I think there would be more profit to be made now that everyone knows who John Carter is.



Michael Abdallah,Punchbowl,,2196,Australia,2012-07-06,One of my favourite movie’s I have ever seen. I have watched it numerous times


Rob Morton,Derby,,DE23,United Kingdom,2012-07-06,John Carter is an excellent film and deserves a sequel!


Adam Qualls,Germantown,MD,20874,United States,2012-07-06,For sequal to John carter movie Matthew Sharman,Wisbech,,Pe149ea,United Kingdom,2012-07-06,Because the movie was brilliant and although it box office takings now on dvd the film is truly showing its popularity and it is number 1 in all shops and it deserves a sequel.


Monica Serrano,Mustang,OK,73064,United States,2012-07-07,”I watched this movie with my eleven year old son. He was enthralled as was I, such a great story. I loved the Princes and there were so many great mini stories with in it. My eleven year old has been playing games and he is at that age where he isn’t getting excited about “”kid”” movies. He LOVED this movie. He told his friends, I had my friends watch it and we walked away confused. Why did this movie fail? It was a very good movie and the way it ended make us want to see it more. Next time I will see it at the theatre and I would like a rerelease, because I am sorry I missed it on the big screen. Please give us 2 and I hope the original actors sign up for it. Take us BACK TO BARSOOM!”


Darrell Prince,Brooklyn,NY,11206,United States,2012-07-07,Good movie.. badly marketed


christian de vriend,Eursinge,,1234nl,Netherlands,2012-07-07,”the first one brought a new kind of movie to the screen,it just tasts for more”


Jae Miles,Worthing,,BN11 1QY,United Kingdom,2012-07-07,A film so greviously mis-marketed should not be punished for the incompetence of the marketeers when the product is a masterpiece that should become a fantasy classic.


Ralph Lawson,Columbia,SC,29201,United States,2012-07-07,”JOHN CARTER was one of my favorite movies of the year. After waiting most of my life for Burroughs’ novels to be properly adapted, this film got it right. While it may not have made as much money as Disney would have liked, the fault was not with the film but with the admittedly mediocre marketing campaign. There are plenty more stories to be told in the world Andrew Stanton established, and I would love to see further adventures of John Carter on Mars.”


Mike Ogden,Manchester,,M203YA,United Kingdom,2012-07-07,Because I liked the first movie and I think it deserves a sequel.


Clay harris,Silver Spring,MD,20904,United States,2012-07-07,”that scene where Carter and Woola take on the Thark horde, and Dejah Thoris cries out for him….it makes me weep.Only 2 movies before have EVER made me weep: Bambi and Edward Scissorshands. John Carter is genius.”


Joshua Minter,palestine,TX,75802,United States,2012-07-08,”Read the Barsoomian series in middle school, been in love every since. It is science fiction of Verne proportions and laid the groundwork for all good stories since. Can’t get enough of John Carter. And what a romance!!”



Sandy Spangler,Vancouver,,V5T 0A2,Canada,2012-07-08,”I loved this film and felt it did great justice to the classic books. I was however amazed and disappointed at the insufficient and badly designed marketing campaign that left so many would-be fans confused and uninterested. Why spend 300 million dollars on an amazing film only to drop the ball? And even worse, then write off such a creative masterpiece as an expensive mistake, never giving it and the talented team that made it the credit they deserve? I am glad fans are speaking out in support of a sequel. More John Carter please!!”


Tony Vit,Pacific Pines,,4211,Australia,2012-07-08,Bring on the sequel.


Gavril Hing,Singapore,,Singapore,Singapore,2012-07-08,The movie was underrated.


Bryan Molina,Guayaquil,,593,Ecuador,2012-07-09,This movie is so amazing and must have a great sequel… This is a good idea


Shane Ashby,Adelaide,,5159,Australia,2012-07-09,Because i loved the movie & i demand a sequel…


Kim Edon,Yeovil,,Ba21 5qr,United Kingdom,2012-07-10,These films need a trilogy look at the fan support!!!


Pratyay Das Sarma,Kolkata,,700032,India,2012-07-10,Because I really do want to go back to Barsoom……


Kathleen Jensen,Huntington,NY,11743,United States,2012-07-10,Very good movie…would love to see the sequel.


sally gale,New Malden,,KT3 6NA,United Kingdom,2012-07-10,Would like john carter 2 made first one was brilliant


Cody Zimmerman,Nashville,IL,62263,United States,2012-07-10,It is one of my all-time favorites and I would love to see a sequal.


Graham Vowell,benton,AR,72019,United States,2012-07-10,”John Carter deserves a proper sequel, and may the marketing for that film be better then the pathetic marketing for the first film.”


Daniel Sellaro,Sydney,,2756,Australia,2012-07-10,”Because without a Cult-like following, movies such as john carter wouldn’t be deemed worthy of a sequel by the execs at disney. We must be the ones who are diligent and put in the hard fight, and when that fight (for the masses) is to join groups and sign petitions, it’s not that big of a ask really. Viva La Barsoom!!”


Sam Odom,Titusville,FL,32796,United States,2012-07-10,” Loved the books, Love the movie!!”


Teddy Johnston,Morris,AL,35116,United States,2012-07-10,”I LOVE the movie, please bring a sequel to this Universe”


Mollie Knute,West Hollywood,CA,90046,United States,2012-07-10,”Like many people, the only thing I heard about John Carter during its box-office run was how much a flop it was. So, out of curiosity, I rented it when it came out on video. It’s pretty good! I’m going to buy it on Blu-ray and help support Disney in making a sequel.”

Jon Shedden,Brisbane,,4118,Australia,2012-07-10,”It’s not often a movie touches hearts. Please create a great series, not a great profit margin!”


Scott Casper,Hanover Park,IL,60133,United States,2012-07-10,Because that movie was amazing!


André Nordin,Umeå,,90333,Sweden,2012-07-10,John Carter deserves a sequel!


Allan Grohe,Wichita,KS,67218-1412,United States,2012-07-10,”John Carter was a good film, and deserves a second chance at the open market, with a good marketing plan behind it.”


Avinash Stubbs,weybridge,,kt130sy,United Kingdom,2012-07-10,”JOHN CARTER IS AWESOME! There was nothing wrong with the film it was just the terrible advertising and poor release timing – an October release date would have been better.”


Chuck Dillon,Mt Laurel,NJ,08054,United States,2012-07-10,I honestly think this is the best scifi movie made in years. It deserves to live. With proper marketing there is no reason it shouldn’t do excellent at the box office.


James Davis,Mechanicsville,VA,23111,United States,2012-07-11,JCoM is freakin’ awesome. Hollywood seriously did wrong to this movie and it deserved better recognition.


Matthew Basher,Sheffield,,S12 2ET,United Kingdom,2012-07-11,”I believe John Carter will one day be regarded as a cult classic, it was unfairly judged by many critics and deserves a shot at becoming a franchise. The characters possess such potential. The source material from Edgar Rice Burroughs stands the test of time and many sci-fi films have so obviously borrowed from his works, you can see the influence from Star Wars to Flash Gordon. It is true that it was perhaps a failure on the marketing side which let John Carter down, because it certainly wasn’t the cast and crew with particular mention going to Lynn Collins who was mesmerizing as Princess Dejah, and Taylor Kitsch as John Carter. Sci-fi fans are beginning to spread the word and I feel confident it will recoup some of its losses on Blu-ray and DVD. Now, please Mr Horn can we have a sequel. For we are ugly but we are beautiful and we will fight for Barsoom!!!”


Jeff Scott,Lumberton,NJ,08048,United States,2012-07-11,Make a sequel to John Carter


michael corradini,wollongong,,2526,Australia,2012-07-11,BECAUSE I WANT A JOHN CARTER 2


Brad Paulson,Leland,IA,50453,United States,2012-07-11,Lifelong fan of the story. It deserves to be told.


Darryl Hushaw,Henderson,NV,89014,United States,2012-07-11,” John Carter was a great film. My 76 year old mother, 49 year old brother, three nephews (7, 9, and 10) and I (52 years of age) all loved it. The boys all also said that they’d really like to see more. JC was marketed by people who didn’t understand it, and who were more concerned with making sure they didn’t get the blame if it flopped, but it has an enthusiastic audience–check out its reviews on Amazon now that it’s out on DVD. I’d love to see Stanton and crew get to visit Barsoom at least one more time.”



Paul Smith,clovis,NM,88101,United States,2012-07-11,i love this movie and want a sequal


Ian Porter ,Wolverhampton,,WV11 1QN,United Kingdom,2012-07-12,”John Carter is an excellent film and a really good story. If it had been promoted better it wouldn’t have gone unnoticed. I wasn’t aware it was a sci-fi film until a friend told me, by which time it was too late to go and see it. ”


Sami Hussaini,Hyderabad,,500001,India,2012-07-12,”I loved the movie! And would definitely like a sequel.With all the things going on about not making a sequel,if this helps,i’m in!”


Daniel Iglewski,Canberra,,2612,Australia,2012-07-13,”I agree with Khanada… If you can get the support of other Sci Fi writers, you could use all preceeding materials as an advert… eg, “”you enjoyed [insert movie title] and loved [insert character] and marvelled at the worlds of [insert loved planetary scenes]… See the Forefather of it all…”” The works of Edgar Rice Burroughs deserves this credit…”


Erich Kuersten,Brooklyn,NY,11215,United States,2012-07-13,”For the good of the people!

John Carter rocks! Sequels should be cheaper now that Disney has the CGI for all those damned arms. Don’t be a fool Disney, there’s more money here once word spreads. John Carter lives! ”


Tori Wilson,Lacey,WA,98503,United States,2012-07-14,JOHN CARTER WAS AMAZING! I LOVED IT!


ashely tattersall,sydney,,2035,Australia,2012-07-14,Loved the film!


James Hutchinson,Indianapolis,IN,46259,United States,2012-07-14,Huge Burroughs fan. Loved the movie.


Marissa Montano,Port Richey,FL,34668,United States,2012-07-14,I am signing because I had no interest in watching this movie. It was marketed poorly and I had no idea that it was as AWESOME as it was. I REALLY think you should make a sequel. I loved this movie!


JD Arredondo,Colorado Springs,CO,80923,United States,2012-07-14,”I loved John Carter. I saw it twice in theaters and picked up the 3D Blu-Ray combo pack as soon as I could. The movie didn’t suck, it was the marketing that did. Last I checked the original Tron took some time to catch on. The same is happening with John Carter. We the fans will be ready with our wallets if you make a sequel, count on it!”


Brian Pettinger,Des Moines,IA,50315,United States,2012-07-14,”John Carter was a fine movie, and I want to see more of the Burroughs books made into movies.”


Sébastien Follezou,Beaumont du Périgord,,24440,France,2012-07-14,”Because this movie is a vessel to another world and when you go back to yours , horizon is broaden and life seems worth fighting for”


Tobey Alvarez,st. petersburg,FL,33704,United States,2012-07-14,Me and my 6 year old daughter thoroughly enjoyed the movie



Jamie Rumson,Not Applicable,,Not Applicable,United Kingdom,2012-07-14,This movie brought me back to my childhood and the only reason it did poorly was Disneys awful marketing. Andrew Stanton and the crew did a fantastic job and I’m very willing to pay for more adventures!


Vi Janaway,Wylie,TX,75098,United States,2012-07-14,The fans waited decades for a film to to be make from A Princess of Mars. I am grateful that the right technology was available and that Andrew Stanton was at the helm. I want more.


John Lucero,lakewood,CA,90712,United States,2012-07-14,This is one of the rare movies that made me watch it a countless times


Lisa Slater,Kingsport,TN,37664,United States,2012-07-14,”I didn’t have a chance to see this in the theater, but I am amazed it did so poorly. It was a enthralling film that my entire family loved. I have not read any of the books, but had no trouble following the storyline. If any film deserves a sequel, this does! ”


Lori Maca,Jackson,MO,63755,United States,2012-07-14,Loved the movie!!!! Want same actors for sequel!!


jonathan zolani,Redding,CA,96003,United States,2012-07-14,”I want to hopefully see other characters from the other books like the black pirates of Barsoom and Carthoris, John carter’s son.”


Joshua Neff,Lawrence,KS,66049,United States,2012-07-14,”John Carter was a sweeping epic, fun, swashbuckling, wonderful. There needs to be more movies!”


Alex Miller,Auckland,,0627,New Zealand,2012-07-15,”both my partner and I loved the movie, as I have always loved the books”


Josh Luck,Middlesbrough,,Ts3 7eh,United Kingdom,2012-07-15,Because I love John carter and want a sequel!


Joshua Bane,Hudson,OH,44236,United States,2012-07-15,”John Carter was an incredibly fun film. Dreadfully missed by audiences, and slashed apart by critics, this is a gem that deserves a sequel more than most franchises on the market today. ”


Brian Schuetzler,Port Jervis,NY,12771,United States,2012-07-15,John Carter was a wonderful movie that brought Barsoom to life just as I pictured it when I read the novels as a child. Not continuing the series because you marketed the movie poorly would surely be a crime.


Nan Rosenberry,Nokomis,FL,34275,United States,2012-07-15,This was a unique movie with a strong woman character. I loved the books and would love to see more movies from the books.


Thomas Pritchard,St. John’s,,A1A 2B0,Canada,2012-07-15,”I loved the movie, saw it in theatres bought the dvd, and I want a sequal!”


Chad Truman,PROVO,UT,84604,United States,2012-07-15,Good movie. Want to know what happens next


Janet Ballweber,Slidell,LA,704587,United States,2012-07-16,I absolutely loved John Carter and am kicking myself that I didn’t see it in the theater! I will be buying the blu-ray for my personal collection though. PLEASE make a sequel! This franchise shouldn’t suffer from a bad marketing mistake. The movie was excellent and I’m confident the sequel will do well now that more people are seeing the first one.


Savannah Gillam,Bowling Green,KY,42103,United States,2012-07-16,”John Carter is AMAZING! 😀 John Carter & Dejah Thoris FOREVAH <3>t interested at all. But then I did some research on it, and it seemed interesting so I went with some friends and I LOVED IT!! :D”


Paul Corness,Flint,,CH6 5LZ,United Kingdom,2012-07-16,”I seen the movie and bought the blu-ray. Most of the people I spoke to did not even hear of the movie. Make another and I will go out on the streets with sandwich boards, just let me know!”


morgan tuffs,Wien,,1004,Austria,2012-07-16,”This is a seriously underrated movie, a great spectacle of swirling colour and storytelling.”


Debbie Sutton,”Cambridge, England”,,CB25 0BU,United Kingdom,2012-07-16,Don’t give up on John Carter. Please make a sequel.


Dorian Servoin,Éiry,,51478,France,2012-07-16,For a sequel of course !


Tibor Cabré,Barcelona,,E08028,Spain,2012-07-16,”The original story is fantastic and the movie too, but there are a lot of new adventures that I wouldd like to see on the screen. Please, make a sequel. Thank you”


Sebastian Pawlowski,Timaru,,7910,New Zealand,2012-07-17,Love that movie!


Ashley Greene,Los Angeles,CA,91605,United States,2012-07-17,Disney – I will support a John Carter Sequel!


Ron Collazo,San Diego,CA,92124,United States,2012-07-18,”This was one of the GREATEST, most underrated Sci-Fi movies of all time. Don’t leave us this way..weI want to go back to Barsoom!”


james atkins,marietta,GA,30066,United States,2012-07-18,Because Disney failed in their marketing of an amazing movie.


Darin Munnell,San Dimas,CA,91773,United States,2012-07-18,”Because unlike some people, I thoroughly enjoyed John Carter and would love to see more”


leroy potter,Auckland,,0604,New Zealand,2012-07-18,Because despite what other retards might think this movie was fantastically awesome!!!!


Rebecca Gates,Holyoke,MA,01040,United States,2012-07-18,I had no idea what this movie was about from the advertising. I ended up loving it and was sorely disappointed but not surprised when it did poorly. You can’t base a movie on a 100 year old character and not tell people a little backstory. I believe it unfair to deny a sequel when your own people dropped the ball…not the moviegoers.



Fernando Barajas,Woodlake,CA,93286,United States,2012-07-18,fun-ass movie. Need more


Brandon Adkins,Grayslake,IL,60030,United States,2012-07-18,”John Carter was an awesome movie and should have a sequel and more. Don’t spend as much money making the sequel and let the series build up some momentum and it won’t appear as such an embarrassing loss. But, def make a sequel.”


Daniel Becker,Dallas,TX,75381,United States,2012-07-19,I saw John Carter and it was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. It had everything and was done so well and even almost believable. Read the Burroughs series and you will definitely see the need to bring more to the screen soon. Learn marketing though.


Trude H. Høyte,Bergen,,5223,Norway,2012-07-19,Signing because I totally loved this movie. Saw it 7 times in theaters and enjoyed it just as much each time.Would love to see how John Carter’s life on Mars pen out 🙂


Alejandro Vega,Morelia,,58197,Mexico,2012-07-19,”Excelent movie, blockbuster guy recommends and I really liked so much”


Tibor Cabré,Barcelona,,08028,Spain,2012-07-19,”Please, help to give continuity to this amazing story that has been very well expalined in “”John Carter””. Than you for your attention and our best wishes from Barcelona, Spain”


Tim Fadden,Medford,OR,97501,United States,2012-07-20,”A “”John Carter”” sequel will be made. I, for one, would like to see Disney Studio make this sequel with the same artistic excellence and attention to character detail that they brought to “”John Carter.”” Dejah deserves nothing but the best and so do her fans!”


andrea cuevas,santiago,,1240000,Chile,2012-07-21,Porque es buena la historia y me intriga saber el final 😀


Erin Al-Mehairi,Ashland,OH,44805,United States,2012-07-21,”I loved the John Carter movies. I think they should keep the series going, we need good sci-fi like this for kids and adults to enjoy together. Great literary classics to film is what I want to watch. Great special effects, reminds me of Star Wars and Dune.”


Brent Chung,Rockford,,61109,Jamaica,2012-07-21,”The movie was excellent, my dad enjoyed it and thought it was great movie and he is very picky about movies.”


Melanie Avion,Tailem Bend,,5260,Australia,2012-07-21,”Disney completely stuffed up not giving this wonderful story/movie the effort due. It was fantastic – you have a chance to redeem Disneys name by giving us a sequel or 2 of such high entertainment quality. Seriously, the fans could have done a better marketing job on JC.”


Pasi Järvinen,KUOPIO,,70100,Finland,2012-07-21,”Aliens was better than Alien. Why shouldn’t John Carter 2, Warlord of Mars be better than John Carter of Mars?”


Michael Spears,Washington,DC,20019,United States,2012-07-22, John Carter deserves a sequel


William Fuller,west hartford,CT,06117,United States,2012-07-22,This was a great movie and was poorly advertised.(don’t open movies on super bowl sunday!) This novel is a classic!!!


Joseph Steinman,Rosedale,NY,11422,United States,2012-07-22,I would really like to see more John Carter movies!!!!!


Joakim Ødegård,Oslo,,0262,Norway,2012-07-22,It was a good movie with bad promo


Ray Dunn,Centennial,CO,80121,United States,2012-07-22,Awesome movie!


Stian Nordskog,Hønefoss,,3517,Norway,2012-07-22,”””John Carter”” was a great movie and a worthy adaption of the wonderful books of Rice. What we need now is a sequel!”


Chris Smith,Pooler,GA,31322,United States,2012-07-22,It has been awhile since I’ve seen a movie and not pass out. I loved this movie from the get go. And have seen this movie 5 times so far.I hope to see the next installment of John Carter very soon.


Ian Lawton,Dublin,,IE,Ireland,2012-07-22,”Lets face it. Disney made a complete mess of the marketing of this movie. Its John Carter OF MARS. And retro fitting it to 3D was also a mistake. John Carter of Mars is a pure cinema experience made by a very talented director who does not deserve the bad press. I have zero interest in Finding Nemo 2, please Andrew, we want John Carter, Return to Barsoom!”


mike nicol,Exeter,,EX4 4BW,United Kingdom,2012-07-22,”Just saw this brilliant film and it’s richly deserving of a sequel. Too many films are judged purely by how they perform within a relatively small period of time against many other better-publicised movies. After all, Bladerunner didn’t exactly set the box-office alight either …”


Daniel Gaze,Cheshire,,CW1 4BG,United Kingdom,2012-07-22,”John Carter was perfect throwback to old school storytelling. I wasn’t young enough to see films like Indy and Star Wars in the cinema for their original release. However I feel in 10-20 years time, I’ll be able to say I did see John Carter on its release. Because we all know in time it’ll reach high levels of cult status.”


Daniel Gaze,Cheshire,,CW1 4BG,United Kingdom,2012-07-22,”Their has to be a return to Barsoom. John Carter was a perfect throwback to old school storytelling. I wasn’t young enough to see films like Indy and Star Wars in the cinema for their original release. However I feel in 10-20 years time, I’ll be able to say I did see John Carter on its release. Because we all know in time it’ll reach high levels of cult status.”


Rai Komarnisky,Fort Mcmurray,,T9h 2v3,Canada,2012-07-22,If Adam sandler can continue to make shit why can’t there be another awesome John carter movie?


Matt Brown,Cordova,TN,38016,United States,2012-07-23,One of the best films I’ve seen in a very long time!



Michael Deakyne,Plainfield,IL,60586,United States,2012-07-23,Loved the movie. Then ending was a nice surprise for me.


Benjamin Boerner,Gevelsberg,,58285,Germany,2012-07-23,There are sooo many bald films that get a sequel. John Carter was awesome. Everyone I know who saw it thinks the exact same way. The end of the movie was one of the best endings of all times!!! I NEED a sequel! PLEASE!!!


Andrew Koonce,Øyer,,2636,Norway,2012-07-23,”This movie was excellent!!! I wish Disney would have had a better marketing plan. Knowbody understood that John Carter was the influence for so many movies and filmmakers. Everybody that I know thats seen it, loves it! Get a sequel done Disney!”


Cris Canterro,Davis,OK,73030,United States,2012-07-23,Loved the John Carter movie.


Pat Mann,Crawford,CO,81415,United States,2012-07-24,”I’ve been a fan of Burroughs’ Tarzan, Moon and Mars series since about 1960. I was very happy with the movie version and would like to see another follow up movie. They are wonderful and imaginative stories that should be made into movies. I saw John Carter at a drive-in theater and plan to buy the DVD. I will do the same with any more of Burroughs’ stories.”


Kevin Sullivan,Philadelphia,PA,19135,United States,2012-07-24,”Like stated in the description of this petition, Disney Studios created something special in their film “”John Carter.”” It was the original foundation for the many Syfy films to become successful since it’s original novel. This film portrayed something special, an adventure unlike any other, where the viewer felt as though he/she had undertaken a journey that was simply breath-taking. I was in awe after the film had ended. To the point where I wanted more of the richness Barsoom had to offer. It was the first time in a long time where I was actually lost in the film, and by that I mean that I had forgotten that Jasoom was the place I had lived all my life. It was the perfect escape from today’s realities compressed into 2 hours of fantasy. To say the least, 2 hours of escape did not quench my imagination. I decided to sign this petition because when I had finished the film, I immediately surfed the web with the utmost desire to see that there would be more adventures on Barsoom. Unfortunately, I was wrong and only found fan pages and groups, like the one where I found this petition, where all members felt the same as I with hopes that a sequel would ensue. I am hoping that by signing this petition, I will lend one more vote to the possibility of another John Carter at least. More than that would be spectacular of course. This is a film that I am proud to add to my collection of BlueRays when the time comes to hit the shelves. John Carter is an inspiring movie that can motivate people to go out and explore, chase their dreams, become someone that strives for a passion, and to never give up on something truly worth pursuing, reaching out to all ages. This story has the potential to becoming something magnificent and I fully support all those in favor of Disney to realize that John Carter from Mars, if continued, can take a seat next to the classic giants Disney has made in the past. 10/10 from me :)”


Alan Yungclas,Webster City,IA,50595,United States,2012-07-24,”Barsoom is a big place, it will take more than one mediocre film to tell the story of John Carter.”


Seymour Scott,Snellville,GA,30039,United States,2012-07-24,Movie was great and just didn’t get enough exposure to different groups.



Jessica Lucas,Manchester,,m19,United Kingdom,2012-07-25,”I came out of the cinema more entertained than I have been in months! Witty humour, wits all round in fact, while keeping it a great popcorn action fantasy film with so much potential for many stories that I discussed the possibilities days after – a rare thing for me to do! You’ve a villain that seems to be omnipotent and older than humans. Think of the complexities you could touch upon. Do the JCoM world justice! A great whole-hearted sequel with even more brains!”


Richard Blair,San Jose,CA,95125,United States,2012-07-25,”The 1st film is exciting, entertaining, and deserves another chance with the sequel. The creators have more story to tell. Please let them do it!”


Michael Feldman,New City,NY,10956,United States,2012-07-25,”I truly enjoyed this movie and felt the marketing is what ruined it’s US run. No mention of Burroughs? That Disney had made other (successfull!) films by the author? And the final blow, no use of the original title which would have given the movie-going public a better idea of what the movie was about!”


Abdulkadir Kabir,Kano,,123456,Nigeria,2012-07-25,”Brilliant movie, best thing I have watched this year so far!”


Elizabeth Lannon,Sherman Oaks,CA,91411,United States,2012-07-25,”I just saw the movie and it was great! And I’m a 65 yr old grandma. I love political activism that works for unity, people’s rights, and taking care of the planet. Let’s have some more, please.”


Dejah Stanley,Santa Ana,CA,92705,United States,2012-07-27,Dejah Thoris is my namesake!


Shadd Stanley,Santa Ana,CA,92705,United States,2012-07-27,I named my daughter after Dejah Thoris.


Mark Peck,bossier city,LA,71112,United States,2012-07-27,John Carter was a wonderful film that was not well marketed. I would love to see a sequel.


Jason Cady,Forest Grove,OR,97116,United States,2012-07-27,There are several serious loose ends to tie up – especially since the real bad guys were not dealt with & the good guys were left in danger.


Steven Palte,Hanover,,31275,Germany,2012-07-27,Because its the best movie ive ever seen. The characters were just awesome and the story was so exciting!! BRING US BACK TO BARSOOOOM


tatiana espejo,McHenry,IL,60050,United States,2012-07-27,”The movie was great! I really hope there will be a sequel. Tatiana espejo Age17″


Rachael Rigda,Bradbury,,5153,Australia,2012-07-27,John Carter was an amazing movie trodden on by tall poppy syndrome critics! Barzoom to them 😛


Jayme McCarthy,Port Arthur,TX,77642,United States,2012-07-27,”Just saw the movie for the first time the other night,and LOVE LOVE LOVE it! My fiance and I WANT to see a sequel! Can’t just leave it hanging! ”




Paul Arevalo,Tracy,CA,95376,United States,2012-07-27,This movie requires all 11 Barsoom books to be turned into a movie or at least the originally planned trilogy by Disney.


Lisa Sweeney,San Antonio,TX,78247,United States,2012-07-28,”Because not all scifi has to be star wars, loved the movie and the relationship between the characters and showed life does go on 🙂 great family film! MAKE NUMBER 2!”


Mark Dunker,Moline,IL,61265,United States,2012-07-28,Because I have loved Edgar Rice Burroughs and ALL of his works of fiction since 1975 when I discovered them


Matthew Smith,Adelaide,,5108,Australia,2012-07-28,”The most enjoyable movie since seeing Avatar but a very nice and exciting plot that i will never get sick of…. There must be a sequel . P.s had to change name and other info as i did not want my personal details online sorry 😉 Matt from Aus, SA”


Bill Hillman,Brandon,,R7A 6M4,Canada,2012-07-28,”


George Collins,Tucson,AZ,85719,United States,2012-07-28,Richard C. Hoagland believes there’s a reality behind the fiction of Edger Rice Burrows that deserves more disclosure.


Claire S,Stannum,,2371,Australia,2012-07-29,John Carter was a great film. Wonderful idea behind the film and I’d love to see that idea expanded on 😀


Leonard Spritz,Santa Clarita,CA,91351,United States,2012-07-29,”Disney, please give us a John Carter Sequel. We will fight for Barsoom!”


Mark Gantz,Canyon Country,CA,91351,United States,2012-07-29,John Carter was an excellent movie. It definitely deserves a sequel.


Andy Dickenson,Hereford,,HR14NY,United Kingdom,2012-07-29,”John Carter (of Mars) was one of the best films of 2012. A sequel, by the same team, should not even be a question.”


Gail Newton,Canyon Country,CA,91351,United States,2012-07-30,”John Carter was the most delightful film I have seen in a very long time. Please Mr. Horn, make the John Carter Sequel. Had I known how much I would have loved this film, I would have seen it in a theater when it first came out. I must see John Carter back on Barsoom!”


John Bonanno,Hiram,ME,04041,United States,2012-07-30,Disney mishandled the first wonderful film. I want to see if it can be done right the second time to continue an excellent story.


Ronald Fink,Waterloo,IA,50701,United States,2012-07-30,”I thought this was a wonderful movie, and so did the rest of my family. I’m a huge fan of the written works of Edgar Rice Burroughs. I, like many fans have waited years to see a John Carter movie made. I can say I was not disappointed. Sure, the movie takes some liberties with the story. That was not a huge concern for me. What bothered me was the way Disney marketed this movie. I couldn’t believe the omission of the name Edgar Rice Burroughs somewhere in the title. Also using just the John Carter name would give no one the sense of what this movie was about. Should’ve been titled ‘John Carter and the Princess of Mars’. This movie deserves a sequel. I was thoroughly entertained, and now own the Blu-ray disc. I’ve watched it at least four times since it’s purchase. Please give this petition due consideration. Thank you!”


Luis Alberto Carbajal,Pilar,,1620,Argentina,2012-07-30,”Quiero una segunda parte de John Carter. I want to a second part of John Carter. ”


Alexa Ventris,Cleveland,OK,74020,United States,2012-07-30,There has to be a sequal!!



Alex Wilz,Exeter,,EX2 5BS,United Kingdom,2012-07-31,enjoyed john carter


Mitchell Frazao,san diego,CA,92121,United States,2012-08-01,”I rented John Carter not having seen it in the theaters and I LOVED IT! I watched it back to back and that night I bought the DVD. The next day I bought the John Carter Warlord of Mars Marvel Omnibus. The following day I purchased The Princess of Mars 1970’s publish. Today I bought the 1970’s publish The God of Mars and The Warlords of Mars. I am hooked! I heard of Edgar Rice Burroughs but I’m ashamed to say that I never read any of his books. Where was I, on Mars? I can’t believe I missed out on this when I was growing up in the 70’s. I’m a Star Wars fan but I think I found my new passion. I’ve been asking everyone if they had seen it. WOW!”


John Patterson,Elbert,CO,80106,United States,2012-08-01,”Because John Carter deserves better than the reputation it deceived, and Burroughs left us with a wealth of potential film material.”


Seth Connolly,Ashburn,VA,20147,United States,2012-08-01,Because the stories are EPIC!


Benedict Jäggi,olten,,4600,Switzerland,2012-08-01,”hope you do it, Disney/Pixar. I do not want to watch the sequel from the makers of “”Princess of Mars (2009)”” instead of yours, so please just do it. And thanks for all the great movies anyways. ;)”


Duane Kaspar,Palmer,AK,99645,United States,2012-08-02,This was a great show. And I would support a second movie of JC.


Kelly Collins,Banbury,,OX16 5QW,United Kingdom,2012-08-02,The first film is epic I think it was just badly marketed I saw it as the only film on not really knowing what to expect a film a bought some man called JOHN CARTER I have to say afterwards it’s one of the best films I have ever seen and rushed out and Bought the 3d blu-ray once available but I want more please.


Matthew Walker,Jonesboro,AR,72401,United States,2012-08-02,The series deserves another chance. The world deserves another adventure.


Fabrice Bailly,Colomiers,,31770,France,2012-08-02,I love this story John Carter is one the greatest hero of heroic fantasy!


Brad Paulson,Leland,IA,50453,United States,2012-08-03,”I started reading The Barsoom series as a kid in grade school. It inspired me to read and use my imagination. I always thought this would make a great movie sreies and finally someone felt the same and created this first masterpiece of cinema. Granted it strayed from the original story somewhat and was titled improperly, but the theme of the books was displayed in miraculous fashion. It was Disney’s fault for not promoting this film properly, 100 years in the making, one of the first sci-fi series ever written, a look at Mars the way we never imagined. I could go on forever. This was the first tale of interplanetary romance and conquest. Do not let this story die because of a poor box office.”


Joshua Samson,baytown,TX,77521,United States,2012-08-03,Loved the first movie and it deserves a sequel!!


William Barber,Kirkville,NY,13082,United States,2012-08-03,even though the movie only got a 3-1/2 star rating Its a 5 star in my book and would love see whats to come. Keep up the great work from all the Barber family.


Waqar Jamshaid,Mülheim an der Ruhr,,45468,Germany,2012-08-04,The movie is brilliant and i think it have to be continiu. One of the best movies i ever see


Phillip Sanford,Lehigh Acres,FL,33936,United States,2012-08-04,”I loved the books, my father had read all of them and passed them on to me and i read them and loved them. The movie was the first movie i have ever seen that did a book justice! I was studio incredibly excited to hear that Disney was making them into movies and then felt very sad to hear that they were thinking if not continuing the series! I justhad a group of friends over to watch the bluray tonight in fact, and all 8 absolutely loved the movie, and then were saddened by the prospect of no John Carter 2. Please continue!”


Adam Pauley,Petersburg,WV,26847,United States,2012-08-04,This movie deserves it!!


Shane Ramage,Townsville,,4818,Australia,2012-08-04,”This was a great movie that really deserves to to finish its journey just like John, i went to the movies and rented it and will buy it when it becomes available. pleases Disney go for the sequel. ”


Melenie M Eleneke,San Francisco,CA,94103,United States,2012-08-04,”I’ve been disappointed by some recent blockbusters that show promise of viewing pleasure through their trailers. However, upon viewing these blockbusters, the promises were broken; thereby, leaving me skeptical of what other movies would be like. John Carter really was an exciting movie & I’ve watched it 10 times in two days. I’m definitely buying the DVD & am hoping to see the sequel!”


Jack Tennant,London,,W12 7RJ,United Kingdom,2012-08-05,”Such a great production, fantastic actors, creatures. Seamless CGI. Timeless story, deserves to be told more fully.”


Aidan Bega,Alexandria,,2015,Australia,2012-08-05,I loved the movie and want to see the sequels made!


Helen Bega,Sydney,,2015,Australia,2012-08-05,”It’s a wonderful, adventurous uplifting film. Sequel, please!! ”


Gareth Sharkey,Wakefield,,Wf2 6sw,United Kingdom,2012-08-05,John Carter was an awesome film and needs its sequels


Troy Tanzer,Round Rock,TX,78681,United States,2012-08-06,”Everyone I’ve talked to has either seen the movie and liked it, or was so turned off from the advertising/reaction to the release that they never saw it. This was such poor marketing for such a great film it should be a crime.”

Aidan Bega,Denham Court,,2565,Australia,2012-08-06,Loved the movie!


keiron homes,london,,wa12 9hq,United Kingdom,2012-08-06,cause its a epic movie and i need more


Adam Bence,Homestead,PA,15120,United States,2012-08-06,The first movie was awesome!!!


Ian Cannon,San Francisco,CA,94132,United States,2012-08-06,We just landed Curiosity on Mars. We’ve returned to the Red Planet in our world; let’s see John Carter’s return in his world 🙂


Allen Campbell,Bryan,TX,77802,United States,2012-08-06,”We need more quality movies, not horrible remakes of old movies and television shows!”


Zachary Fields,Chehalis,WA,98532,United States,2012-08-07,John Carter was an excellent movie. It deserves a sequel! We deserve a sequel!!!


Thomas Gray,Newquay,,Tr7 2rw,United Kingdom,2012-08-07,”Because the books have a lot more to offer, and the film was awesome to:-)”


Colin MacKenzie,Calgary,,T2Z4W2,Canada,2012-08-07,My family thoroughly enjoyed the first movie and would LOVE to see a second one made!


Alex Blok,Oxford,,OX1 3HA,United Kingdom,2012-08-07,”I saw good reviews on iTunes and so watched in my MacBook Air 13″” and to be honest, it is almost faultless. The (press) reviews were clueless and show how dumbed down and dystopian our world has become. I shall be posting a commentary on this on my blog soon at under the tag dumbingdown where I’ll discuss the motivations or reasons for the negative press reviews. I would be happy without a sequel as I feel the movie bought ‘closure’ with a satisfactory ending. However, if there are more stories to tell as part of the Edgar Rice Burroughs writings, then of course, a sequel (with NO dumbing down!) would be great. I was not familiar with the book(s) and went watched John Carter without any idea as to what plot or script, yet understood it all. (I am not a fantasy fan, but felt the script reflected the history and politics of our own Earth, so was not really fantasy, more, observation of our own issues and methods.)


Alex @oflife” Eric Forhan,Reisterstown,MD,21136,United States,2012-08-07,I’m a huge John Carter fan who was pleasantly surprised by the Disney movie.


Sean Montgomery,Highlands Ranch,CO,80129,United States,2012-08-08,”I loved the fact that this story was written over 100 years ago, and your special effects were spectacular. My whole family enjoyed this fantastic movie!”


Jelle Neeleman,zoetermeer,,blank,Netherlands,2012-08-08,cuz i it would be an incredible movie






aleksandar ranitovic,Novi Sad,,21000,Serbia,2012-08-09,This kind of movie sends us to another dimension where dignity and honor defines everyone. It gives you hope and absolute pleasure. Imaginative scenery and perfectly imagined World of new creatures makes this motion picture simply unforgettable. I enjoyed every minute of it and I will enjoy every minute of its sequel. Take us back to Barsoom and back to Jasoom over and over again …

Sebastian Kloska,Berlin,,10781,Germany,2012-08-09,”Me and my son just loved the movie. Good old fashioned fantasy/SciFi stuff with state of he art special effects. My impression was that it did very well here in Germany and I was shocked to hear that Disney saw it as a failure. ”


LaQeta Kemp,Woodbridge,VA,22191,United States,2012-08-09,Great movie! To see the rest would be amazing!


Aaron Lopresti,Tigard,OR,97223,United States,2012-08-09,Well done movie that should have broader appeal if marketed correctly!


Frank Hardy,Durham,NC,27703,United States,2012-08-10,”I did not see this movie in the theatres, but thought it looked good. I waited to rent it and now have rented it three times and have got the books on Kindle. While the movie diverges from the plot in the book, I am still intriqued by the characters in the movie. I would like to know where it goes in a sequel with the Gods of Mars. Please make a sequel not matter who runs Disney>”


Andro Sandor,Kota Kinabalu,,888300,Malaysia,2012-08-10,I love the movie! Want to see a sequel.


Adam Morgan,Orem,UT,84058,United States,2012-08-11,”John Carter did not fail at the box office. It had a very high rating and audiences loved it. The reason it failed was the marketing campaign. The trailers released for it came to infrequently and were disjointed, making absolutely no sense. No one had any idea what the film was and this hurt it. A properly marketed film could have done very well indeed. The stories are worthy of telling and Disney should be bold here.”


AJ Oatsvall,Black River Falls,WI,54615,United States,2012-08-12,”because John Carter rocks! one of the best movies I’ve seen. its not a cinematic masterpiece, but the story and action are well done in my opinion. I would very much like to see a sequel and find out what happens when John returns to Barsoom!”


Karina Zantinge,Nijmegen,,6511PT,Netherlands,2012-08-12,”I am one of the few people who goes to the cinema a couple of times a week, often together with my family, bf or friends. I also have a big DVD collection (thousands) and now rapidly growing Blue-ray and 3d collection. All in all, I invest a lot in the industry! But truth to be told, I have never seen John Carter, until 5months after its release. Now, I am a true fan and have enjoyed this movie very very much. I’ve also seen it with my friends and family, who equally enjoyed it and have also never seen it before. How did this gem got lost? Bad promotion, Hollywood intrigues, or the negative reviews from book fanatics? I truly hope DIsney reconsiders doing a sequel! Love, from NL”


Cat Lazaroff,Silver Spring,MD,20905,United States,2012-08-13,”I loved the books, and I love the movie (which I bought on DVD and watch repeatedly). We need a sequel!”


Brad Paulson,Leland,IA,50453,United States,2012-08-13,”Love the books and the story, the movie was a great representation of what I expected in a cinematic version of a tale that’s been a century in the making.”


Tim Seyfelmliukov,Moscow,,123234,Russian Federation,2012-08-13,Because I really liked the first movie though it very contradicts with books. Everyone would kill me for that but I even liked it better than Star Wars 😀


john kelly,Glengormley,,bt366hg,United Kingdom,2012-08-13,Because it was a damn fine movie and the critics know nothing


Matthew Devlin,Myrtle Beach,SC,29588,United States,2012-08-14,Loved John Carter! Great world building!


Brandon Wiltz,Henderson,NV,89015,United States,2012-08-14,”I really want this sequel to happen!! The ending left me wanting more, especially since he went back to Barsoom. Questions were running through my head like, what happened when he got there after so many years? What was the reaction to the princess and his people?? I would love for to watch the sequel to see what happens next! This movie really captured my heart and I’d hate to see it end like this. John Carter is the only movie that I’m actually taking part in to bring back and will most likely be the only movie that I will do this for. I’m hoping Disney doesn’t disappoint thousands of its fans. Yeah there’s not a lot of us but still it’s the small things that counts the most! I’m just really hoping more sequels will come in the immediate future. ”


Rob Ross,Nanaimo,,v9v 1t5,Canada,2012-08-16,”This movie was a great surprise. I was not expecting to be entertained as much as I was when I rented John Carter. A great story, well made, excellent characters. Superb cinematograph. Diverse characters and diverse story. Thcis movie deserves a sequel. There aren’t too many movies I’ve seen where I’ve felt a sequel needs to be done. But John Carter definitely falls into that category.”


Klaus Elk,Rungsted Kyst,,2960,Denmark,2012-08-16,”Have loved the books for 40 years. And although the movie wasn’t completely true to the books, it did very good. The medaljon that transports John Carter is e.g. a better explanation than what you get in the books…”


Erika Hillman,Gainesville,FL,32612,United States,2012-08-16,”John Carter was fantastic and beautiful, I loved it. Though I didn’t see it in theaters, I would DEFINITELY see the sequel.”


Matanda Mondoa,Bear,DE,19701,United States,2012-08-16,”I really enjoy John Carter and without the movie, I would’ve never known that Edgar Rice Burroughs has written yet another literary masterpiece. Disney has done a masterful performance of the first Tarzan film. Why not give the same treatment to another Burroughs’ story? Barsoom’s visuals have sparked my imagination and I felt like I’ve known the characters for an eternity even though I only read and finished the book half a day after the film released. I own the DVD now and have watched it 4 times already. Bring us back to Barsoom and let John Carter reunite with Dejah Thoris and the Tharks!”




Nathan Brink,Fosston,MN,56542,United States,2012-08-16,”Love the property, the film was under-promoted, and ostensibly promoted to the sci fi fans… instead trying to rake in the “”family”” market. It was not horrible cinema but any means, it was a quite enjoyable movie. Allow the making of a story more in vein of the source material. Allow the filmmakers to prove the viability of this as a franchise, you won’t be disappointed.”


Jarkko Helenius,Tampere,,33270,Finland,2012-08-17,I became a fan after seeing this great movie John Carter. Astonishingly good story and movie!


Shaun Rogers,New Iberia,LA,70560,United States,2012-08-17,I truly enjoyed this movie and the property in general and I believe this great film deserves a sequel.


Jim Parker,Sheboygan Falls,WI,53079,United States,2012-08-17,This film touched me. It was in a word Epic. So sad that the trailers didn’t do justice to the magnitude of the film. I for one didn’t see it until it came to DVD and for one reason only. Poor marketing of the film. Do the sequel and do the home work on a trailer that shows the sheer magnitude of the film this time. You will definitely get my movie dollars.


Darren Deveney,Bray,,01,Ireland,2012-08-17,”This is the sort of swashbuckling epic you just don’t see anymore (done well anyways) . Countless less worthy properties get sequels green lit why not this one . Ak Ohum Oktay Weez . . . . . Barsoom”


Andrew-Kenneth Paris,Antwerpen,,2060,Belgium,2012-08-18,”John Carter 2 (&3) deserve to be made. They could be made back to back to reduce the cost. I’ve just finished watching the blu-ray (missed it in the theatre) and I must say it’s even better than Star Wars, LotR, etc… ”


Séfora Correia,Stavanger,,4006,Norway,2012-08-18,”I Think this movie sequel as a great potential. The 1 story is amazing but i am 1 of the many that didnt saw the movie for a long time, and now that I did… I need to do something about it… This is a movie that as the door open to have good sequels… If they don’t do it… Well… it will be very dissapointing but it’s their lost. ”


Joseph Lloyd,Manchester,,M261HP,United Kingdom,2012-08-19,Loved the film and would love to see Disney create a film not purely based on making money but for the enjoyment of the fans


Kristian Glass,London,,SE13 6QF,United Kingdom,2012-08-19,I just watched John Carter. It was awesome. I’d love to watch a sequel.


kamille massey,Kalamazoo,MI,49048,United States,2012-08-19,Loved this movie!!


samit gugle,london,,n70eg,United Kingdom,2012-08-19,coz its great and can be the next star wars or lord of the rings type great


Kiara Taylot,jacksonville Fl.,FL,32219,United States,2012-08-19,This movies was one of the most amazing live action disney films i have seen in a while. I thought the last would have been 2010’s Prince of Persia but I was wrong! The whole concept of the movie was absoloutly breath-taking! Brilliant cast! John Carter is more than likely the most underated film of the year! More please!



David Kay,Marton,,4710,New Zealand,2012-08-20,Have seen the movie eight times and want more.


Deborah Powers,San Antonio,TX,78227-0036,United States,2012-08-20,”I had never read Princess of Mars until I had seen this movie; as a result, when I read it, the images were so real in my mind that the book lived in my imagination. This is important to me because I want to see the rest of the trilogy live like that.”


Steve Hillman,Plymouth,,PL4 7LU,United Kingdom,2012-08-20,The John Carter books are amazing and the way Disney presented Barsoom was astounding. We need more!!! Thank you.


Sandra Hould,Malartic QC,,J0Y 1Z0,Canada,2012-08-20,John Carter of Mars needs a seequel.


Armando Montes De Oca III,Tampa,FL,33607,United States,2012-08-20,Someone with Verizon on demand gave it four stars. It has all the five star Sci-Fi qualities.


nicolò bartolomei,marostica,,36063,Italy,2012-08-21,Because i love the love story and fantascientific


Trevor Conley,West Dundee,IL,60118,United States,2012-08-21,Movie was awsome need more


Paul Robertson,Manchester,,M15 4EB,United Kingdom,2012-08-21,”Because the first film was fantastic, despite Disney’s obvious campaign to bury it. ”


Haroon Mushtaq,MANCHESTER,,M1 1JW,United Kingdom,2012-08-21,BECAUSE THE FIRST FILM WAS BRILLIANT.




Mark Kohler,State College,PA,16803,United States,2012-08-22,”I grew up reading the books and after the SECOND time seeing this film, I really got it and loved it. It stands for imagination from a time we can’t even imagine anymore. Let it play out. This thing has legs.”


John Horton,Poteau,OK,74953,United States,2012-08-22,This was an good film from an excellent story.


Demaris Davila,CASSELBERRY,FL,32707,United States,2012-08-22,this movie was AWESOME and the books are great. They MUST make the next one!


Wanda Blackwell ,Indianapolis,IN,46218,United States,2012-08-22,I loved John Carter & want to see more


Heather poppen,Yorkville,IL,60560,United States,2012-08-23,I loved the first movie and do did my boys we were hoping for the trilogy.


Neil Swann,Brisbane,,4109,Australia,2012-08-23,LEGENDARY MOVIE and potential for so much more – PLEASE MAKE A SEQUEL/SERIES!!



Bill Stalker,Ottawa,IL,61350,United States,2012-08-23,”Well, the movie was fun adventure that kind of left us you know HANGING at the end. I’d like to know what happens next.”


Candace Lewallen,Del Valle,TX,78617,United States,2012-08-23,”Loved John Carter and love Edgar Rice Burroughs! Also, would like to see more of James Purefoy”


Luigi Oria,Marina di Minturno,,04026,Italy,2012-08-23,”Perché il primo è stato un capolavoro, sarei felice di andare a vedere anche il sequel.”


Greg PJR,San Francisco,CA,94114,United States,2012-08-23,”I loved the movie, I loved the series of books and you left the story hanging. Also, you must have that same actor!!!!!”


Sahar Meshulam,boston,,pe217pg,United Kingdom,2012-08-23,because the film and the series’ storyline is amazing!


Mike Wilson,milton,,l9t4c4,Canada,2012-08-24,”I loved the movie, great story followed the book great. Actors and actresses were spot on!!! You cant leave a movie with such a clifff hanger and never give them the next movie thats like waving a favorite food infront of someone and starving them to death!!! I want to go back to Barsoom and so does everyone else!! ”


paul lawler,calabasas,CA,91302,United States,2012-08-24,The story has just started and needs to continue


Karen Collins,Kingston upon Hull,,HU3 6ET,United Kingdom,2012-08-24,John Carter was marvellous. But what happens when he returns?


Kyle West,Webster City,IA,50595,United States,2012-08-24,”Loved the movie “”John Carter”” and want to see a second one get made!”


marc ferland,cambridge,,n3h 5p5,Canada,2012-08-24,because to much money is going in to crap movies i am a huge fan of fifth element and still waiting for a second one and after watching jcm i would love to see a good original movie reach its hights and more.


Emiliano Massaroni,rome,,00118,Italy,2012-08-24,I loved the first movie.


john massey,bowie,MD,20716,United States,2012-08-24,I love the John Carter of Mars stories…! I loved the movie !


Mark Stone,denver,CO,80239-5699,United States,2012-08-24,”It was a fun, cheesy movie that deserved a sequel.”


sy keen,basildon,,ss15 5as,United Kingdom,2012-08-24,”i have seen and read many films & books , sadly many have never kept my attention for very long ..but john carter is one of very few films that had me clued to the screen , i have seen john carter 7 times now and each time i watch it i am left with questions that only a sequel could answer …please let us have a sequel to this great piece of filmography …”

shawnn bergstrom,phx,AZ,85022,United States,2012-08-24,Because the first movie was GREAT!!!


Mara Fritts,Lincoln,NE,68506,United States,2012-08-25,I loved the movie!


Gideon S.,Brooklyn,NY,11226,United States,2012-08-25,Awesome Movie!


John Paul Larracas,”San Mateo, Rizal”,,1850,Philippines,2012-08-25,Bring Back John Carter!! I want a part 2..


Stephanie Williams,Goodyear,AZ,85338,United States,2012-08-25,John Carter was a great movie and it was visually beautiful. The only reason that it didn’t do well is that it really wasn’t advertised well.


Jennifer Meyer,Hillsboro,OR,97123,United States,2012-08-25,I am a fan of the book series and I LOVED the movie! Disney did an incredible job selecting actors and producing the film and John Carter is now a family favorite. I would also like to see some Woola merchandise!


KATHERINE HORNE,KETTERING,OH,45429,United States,2012-08-25,Great movie! It deserves a sequel and I would definitely go to see it!


CHARLES HORNE,KETTERING,OH,45429,United States,2012-08-25,”This is a fantastic film, and deserves more than one sequel. Note: not all of the sequels have to follow the plot lines of the ERB books!”


Robert Smith,mabelvale,AR,33569,United States,2012-08-25,Critics were wrong this is an excellent film Moeen


Aleem,Lahore,,54000,Pakistan,2012-08-25,Bring Back John Carter! Please take us Back To Barsoom!!! We Want A John Carter Sequel!


Paul Davidson,Edinburgh,,EH6 4DE,United Kingdom,2012-08-26,I just watched the film on Blu-ray Disc and really enjoyed it. A lot of the groundwork has already been done for a sequel and with a lack of good sci-fi on the big screen a John Carter sequel could really fill that gap.


Delanea Richmond,Idaville,IN,47950,United States,2012-08-26,The movie was so good but the ending left me hanging. I need to see more!


michael schlenker,Killeen,TX,76542,United States,2012-08-26,The first movie was epic! I want more!


arlene settle,palmdale,CA,93550,United States,2012-08-26,This movie’s scenario is like no other. It reveals the true power of imagination and creativity. Good for the mind and entertainment.


Steven Boblak,San Pedro,CA,90731,United States,2012-08-26,”I really enjoyed the first movie, and would love to see the trilogy continue. The story and fans deserve this”


Colin Batty,Calgary,,T2M 2Z1,Canada,2012-08-26,The series by Borroughs deserves at least as much as Superman or Spiderman

Jörg Schwalbach,Untermeitingen,,86836,Germany,2012-08-26,Want a Second Part of John Carter!


David Burke,Bergen,NY,14416,United States,2012-08-27,Because it was a very enjoyable movie that I think improved on the original book. I want the story to continue!


Kimberly Connell,Troy,NY,12180,United States,2012-08-27,”Just because you let the price of this movie get out of control does not mean you shouldn’t make another! Honestly, 150 million dollars is considered a flop? Shame on you all … make a great sequel and keep the costs down … you’ will make some money. This was a stellar movie and I am utterly saddened that there will be no more.”


Lizette Con-ui,Ormoc City,,6541,Philippines,2012-08-27,”SciFi Fans want to see Carter back in Barsoom. Plus, lots of people love the movie. ”


Luis Sto tomas,BACOOR CAVITE PHILIPPINES,,4201,Philippines,2012-08-27,I want to see how he make the therns pay for what they did to him and see deja if she was successful with her 9th ray.


Poop Face,lv,NV,89111,United States,2012-08-27,The movie was so good and the books were my childhood. It’d just be such an honour to have you guys continue this beautiful sequal so my family can watch it and enjoy it as much as I do.


Thomas Ahern,Seattle,WA,98133,United States,2012-08-28,”because, without john carter 2, millions will die. if they don’t make john carter 2, the terrorists win.”


MARTAY ZEE,Lombard,IL,60148,United States,2012-08-28,John Carter was a brilliant sci-fi/action/adventure film that was the domestic victim of terrible promotion & release date. 4 star film deserving of sequels!!


David B.,Raleigh,NC,27612,United States,2012-08-28,”I grew up with these stories, and i do not want to see them side lined because Disney dropped the ball on promotion. The move was FANTASTIC! but the promotion sucked… Disney took a great movie and screwed it up.”


Reagan Vincennes,Union City,CA,94587,United States,2012-08-28,”Now that Mars Curiosity has landed, it makes the story all the more real. That and the story/concept was great and deserves to be expanded on!”




Evan Funk,Abbotsford,,V4X1W8,Canada,2012-08-28,It is an amazing movie.


Alex Cable,Pleasant Prairie,WI,53158,United States,2012-08-28,”This story was the original sci-fi story, before Star Wars or Star Trek even, that alone earns it the respect of a sequel. This franchise deserves a second chance with a better marketing campaign!”




JOSEPH MERKLING,Las Cruces,NM,88012,United States,2012-08-29,A Princes of Mars was my first novel. I had my Dad Read it to me when I was 5. I want to go back to Barsoom.


Bayne MacGregor,Armidale,,2350,Australia,2012-08-29,”I loved the movie and so did my partner, i had read many of the books but my partner hasn’t and we both loved the film!”




Michelle Taylor ,Armidale,,2350,Australia,2012-08-29,”Because I adored this film, it was unlike anything I’ve seen in a long time. It fully deserves a sequel… ”


Dave Jones,Loganville,GA,30052,United States,2012-08-29,John Carter is such a fun film. It is important to expand the continued stories from book to screen. Please give us more John Carter on the big screen.


andrew thorson,Rathdrum,ID,83858,United States,2012-08-30,This movie was great. The books are even better. Give it a chance.


Andrew Coulson,Adelaide,,5000,Australia,2012-08-30,I actually enjoyed the first one even though it seemed to get negative reviews. It left me wanting to learn more about John Carters world


Jesus Rangel,Lancaster,CA,93535,United States,2012-08-30,”i was a truely amazeing movie, a sequel would be bad asss!!”


Lisa Watson,Kelowna,,V1X 4K6,Canada,2012-08-30,”Fell in love with this movie, and the world it portrays. It’s got everything in it! I would definitely like to see more of the books made into movies – what a GREAT series!!”


Krunoslav Vukovic,n/a,,n/a,Croatia,2012-08-30,Let’s take John Carter Back to Barsoom!!1


Colin Chick,Hobart,,7018,Australia,2012-08-30,Loved this film!


Stuart Gray,Glos,,gl4 3aj,United Kingdom,2012-08-30,loved the movie


kwan tahkaew,middlesbrough,,ts4 3pp,United Kingdom,2012-08-30,”i just love the film. it has sense of fantasy, advanture, fun and something to be enjoyed.”


roger may,grass valley,CA,95945,United States,2012-08-30,too good to pass up


Ron Josten,Nijmegen,,6512HT,Netherlands,2012-08-30,Why not like LOTR? Pity that JC wasn’t lunchend like LOTR of Star Wars saga.


Sanford Williams,Geneva,AL,36340,United States,2012-08-30,”It has been a long time coming to see a superior film adaptation of ERB’s JOHN CARTER. It is tragic to see such a fine film be ruined by poor marketing or distribution. If Disney will not do the ERB legacy justice, I would push for that studio to sell back its stock and allow studios such as Paramount, Dreamworks, Summit or Lionsgate to do the job. I will never stop fighting until I and the masses get MORE BARSOOM!”


kandy woods,Spokane,WA,99212,United States,2012-08-30,james purefoy


Jeren Gaytan,Roswell,NM,88201,United States,2012-08-30,i love the sic-fi action and the romance


Philip de Brit,Dublin,,0000,Ireland,2012-08-30,I loved John carter! I need more sequels! I love the books and want to see them on the big screen.


George Costigan,Herndon,VA,20170,United States,2012-08-31,I am deeply disappointed at how quickly Disney called the movie a failure at a point where it could have made more money and after the studio did the worst job in film history in promoting its product. Make the sequel and you will make a boatload of money!!


Sarah McLain,Huntsville,AL,35810,United States,2012-08-31,You can’t just end an awesome movie with John Carter going back to barsoom then leave us hanging there wondering what will happen next. Who ever made the movie doesn’t know what a ending is to end it like that.


Nathan Britt,Mobile,AL,36609,United States,2012-08-31,I loved the first movie and would love to see a sequel.


Stefan Van Ray,Lake Elsinore,CA,92530,United States,2012-08-31,”I am a huge fan of science fiction, and film and literature in general. It is a rarity that I find a film that my whole family can watch together that is not animated. This film was epic and reminds me, as a film and television actor, why I got into the business in the first place. To not produce the sequel to this movie, would be like not producing the rest of the Star Wars series, or not finishing the Indiana Jones trilogy. It just plain wrong. I hope that enough support can be mustered to finish out this epic and give closure to the original series which has so helped to shape the future of the science fiction genre over the past century and beyond. -Stefan Van Ray (SAG/ AFTRA) Fan Forever!”


Summer Imamura,Campbell,CA,95008,United States,2012-08-31,I LOVED THE MOVIE!!!!


Alexander Gerstmayr,Ulm,,89077,Germany,2012-08-31,”Because with John Carter an amazing tale was told on the screen and it would be a waste not to continue this tale in times, where movies have almost no stories any more.”


Greg Watkins-Colwell,Stratford,CT,06614,United States,2012-08-31,Great books and the story needs to continue on the big screen


Robert Holik,Malmö,,21560,Sweden,2012-08-31,”Because people are giving it alot of shit, many have damaged the film by bashing it.”


Alexander Fechner,Frankfurt am Main,,60486,Germany,2012-08-31,Cause it must be made – the Books are Great and the Movie is a good cut in the Science-Fiction Fantasy genre.


Patrick Stoute,Waddinxveen,,2742 ZP,Netherlands,2012-08-31,”The film was great,and makes you think about the changes in someones life,many people can related to that,and the thing about giving it all up for someone you love,with all there heart.”



Stuart Santiago,Rahway,NJ,07065,United States,2012-08-31,I would like to see a John Carter sequel movie.


David Stewart,Austin,TX,78759,United States,2012-08-31,”The author is the creator of one of the most icon story images in our age: Tarzan. His John Carter series influenced both Star Wars and Avatar. It may be based more on reality than ‘fiction’ because travel between worlds is in fact a reality as happened with John Carter. These stories also have heart — in spite of the structures of war, death and killing — they have more noble virtues than many modern action stories. The costs in the original story on film have been done and can be leveraged in sequels. I own the BluRay and watch it constantly, and I have the books and the Kindle eBooks and read them. The story has legs! And there are layers in the story to be explored that relate to our times: such as superstition in religion, and barriers between races. These stories are needed in a century in which contact with other worlds in very possible. And, I’d just like to see the tales on the screen!! ”


Moisés Noah,Brasilia,,71608-000,Brazil,2012-08-31,Will be wonderful enjoy a sequence of John Carter!


Joe Beck,Bremerton,WA,98310,United States,2012-08-31,”I have the entire JC book series, and would love to see them all on the big screen.”


laura robertson,myrtle beach,SC,29577,United States,2012-09-01,I loved this movie and we need to see gods of mars please


Tanya M,Sundsvall,,85170,Sweden,2012-09-01,”This years most underestimated movie. It’s simply awesome and beautiful. Don’t know where it went wrong with the PR and press but as far as I can see it has at least surpassed the budget with some 30 million bucks. The CGI is amazing, the characters awesome and also very funny. Please to make sequel. NAO! Oki thx bai!”


Sin weng keong,Penang,,12300,Malaysia,2012-09-01,so that people can see what had happened to john after he had returned to barsoom


Steve Androsko,Tacoma,WA,98443,United States,2012-09-01,I grew up reading these books


Demetrio Calafiore,Reggio Calabria,,89124,Italy,2012-09-01,WONDERFUL Carlos


Barreto,Ponta Delgada,,9330,Portugal,2012-09-01,”I can’t remember the last time I watched a movie and end up wanting more, so much that I would take on a petition. Such a magnificient history and production, and I agree with what Joachim said, it is the new star wars, let us join the rest of Virginia’s voyage, bring barsoom to us once again.”


Pamela Moore,petersburg,VA,23803,United States,2012-09-01,I enjoyed the storyline and would like to see how John Carter can transform Mars


Brian Scott,Petersburg,VA,23803,United States,2012-09-01,I enjoyed the charcters and the graphics were also well done. I would love to have a dog like that one with his speed and loyalty.




David Truck,LYNCHBURG,VA,24503,United States,2012-09-01,”John Carter is a great film, firmly deserving a sequel.”


chris jones,chester,,ch15bn,United Kingdom,2012-09-02,The first one was so good! I really want a sequel. They did an amazing job. I’d like more. Plus first had a semi-cliffhanger!


Jeremy Camp,Winchester,VA,22602,United States,2012-09-02,it was a great movie!


Valeriya LLoyd,Canberra,,2914,Australia,2012-09-02,We need to see the continion of the story))) There is a lot more to tell about John Carter’s adventures!!


Bradley Myers,Martinez,GA,30907,United States,2012-09-02,I would like to see a sequel


Michael Schlueb,titusville,FL,32796,United States,2012-09-02,I Think john carter should have a sequel because It is Taylor Kitschs est EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hermawan Ho,Jakarta,,11330,Indonesia,2012-09-02,”I live in Indonesia, and honestly I don’t know John Carter, before the movie showed in Indonesia. Honestly, I not too interesting about John Carter before, so I don’t see the movie in theater because so much bad reviews about this movie. But after I saw the movie in DVD, I think its very good movie, I regret not see it in theater. John Carter really deserve the sequel. I promise, if the sequel came out in Jakarta, I WILL SEE IT IN THEATER. That is the promise.”


Sharon Pettit,Minnetonka,MN,55345,United States,2012-09-02,The first film wasn’t given a fair chance – nowhere near the advertising/promotion that Disney usually does for it’s films. And this film – brought a childhood story to the big screen! I would love to see a sequel done right!


Sean Sampson,San Diego,CA,92154,United States,2012-09-02,”This was a great movie, funny, action packed, great acting, and a nice love story to boot. I feel like Disney didn’t market this movie well, and that is one of the reasons why it didn’t do that well in the US.”


shael ikon,Bangalore,,560022,India,2012-09-02,i want the end again a begning


Anthony Purcell,Chapman,,2611,Australia,2012-09-03,”This movie was actually very good, better in my opinion, than Avatar, it suffered from a poor choice of title, shoddy marketing, and woeful early PR. The fault was not with the film itself which was really very good.”


Andre Maya,Naples,FL,34109,United States,2012-09-03,”I believe this is a wonderful story, marvelous production and I can’t wait to see “”JCM””. I saw it 3 times and I can’t believe it ends. I wanna know what happens next ASAP. I don’t usually get like this but I believe this should be a movie collection as good or better than the matrix!”


Kieron Grainger,London,,TW3 2HB,United Kingdom,2012-09-03,It’s much better than Star Wars or any other sci fi film I have seen. Why leave me hanging on to fresh air finish the story.


ben kasanga,salford,,m6 5ls,United Kingdom,2012-09-03,its a wonderful story and a visual feast. on par with Avatar. would love to see more

Leisha Lockwood,Perth,,6036,Australia,2012-09-03,Loved John Carter and want to know what happens next!


Brian Cooke,Stockton,CA,95209,United States,2012-09-03,”I believe the first movie was good enough to deserve a sequel, and was unfairly written off as a “”flop””.”


Leah Hooker,stanfield,OR,97875,United States,2012-09-03,”The film was awesome, and under rated.”


chris pletz,Monroe Charter Township,MI,48162,United States,2012-09-04,”first was great, set up a great plot line. Sequal could be fantastic.”


John Gearries,Los Angeles,CA,90036,United States,2012-09-04,John Carter is the next Star Wars. We have 5 more installments to go. The sequal will be much more successful then the 1st.


Adam MattinglyAdamM,Tipton,IN,46072,United States,2012-09-04,”This was a great movie, done very well, I’ve seen few great movies in a while & this was one of them! Disney has been going downhill for a while & my hopes were lifted after this movie until they decided to drop the sequels! WTF! Disney no longer has thierry viewers in mind, it’s become about nothing but the $$$ …sad…please prove me wrong…”


Ryan Avery,Gosford,,2250,Australia,2012-09-04,”Best movie, a sequel is a must !”


shane wheeler,wimauma,FL,33598,United States,2012-09-04,”My favorite books as a child, we need more JC (of Mars of course!)”


Storm Sills,Todmorden,,OL147DH,United Kingdom,2012-09-05,”Great Movie, underrated and want to see what happens next”


  • MCR: Thank you very much for sharing that with me. I really think we are getting somewhere now. We have a bit of a relationship going on now. Very nice. You know, I can’t answer for some of the John Carter fans who may go over to other forums and slam the ERB’ers who didn’t like the film. Heck, I can’t even tell who they are over there. But if that does happen there, I think too a lot of JC fans get pretty slammed by the same couple of people there. I made the mistake of going over there once and posting the Petition link and barely left with my life. It is kinda cut-throat over there for just expressing an opinion, so I know what you mean. Of course, that is a more open forum over there and we are a campaign group, so it is a bit different. You see the B2B group was originally started by the crew of John Carter, so a bit different. But it’s definitely not something I would do, nor any of the admins on the B2B group. I think they have their right to not like the film just as we have the right to like John Carter. It doesn’t really aggravate me, I guess, like it may some people so I stay clear. And, like I said before, when we have events, we invite ‘everyone’. We try and work together to push both John Carter and ERB, I loved the HBO Rome series. That’s kinda how I got started in all of this. Four of the stars of Rome ended up in John Carter. And I did love the film, took on the campaign, and I love the challenge. Whew! (It is a challenge sometimes!) And then began to get in to the ERB books. So I am not so extreme either way. That’s a little bit of my story. As far as the Petition goes, we may very well be sending it to another studio. We’re not exactly sure what we are doing at this time. We may certainly be open to that idea at some point. In the meantime, collecting those signatures for a Sequel, which do include many fans of ERB. You know MCR, if you and I keep this up, we may set a record here. We may become newsworthy. Michael may even want to do an article about us!

  • “I’ve actually never, with my own eyes anyway, seen anyone make this comment…. ”they are just sad people who wouldn’t know a great movie if it slapped them in the back of the head Gibbs-style or are overzealous ERB fans who would never be satisfied.” At least never on our B2B group.”

    Well no, not on your B2B group. Again I doubt anyone who didn’t like this movie would post on there. But on here, on IMDB-at least before-anyone who dared to criticize this movie would be called those things. And no it’s not because we’re sad or “lose the chance to just enjoy” things. Hell I loved The Avengers-it was great! I love the original Star Wars trilogy and am excited to see what will happen in Episode VII (which is why I don’t buy the whole Iger killed John Carter to get Star Wars nonsense). Probably the best movie I saw all year was Argo, which managed to keep me on the edge of my seat and be funny and unique. I loved Robin Maxwell’s Jane, which took complete liberty with ERB’s Tarzan because it was well-written, exciting and brought a fresh spin to the Tarzan story. Sadly I did not find John Carter all that well done. There was some good things in it but it was outweighted by the bad decisions Stanton made. It just also happened it was based on my favorite series of books. Throw that in with Stanton’s own arrogant dismissal of the books over his failed improvements and the distarerous way Disney handled this and yeah I am cynical. If your petition was an attempt to petition another studio to make a new John Carter of Mars film with filmmakers who respect-or even love-the original books than I would be a 100 percent behind it. I would beat the drum loud and long for it. But that’s not the case here.

    As for IMDB, yes that was me. I defended that person because she’s a friend who I’ve had my disagreements with but we both share a love of ERB and she’s never been critical of someone who didn’t like this movie. As someone else said she has her right to voice her opinion without being attacked and I agree with that. The funny thing is that both sides of this-the Back to Barsoomers and the Flop Trolls-are virtually the flip sides of the same coin. In a lot of cases they seem to think they are both right and I that gets on my nerves after a while. Yes I agree with some of the FTs since I do believe it was more Stanton’s fault that John Carter failed but I get tired of their gloating over it. The same way that the constant pursuit of allowing Stanton to continue his disrespectful butchering of ERB rubs me the wrong way.

  • Adore the books, Love the film! I have respect for both and I want more Barsoom on the big screen. Stanton created in me a desire to see where his story would go, as well as to see superb renderings of more Barsoomian creatures and landscapes we have yet to witness in all their glory! Yes, I’d love to see the book(s) verbatim, but my imagination has them forever, so I’m good with seeing a different take on the stories, too! I find it funny how bent out of shape some fans get over the details. It’s kinda sad, really. They lose the chance to just enjoy it. And I can’t help thinking, are they like this about everything in life? Does the addiction to criticism sap most of their opportunities to enjoy things?

  • I’ve actually never, with my own eyes anyway, seen anyone make this comment…. ”they are just sad people who wouldn’t know a great movie if it slapped them in the back of the head Gibbs-style or are overzealous ERB fans who would never be satisfied.” At least never on our B2B group. Course, I can’t vouch for those who may visit on that ‘other’ John Carter Forum (you may know the one I’m talking about). In fact, there’s someone who uses the same initials as you over there. I do apologize if it’s someone else and not you as I don’t want to accuse you of sticking up for John Carter fans. But I did see an MCR actually stand-up for one of our B2B members who was being called a “Whacko.” If that was you, I was very impressed. If it wasn’t you, I apologize for the accusation. I know what it’s like on that ‘other’ forum to be accused of things I haven’t really done. So I kinda stay clear of that place. A John Carter fan can get pretty slammed over there, so I kinda stay away.

  • This aspect of the novel was never mentioned again by Burroughs and appears to have been forgotten by ERB. Perhaps this part of his story was omitted in the rush to get it to the publisher.

  • MCR, we could go circular with this till days end. And logically, It’s a no-win situation for either of us. Maybe the real question is…. and why should it be? The difference is, I don’t go following around the more die-hard ERB fans who didn’t like the film and make derogatory comments about them. So really, less of a win for you as originally this article was about the B2B Petition. Michael’s site here is largely about furthering ERB and the John Carter film. Do I expect ERB’ers who didn’t like the film to sign my Petition, of course not! Why should I and why should they? Would I expect them to join the B2B ‘campaign’ site, of course not. Just as I would never think to visit one of their sites and criticize them for NOT liking the film. We have plenty of discussions on B2B about flaws in the film and the books vs the film. But since they are also fans of the film, people are respectful of each other. We are not “dismissing” you because of your feelings or flaws you have with the film. You rarely come on here and just state your opinions about the film on this site without making some kind of derogatory remark about those fans or ERB’ers who do like the film. …”they are just sad people who wouldn’t know a great movie if it slapped them in the back of the head Gibbs-style or are overzealous ERB fans who would never be satisfied.” Now wouldn’t that seem a little odd for someone who thinks that way to join our group. And, aside from a couple other people who have posted on this article, I only see Michael and I really responding to you. I don’t see a lot of fans attacking you here. This post was originally about the B2B Petition and the reasons why people have signed it. You kinda bring this on yourself MCR. Actually, I have rarely commented on here to you in the past. However, I’m a little partial to my Petition 😉

  • “Now, you know that is not what I meant. Geesh. Is that the best you can do to make a point? There are thousands and thousands of the ERB readers and fans out there who loved John Carter. I think you just have a hard time accepting that. Ok, continue on……..:)”

    Is it? The way you and the rest of the Back to Barsoomers act if anyone didn’t love this movie they are in a minority, they are just sad people who wouldn’t know a great movie if it slapped them in the back of the head Gibbs-style or are overzealous ERB fans who would never be satisified.That’s how most of the BTBers have acted. If you don’t believe me take a look at most of their comments on here, most of them just can’t stand it when someone takes issue with this movie or how badly Stanton botched it.

    Also there are countless ERB fans who hated this movie or were not blown away by it. They just don’t post on your group or on here or have signed your petition. And why would they? They would probably get the same reception of being dismissed.

  • This is a bit off topic but it does concern John Carter’s return to earth. The following passage is from John Carter’s reentry in to that Arizona cave.

    “As my hands passed over my body they came in contact with pockets and in one of these a small parcel of matches wrapped in oiled paper. One of these matches I struck, and its dim flame lighted up what appeared to be a huge cave, toward the back of which I discovered a strange, still figure huddled over a tiny bench. As I approached it I saw that it was the dead and mummified remains of a little old woman with long black hair, and the thing it leaned over was a small charcoal burner upon which rested a round copper vessel containing a small quantity of greenish powder.
    A pungent vapor overcame John Carter as he was initially sent to mars. I always assumed it was the greenish powder and the little old women at the back of the cave that initiated it. This of course leads me to the question who was the little old women at the back of the cave? Was it somehow Dejah Thoris? Was it some Indian medicine women?”

    I am interested in how others interpreted this.

  • Oh MCR, why did you have to say this. Just when I was enjoying your post……. “A Princess of Mars had a great ending, one that makes the reader-or this small minority ERB reader as Jan pointed out-what to read the next book.” Now, you know that is not what I meant. Geesh. Is that the best you can do to make a point? There are thousands and thousands of the ERB readers and fans out there who loved John Carter. I think you just have a hard time accepting that. Ok, continue on……..:)

  • I don’t get why people have a problem with the “astral projection” aspect yet don’t seem to have a problem with a tornado picking up a house and dropping into a magic land. Or that you can leave real England and go to wizard world by running into a brick wall. Or that (until George Lucas decided to over explain it) why only Luke has the Force and not Han Solo. The mystery ascept of how John Carter goes to Barsoom and that only he can do it is part of what makes Burroughs unique. It isn’t explained and why should it be? Things happen in real life that don’t make sense or are explained, so why go over board explaining this?

    As far as the medallion goes and why I called it junk jewerly, well Michael gave a good reason, the idea of death and rebirth, similiar to the end of 2001 (which no one seems to mind doesn’t make a lick of sense). It adds a mystical aspect that made the reader unsure of whether or not Carter was actually on Barsoom or having that near death experience. Also it made it clear Barsoom was home to Carter. It was what he was looking for and eliminating any possibilty of him returning to Earth makes that clear. He has to adapt and eventually finds a reason to stay.

    Two other reasons why it was unnecessary was that first it ruined the ending. A Princess of Mars had a great ending, one that makes the reader-or this small minority ERB reader as Jan pointed out-what to read the next book. We don’t know how Carter was going to get back or if Dejah was still alive or what happened to her. In the movie well first besides the whole “back shoot a Thern since I’m an idiot and didn’t do this before” plan Carter comes up with, it robs the story of a dramatic conclusion of separated lovers and their fate. The second reason was the whole stupid “Therns on Earth” subplot that added nothing except to the story except another worn out cliche. Yeah I guess the Therns should have been mentioned in Chariots of the Gods, that’s how that plot line turned out. Plus Burroughs made it clear that no one on Barsoom was interested in Earth. This wasn’t War of the Worlds and never should have been used. And it does make the film not Carter’s story. That’s my response to that comment. A Princess of Mars was John Carter’s story, his journey. The movie John Carter was about a whiny guy having to stop evil aliens. It’s not his story, there’s nothing unique about that.

  • I think a lot of people would have a problem, Michael, with using astral projection as per ERB as a means of transporting Carter to and from Mars, no matter how it was portrayed, and this is probably what Stanton wanted to avoid with the medallion. I think the medallion worked in the film but the Thurns were a real weak-point.

    I know that’s the conventional thinking . . . . but if I were making it (we can all fantasize), I would at least be aware of the implications for the whole story of Burroughs’ choice . . . meaning I would be conscious of the death/rebirth aspects, and the fact that Burroughs’ approach means that John Carter, once on Mars, would be looking to make his way on Barsoom rather than find his way back to Earth, and I would recognize that this is one of the main charms of ERB’s work. And I would try to fashion a solution that doesn’t completely change that dynamic.

    The thing is, when you have Therns floating around on air and shapeshifting, etc . . . .I just don’t see how somethng that would appear to be astral projection (and perhps later in the movie be explained scientifically) would be that much of a problem.

    But I definitely agree that it is the more or less conventional wisdom that something more “scientific” than astral projection has to be in play. The challenge would be to figure out a solution that doesn’t radically alternate the central dynamic of the film.

  • I believe that most of the followers of the johncarterfiles and of the Back to Barssom facebook page have a primary interest in seeing a John Carter sequel created by the same excellent film-making team that produced the initial movie. I agree 100 percent with Jan Austin and think her approach is the most promising path for attaining a sequel. I myself read the John Carter books as a 12-13 year old and I remain a dedicated fan of the books — but I ALSO loved the Disney film, which remains the best avenue for getting more ERB/John Carter big-budget movies made by top-notch professional technicians, actors, writers, editors and directors. I understand that if you asked 100 John Carter fans how they would construct the film “Gods of Mars”, you would get 100 different versions. (I myself would love to storyboard such a film). But right now it seems more important and realistic to keep the current tenuous franchise moving forward, in hopes of getting more high-profile John Carter movies in the future (which we can then all argue about). So I send thanks to Jan Austin for her dedication — her opinion clearly represents the sentiments of the majority of John Carter website fans and peition-signers. And one other thing — HAPPY NEW YEAR BARSOOMIANS!

  • The Thern medallion trivializes the way people get to and off Mars instead of exceptional individuals being drawn to it on a spiritual level. If anybody can cross the void if properly equiped, then it’s nothing special.

    And the way it is portrayed in the novel is a wonderful allegory of the afterlife. Is Carter really dead on Earth or just resting? Is Carter really able to cross the voidness of space or is it an hallucination of ERB? Also, this poignant passage described by the “late” Ulysses Paxton:

    “One look was enough, I sank back in an agony of mental and physical
    anguish—my legs had been blown away from midway between the hips
    and knees. For some reason I was not bleeding excessively, yet I know
    that I had lost a great deal of blood and that I was gradually losing
    enough to put me out of my misery in a short time if I were not soon
    found; and as I lay there on my back, tortured with pain, I prayed that
    they would not come in time, for I shrank more from the thought of going
    maimed through life than I shrank from the thought of death.

    Then my eyes suddenly focussed upon the bright red eye of Mars and
    there surged through me a sudden wave of hope. I stretched out my
    arms towards Mars, I did not seem to question or to doubt for an instant
    as I prayed to the god of my vocation to reach forth and succour me. I
    knew that he would do it, my faith was complete, and yet so great was
    the mental effort that I made to throw off the hideous bonds of my mutilated
    flesh that I felt a momentary qualm of nausea and then a sharp click
    as of the snapping of a steel wire, and suddenly I stood naked upon two
    good legs looking down upon the bloody, distorted thing that had been
    I. Just for an instant did I stand thus before I turned my eyes aloft again
    to my star of destiny and with outstretched arms stand there in the cold
    of that French night—waiting.

    Suddenly I felt myself drawn with the speed of thought through the
    trackless wastes of interplanetary space. There was an instant of extreme
    cold and utter darkness, then—But the rest is in the manuscript that,
    with the aid of one greater than either of us, I have found the means to
    transmit to you with this letter. You and a few others of the chosen will
    believe in it—for the rest it matters not as yet.”

    Fortunately for him, Paxton didn’t have to cross back the void to his old body. But I’m convinced even modern audiences can connect with the spiritual journey these men undertook. This is not a trip for everybody, only the “chosen ones” are lucky enough to warrant this journey. It reinforces the dream of being one of them.

  • I think a lot of people would have a problem, Michael, with using astral projection as per ERB as a means of transporting Carter to and from Mars, no matter how it was portrayed, and this is probably what Stanton wanted to avoid with the medallion. I think the medallion worked in the film but the Thurns were a real weak-point.

  • Well, . . . . I have always felt that Burroughs’ way of getting JC to Mars is wonderful and not the half-assed thing that people who just skim through it seem to think it is. If you do what a film-maker would/could/should do, and break it down into each beat, and think about what is happening at each step of the way — and imagine how you can use sound, and music, and (limited) VFX . . . . it’s a wonderful scene, death and rebirth, with a spiritual power to it that completely changes the way the audience (and John Carter) will react to Barsoom. Instead of a random kidnapping . . . .it’s purposeful, mysterious (though no more mysterious than many things in Lord of the Rings) and it is John Carter’s destiny. . . .

    As for the ending . . . .I agree that Stanton’s ending is great, but so was Burroughs, who ends with John Carter as his table on the Hudson, yearning again for Barsoom, with images of Dejah and a young ten year old boy beside her … it’s very poignant.

    So . . . there definitely ARE things that need to be changed, but getting JC to Mars and ending the story are two anchor points that work great as far as I’m concerned. I just think the getting to Mars part has been unfairly maligned by people who just didn’t read it and truly imagine it.




    A sense of delicious dreaminess overcame me, my muscles relaxed, and I
    was on the point of giving way to my desire to sleep when the sound of
    approaching horses reached my ears. I attempted to spring to my feet
    but was horrified to discover that my muscles refused to respond to my
    will. I was now thoroughly awake, but as unable to move a muscle as
    though turned to stone. It was then, for the first time, that I
    noticed a slight vapor filling the cave. It was extremely tenuous and
    only noticeable against the opening which led to daylight. There also
    came to my nostrils a faintly pungent odor, and I could only assume
    that I had been overcome by some poisonous gas, but why I should retain
    my mental faculties and yet be unable to move I could not fathom.

    I lay facing the opening of the cave and where I could see the short
    stretch of trail which lay between the cave and the turn of the cliff
    around which the trail led. The noise of the approaching horses had
    ceased, and I judged the Indians were creeping stealthily upon me along
    the little ledge which led to my living tomb. I remember that I hoped
    they would make short work of me as I did not particularly relish the
    thought of the innumerable things they might do to me if the spirit
    prompted them.

    I had not long to wait before a stealthy sound apprised me of their
    nearness, and then a war-bonneted, paint-streaked face was thrust
    cautiously around the shoulder of the cliff, and savage eyes looked
    into mine. That he could see me in the dim light of the cave I was
    sure for the early morning sun was falling full upon me through the

    The fellow, instead of approaching, merely stood and stared; his eyes
    bulging and his jaw dropped. And then another savage face appeared,
    and a third and fourth and fifth, craning their necks over the
    shoulders of their fellows whom they could not pass upon the narrow
    ledge. Each face was the picture of awe and fear, but for what reason
    I did not know, nor did I learn until ten years later. That there were
    still other braves behind those who regarded me was apparent from the
    fact that the leaders passed back whispered word to those behind them.

    Suddenly a low but distinct moaning sound issued from the recesses of
    the cave behind me, and, as it reached the ears of the Indians, they
    turned and fled in terror, panic-stricken. So frantic were their
    efforts to escape from the unseen thing behind me that one of the
    braves was hurled headlong from the cliff to the rocks below. Their
    wild cries echoed in the canyon for a short time, and then all was
    still once more.

    The sound which had frightened them was not repeated, but it had been
    sufficient as it was to start me speculating on the possible horror
    which lurked in the shadows at my back. Fear is a relative term and so
    I can only measure my feelings at that time by what I had experienced
    in previous positions of danger and by those that I have passed through
    since; but I can say without shame that if the sensations I endured
    during the next few minutes were fear, then may God help the coward,
    for cowardice is of a surety its own punishment.

    To be held paralyzed, with one’s back toward some horrible and unknown
    danger from the very sound of which the ferocious Apache warriors turn
    in wild stampede, as a flock of sheep would madly flee from a pack of
    wolves, seems to me the last word in fearsome predicaments for a man
    who had ever been used to fighting for his life with all the energy of
    a powerful physique.

    Several times I thought I heard faint sounds behind me as of somebody
    moving cautiously, but eventually even these ceased, and I was left to
    the contemplation of my position without interruption. I could but
    vaguely conjecture the cause of my paralysis, and my only hope lay in
    that it might pass off as suddenly as it had fallen upon me.

    Late in the afternoon my horse, which had been standing with dragging
    rein before the cave, started slowly down the trail, evidently in
    search of food and water, and I was left alone with my mysterious
    unknown companion and the dead body of my friend, which lay just within
    my range of vision upon the ledge where I had placed it in the early

    From then until possibly midnight all was silence, the silence of the
    dead; then, suddenly, the awful moan of the morning broke upon my
    startled ears, and there came again from the black shadows the sound of
    a moving thing, and a faint rustling as of dead leaves. The shock to
    my already overstrained nervous system was terrible in the extreme, and
    with a superhuman effort I strove to break my awful bonds. It was an
    effort of the mind, of the will, of the nerves; not muscular, for I
    could not move even so much as my little finger, but none the less
    mighty for all that. And then something gave, there was a momentary
    feeling of nausea, a sharp click as of the snapping of a steel wire,
    and I stood with my back against the wall of the cave facing my unknown

    And then the moonlight flooded the cave, and there before me lay my own
    body as it had been lying all these hours, with the eyes staring toward
    the open ledge and the hands resting limply upon the ground. I looked
    first at my lifeless clay there upon the floor of the cave and then
    down at myself in utter bewilderment; for there I lay clothed, and yet
    here I stood but naked as at the minute of my birth.

    The transition had been so sudden and so unexpected that it left me for
    a moment forgetful of aught else than my strange metamorphosis. My
    first thought was, is this then death! Have I indeed passed over
    forever into that other life! But I could not well believe this, as I
    could feel my heart pounding against my ribs from the exertion of my
    efforts to release myself from the anaesthesis which had held me. My
    breath was coming in quick, short gasps, cold sweat stood out from
    every pore of my body, and the ancient experiment of pinching revealed
    the fact that I was anything other than a wraith.

    Again was I suddenly recalled to my immediate surroundings by a
    repetition of the weird moan from the depths of the cave. Naked and
    unarmed as I was, I had no desire to face the unseen thing which
    menaced me.

    My revolvers were strapped to my lifeless body which, for some
    unfathomable reason, I could not bring myself to touch. My carbine was
    in its boot, strapped to my saddle, and as my horse had wandered off I
    was left without means of defense. My only alternative seemed to lie
    in flight and my decision was crystallized by a recurrence of the
    rustling sound from the thing which now seemed, in the darkness of the
    cave and to my distorted imagination, to be creeping stealthily upon me.

    Unable longer to resist the temptation to escape this horrible place I
    leaped quickly through the opening into the starlight of a clear
    Arizona night. The crisp, fresh mountain air outside the cave acted as
    an immediate tonic and I felt new life and new courage coursing through
    me. Pausing upon the brink of the ledge I upbraided myself for what
    now seemed to me wholly unwarranted apprehension. I reasoned with
    myself that I had lain helpless for many hours within the cave, yet
    nothing had molested me, and my better judgment, when permitted the
    direction of clear and logical reasoning, convinced me that the noises
    I had heard must have resulted from purely natural and harmless causes;
    probably the conformation of the cave was such that a slight breeze had
    caused the sounds I heard.

    I decided to investigate, but first I lifted my head to fill my lungs
    with the pure, invigorating night air of the mountains. As I did so I
    saw stretching far below me the beautiful vista of rocky gorge, and
    level, cacti-studded flat, wrought by the moonlight into a miracle of
    soft splendor and wondrous enchantment.

    Few western wonders are more inspiring than the beauties of an Arizona
    moonlit landscape; the silvered mountains in the distance, the strange
    lights and shadows upon hog back and arroyo, and the grotesque details
    of the stiff, yet beautiful cacti form a picture at once enchanting and
    inspiring; as though one were catching for the first time a glimpse of
    some dead and forgotten world, so different is it from the aspect of
    any other spot upon our earth.

    As I stood thus meditating, I turned my gaze from the landscape to the
    heavens where the myriad stars formed a gorgeous and fitting canopy for
    the wonders of the earthly scene. My attention was quickly riveted by
    a large red star close to the distant horizon. As I gazed upon it I
    felt a spell of overpowering fascination–it was Mars, the god of war,
    and for me, the fighting man, it had always held the power of
    irresistible enchantment. As I gazed at it on that far-gone night it
    seemed to call across the unthinkable void, to lure me to it, to draw
    me as the lodestone attracts a particle of iron.

    My longing was beyond the power of opposition; I closed my eyes,
    stretched out my arms toward the god of my vocation and felt myself
    drawn with the suddenness of thought through the trackless immensity of
    space. There was an instant of extreme cold and utter darkness.



    I opened my eyes upon a strange and weird landscape. I knew that I was
    on Mars; not once did I question either my sanity or my wakefulness. I
    was not asleep, no need for pinching here; my inner consciousness told
    me as plainly that I was upon Mars as your conscious mind tells you
    that you are upon Earth. You do not question the fact; neither did I.

    The old mine, which I found untouched, has made me fabulously wealthy;
    but what care I for wealth!

    As I sit here tonight in my little study overlooking the Hudson, just
    twenty years have elapsed since I first opened my eyes upon Mars.

    I can see her shining in the sky through the little window by my desk,
    and tonight she seems calling to me again as she has not called before
    since that long dead night, and I think I can see, across that awful
    abyss of space, a beautiful black-haired woman standing in the garden
    of a palace, and at her side is a little boy who puts his arm around
    her as she points into the sky toward the planet Earth, while at their
    feet is a huge and hideous creature with a heart of gold.

    I believe that they are waiting there for me, and something tells me
    that I shall soon know.

  • I think from these comments Michael and MCR really agree on a lot of things. I also agree with many of the changes including removal of the Thurns and the inappropriate opening and a bit more backgrounding of Carter including the Civil War. It still leaves open the question of how to get Carter to Mars.? If the Thurns are gone so is the medallion and this is a major part of the movie and the great ending which I think makes the movie.

  • From Michael D. Sellers: “But the fact that these changes could have been made, doesn’t invalidate the audience response that this film got, and doesn’t make the people who like this movie somehow foolish. . . . .”

    That’s exactly right!

    From MCR: “Like the fans of this movie have shown tolerance or empathy towards ERB fans who didn’t. Most of them either think we wanted a 100 percent faithful adaptation-which no one, myself included ever said. Most of them think that suggesting a more faithful approach than what Stanton did is impossible. Most of them don’t see it from that point of view as I mentioned earlier. It’s a little hard to have tolerance or empathy when the other side doesn’t or has no interest in it.”

    Who are “Most” of these people? Are you saying we don’t have tolerance or empathy for the more ERB purists? It’s two separate issues to me. We’re running a campaign for the ‘film’ John Carter. We don’t intrude on the rights of those ERB fans who didn’t like the film. We just can’t help that there are a lot of us and we are running a campaign so are very vocal. We invite them to share in every event that we do. And by George they come! We partake in advancing ERB on the internet. We don’t go to the ERB sites and rain on their parade or force our opinions on them one way or another. We have a Back To Barsoom group. Members come to us. Fans sign the Petition because they want to. And, Mr. John Burroughs (grandson of ERB), it was wonderful to meet him at our recent screening of John Carter. I think he had a rather nice time! 😉 The fans who loved the film in no way slander those ERB fans who didn’t. We never have, we never will. We have some differences of opinion, that’s all. Do you ever visit any of the ERB sites on the internet like Erbzine? They are some of the most wonderful people I ever met at the ERB Centennial here in Woodland Hills. You really are in the minority MCR. And a bit off-base about John Carter fans.

  • Let me take a shot at MCR’s changes:

    How about making the main character involved with the story? Clearly turning John Carter into a moping whiny widower who just wants his cave of gold didn’t help make it palatable to modern audiences or overcome the “episodic” nature of the books.

    Well, the counterargument would be that it is HIS story (John Carter’s — look at the title), not THE story. And the moping whiny widower part that you detest is precisely what some peeps think makes HIS story interesting in a way that would nto be the case if the original formula were followed. I don’t agree with this . . . I think there were ways to make the original story and character wholly engaging without injecting a whole new backstory onto it. But you make a false argument when you dismiss Carter as not being involved with the story . . . he IS involved .. . . with HIS story, which is THE story of the movie John Carter.

    -Eliminate the Therns period. Build up Sab Than as the villain and if you have to have a Macguffin gives us one that would matter or be a cause of life or death, not a piece of junk jewerly.

    I’m fine with the Therns going way. And a stronger Sab Than would have made for a better story. Okay so far. But how can you call the thern medallion a piece of junk jewelry. I HATE the Thern medallion more than you do, but it sure ain’t no piece of junk jewelry. It’s a plot device that totally turns the story upside down or inside out. It means that Carter, instead of being pulled to his place of destiny — Barsoom — where he builds a new live, he was instead kidnapped from Earth and given a way to get back. The Thern medallion was a huge, huge, HUGE change that altered the total chemistry of the story in profound ways.

    -Build up the romance of Carter and Dejah Thoris. That would mean no dead family for our hero to mope over.

    I’m okay with that. The moment I miss the most — and the one that would have set the trajectory for the love story — is giving Dejah a true hero moment in front of Lorqas Ptomel …. her speech in front of all the assembled Tharks..

    Let her say this, a little less flowery — but with the same thoughts:

    “What is your name?” asked Lorquas Ptomel, addressing the prisoner.

    “Dejah Thoris, daughter of Mors Kajak of Helium.”

    “And the nature of your expedition?” he continued.

    “It was a purely scientific research party sent out by my father’s
    father, the Jeddak of Helium, to rechart the air currents, and to take
    atmospheric density tests,” replied the fair prisoner, in a low,
    well-modulated voice.

    “We were unprepared for battle,” she continued, “as we were on a
    peaceful mission, as our banners and the colors of our craft denoted.
    The work we were doing was as much in your interests as in ours, for
    you know full well that were it not for our labors and the fruits of
    our scientific operations there would not be enough air or water on
    Mars to support a single human life. For ages we have maintained the
    air and water supply at practically the same point without an
    appreciable loss, and we have done this in the face of the brutal and
    ignorant interference of you green men.

    “Why, oh, why will you not learn to live in amity with your fellows?
    Must you ever go on down the ages to your final extinction but little
    above the plane of the dumb brutes that serve you! A people without
    written language, without art, without homes, without love; the victims
    of eons of the horrible community idea. Owning everything in common,
    even to your women and children, has resulted in your owning nothing in
    common. You hate each other as you hate all else except yourselves.
    Come back to the ways of our common ancestors, come back to the light
    of kindliness and fellowship. The way is open to you, you will find
    the hands of the red men stretched out to aid you. Together we may do
    still more to regenerate our dying planet. The granddaughter of the
    greatest and mightiest of the red jeddaks has asked you. Will you

    And let John Carter be watching her . . . . We will never doubt that he’s fallng in love with her after that. And then why not let him defend her, as he does in the book. Let that be the “You killed him with one blow” moment. And let that explain (as in the book) how she becomes his responsibility.

    That would launch the love story perfectly. Oh . . . .yeah, and it’s from the book. But I mean — even if he’s got the dead wife thing going ont, this would launch their love story far better.

    -Actually involve Carter with the story, not just a reluctant hero. Clearly The Avengers showed that audiences want heroes that are not reluctant to get involved. And have sense of humors.

    The reluctant hero is a tried and true option. And it works for lots of people. Not my choice, but it’s not an ‘out of bounds’ choice.

    -Keep the Tharks as written-with the original back story of Sola and Tars Tarkas. I’m sure it would have given the film more emotional depth to their characters rather than make Tars a wimpy comedy relief character and Sola almost pointless in the narrative since she teaches Carter about the Tharks and life on Barso


    -Get rid of that damn opening. Open the story from Carter’s point of view. Or at least give us glimpses on the battefield during the War. Even include that scene Michael described where Carter admitted he lost men during a bloody siege. That would at least show the loyality of his men to him and the cost because honestly what soldier would follow Mopey Kitsch here?


    I’m sure this will be called unworkable for the Stanton worshippers but clearly the confusing mess he made didn’t bring in the mass audience, despite the constant claims of bad marketing. Otherwise the word of mouth would have helped and the critic respone would not have called infallible Andrew out on this.

    No, it’s not unworkable but it’s a different movie. I do think that these changes would have made it get a better critics rating, and a better audience rating, and hence better word of mouth.

    But the fact that these changes could have been made, doesn’t invalidate the audience response that this film got, and doesn’t make the people who like this movie somehow foolish. . . . .

  • MCR Wrote:

    Finally, in response to a comment Michael made:
    “When you say “How any person who read the books wants more of Stanton’s butchering is beyond me.” . . . . I dunno, it just seems like you’re displaying a lack of tolerance, lack of empathy, or lack of somethng — inability to see a situation from another’s point of view”

    Like the fans of this movie have shown tolerance or empathy towards ERB fans who didn’t. Most of them either think we wanted a 100 percent faithful adaptation-which no one, myself included ever said. Most of them think that suggesting a more faithful approach than what Stanton did is impossible. Most of them don’t see it from that point of view as I mentioned earlier. It’s a little hard to have tolerance or empathy when the other side doesn’t or has no interest in it.

    But . . . you’re only referring to those fans of the movie who are willing to wade into the swamp and mix it up with Big Bad Wolf MCR . . . . and that’s a tiny minority — and they are usually responding to your comments that are mucho provacativo……I bet if you toned it down a little, you wouldn’t get the same level of pushback that you get when you are so utterly and completely disdainful of the movie, Stanton, etc.

    I find them to be very respectful, as a whole, to ERB fans and respectful of the reality that we ERB fans might not be totally in love with the movie that they are totally in love with. They just want to be treated with respect too . . . . and not told that they are, in essence, feeble minded and foolish for loving a movie that they love.

  • “I wonder how MCR would have structured the movie to (a) to get over the episodic nature of the books and (b) to make the books more palatable to modern audiences ?”

    Well let’s see Chris. How about making the main character involved with the story? Clearly turning John Carter into a moping whiny widower who just wants his cave of gold didn’t help make it palatable to modern audiences or overcome the “episodic” nature of the books. (On an off note is still surprises me that people complain about the “episodic” nature of Burroughs but don’t have a problem with Harry Potter which in many cases is a hell of a lot more episodic.) On that also-

    -Eliminate the Therns period. Build up Sab Than as the villain and if you have to have a Macguffin gives us one that would matter or be a cause of life or death, not a piece of junk jewerly.

    -Build up the romance of Carter and Dejah Thoris. That would mean no dead family for our hero to mope over.

    -Actually involve Carter with the story, not just a reluctant hero. Clearly The Avengers showed that audiences want heroes that are not reluctant to get involved. And have sense of humors.

    -Keep the Tharks as written-with the original back story of Sola and Tars Tarkas. I’m sure it would have given the film more emotional depth to their characters rather than make Tars a wimpy comedy relief character and Sola almost pointless in the narrative since she teaches Carter about the Tharks and life on Barsoom.

    -Get rid of that damn opening. Open the story from Carter’s point of view. Or at least give us glimpses on the battefield during the War. Even include that scene Michael described where Carter admitted he lost men during a bloody siege. That would at least show the loyality of his men to him and the cost because honestly what soldier would follow Mopey Kitsch here?

    I’m sure this will be called unworkable for the Stanton worshippers but clearly the confusing mess he made didn’t bring in the mass audience, despite the constant claims of bad marketing. Otherwise the word of mouth would have helped and the critic respone would not have called infallible Andrew out on this.

    Finally in response to a comment Michael made:

    “When you say “How any person who read the books wants more of Stanton’s butchering is beyond me.” . . . . I dunno, it just seems like you’re displaying a lack of tolerance, lack of empathy, or lack of somethng — inability to see a situation from another’s point of view”

    Like the fans of this movie have shown tolerance or empathy towards ERB fans who didn’t. Most of them either think we wanted a 100 percent faithful adaptation-which no one, myself included ever said. Most of them think that suggesting a more faithful approach than what Stanton did is impossible. Most of them don’t see it from that point of view as I mentioned earlier. It’s a little hard to have tolerance or empathy when the other side doesn’t or has no interest in it.

  • I wonder how MCR would have structured the movie to (a) to get over the episodic nature of the books and (b) to make the books more palatable to modern audiences ?

  • And how many of them have admitted the books are better thant his movie? How many? Just because someone says they’ve read the books doesn’t mean they have. Honestly didn’t Andrew Stanton’s BS claims about being a fan prove that? Call me skeptical, hell call me Ishmael, but unless one of them said this it doesn’t discount the fact that they’re pleading for more of the same bull. How any person who read the books wants more of Stanton’s butchering is beyond me.

    Many do so, and credibly. Stanton gave away the fact that he was a deep, true fan of the books when he started talking about the Marvel comics as his “gateway drug”, and then criticized the novels as “too episodic” and John Carter’s character “too vanilla”. I think you’re on fairly firm ground when you extrapolate from those quotes that Stanton was more a fan of the comics than the books, and I would agree that this shows in the adaptation.

    The fans who went to the books from the movie, however, for the most part have never seen the comics and plenty of them have fallen in love with the books. They just don’t see it in the same black/white, either/or framework that you seem to be operating from. They loved the movie . . . . then they read the books and you don’t hear them saying “ewwwwww….don’t like this John Carter” — and many of them go on and read the whole series (or at least Princess/Gods/Warlord).

    When you say “How any person who read the books wants more of Stanton’s butchering is beyond me.” . . . . I dunno, it just seems like you’re displaying a lack of tolerance, lack of empathy, or lack of somethng — inability to see a situation from another’s point of view, and since you can’t do the necessary mental gyrations to do that, you end up dismissing the other party as non-serious.

    It’s like Spaceman Spiff calling these testimonials “saccharin” — which means “artificial” . . . . why so? Can’t you extend to others the same assumption of sincerity that you extend to yourself?

    Anyway . . . . all in good fun. I think that somehow it just kind of pisses off certain true believers in Burroughs when they see people having the temerity to like Stanton’s movie. Just makes ya crazy . . . .

  • Oops…Actually, it wasn’t a ‘novel’ he wrote but rather a Centennial Tarzan book. Sorry. It got some GREAT press too!

  • Well, you know MCR, it’s never been an either/or for us. So I’m not going to call you anything. We put the Petition out there and don’t tell people what to write. On our Back To Barsoom group we have a very diverse group of people ranging from die-hard ERB fans who loved the film, to those who may appreciate the books more, but still love John Carter. I am an admin on one of the Facebook ERB groups and I will always push ERB. We try and work together (most of us anyway). In fact, there has been more info about ERB written since John Carter came out than ever before. We have a very die-hard ERB fan who recently was on an ERB panel at a Con. He actually founded the con years ago, and is very much a John Carter fan. We also have here in L.A., a member of our L.A. group, who just wrote a novel about Tarzan. He is a die-hard ERB fan, but also a huge John Carter fan. They may both very much prefer the books over the movie, but we work together very nicely. They were at our recent screening, along with ERB, inc., and we very much pushed ERB. The entire lobby was filled with tables of ERB books and information. So, it’s not an either/or for us. Can’t help what thousands and thousands of fans feel and think. It’s just not an either/or for us. I’m sorry you have “endeared disappointment after disappointment” . And while I may not have endeared the same disappointment as long as you, it is hard, isn’t it, when you feel passionate about something and a few come along to make it even more of a disappointment. I read that all the time over on the IMDb forums when we’re told that we are “padding” this or “padding” that. When in truth we are very careful and have the info to back us up. Happy New Year! I do have to take off in a bit.

  • And how many of them have admitted the books are better thant his movie? How many? Just because someone says they’ve read the books doesn’t mean they have. Honestly didn’t Andrew Stanton’s BS claims about being a fan prove that? Call me skeptical, hell call me Ishmael, but unless one of them said this it doesn’t discount the fact that they’re pleading for more of the same bull. How any person who read the books wants more of Stanton’s butchering is beyond me.

  • I really want a sequel to John Carter because, in my opinion,was an astonishing movie with very good effects and the story…really captivates the audience. This sort of i like to see more,because in a movie is not rely everthing on effects an sound,the story is the one who counts,who makes impression. excuse my bad english! have a nice new year!

  • Actually, MCR, I shouldn’t be so selfish. Sorry. If you want more, I will be happy to send them to you. 🙂

  • MCR: Not only would you be surprised how many people and fans of the film are now reading the books – We encourage this all the time. However, thankfully, the few of you who find us intolerable don’t outweigh the many who do….. (I won’t bore you with too many of the RB fans below, cause there are lots!)

    Lisa Watson,Kelowna,,V1X 4K6,Canada,2012-08-30,”Fell in love with this movie, and the world it portrays. It’s got everything in it! I would definitely like to see more of the books made into movies – what a GREAT series!!”

    Greg Watkins-Colwell,Stratford,CT,06614,United States,2012-08-31,Great books and the story needs to continue on the big screen

    Alexander Fechner,Frankfurt am Main,,60486,Germany,2012-08-31,Cause it must be made – the Books are Great and the Movie is a good cut in the Science-Fiction Fantasy genre.

    Steve Androsko,Tacoma,WA,98443,United States,2012-09-01,I grew up reading these books

    Sharon Pettit,Minnetonka,MN,55345,United States,2012-09-02,The first film wasn’t given a fair chance – nowhere near the advertising/promotion that Disney usually does for it’s films. And this film – brought a childhood story to the big screen! I would love to see a sequel done right!

    shane wheeler,wimauma,FL,33598,United States,2012-09-04,”My favorite books as a child, we need more JC (of Mars of course!)”

    Warner Hartsuiker,Houten,,3992RC,Netherlands,2012-09-05,”the story abtrubtly ends with picture one. I read the books a thousand times and I hope to sea the directors view on the next development of this great story.”

    Ryan McCarthy,Houston,TX,77007,United States,2012-09-06,The movie was incredibly well done and a tremendous honor to Burroughs. I also was emotionally engaged in a way most films do not provide for viewers.

    Charles Kovalck,Danielson,CT,06239,United States,2012-09-08,”I loved the books, and the movie was really good!”

    Cameron Brewer,Pine Grove,CA,95665,United States,2012-09-09,”The John Carter Of Mars novels remain some of the most original and exciting stories to have come out of science-fiction. This is an exceptional achievement considering the massive influence they’ve had on so many excellent stories (Star Wars, Avatar, etc.) in the century after these stories were first published in the pulps. The film did a beautiful job capturing the essence of what I think still makes John Carter exciting after all these years, and I believe the film-makers should be given the opportunity to continue their work on what I believe is one of the few genuinely visionary works of sci-fi to have come out in the last twenty or so years.”

    Corey Harkless,Harrisburg,PA,17111,United States,2012-09-10,I’ve always been a fan of the Pulp genre and finally someone brought the Barsoom series to life in a way that was captivating and memorable.

    Ant Naidi,San Jose,CA,95128,United States,2012-09-11,I love the barsoom series and i thought the first movie was great! PLEASE MAKE A SEQUEL!!

    James Christopher,Gilbert,AZ,85296,United States,2012-09-14,Long-time fan of Edgar Rice BUrroughs

    manuel abella,la coruña,,15006,Spain,2012-09-14,”Ilove this film,Iread the novel when I was a child,the film is very very good”

    Larry Lankford,Dallas,TX,75243,United States,2012-09-15,Great movie based on my favorite book by my favorite author.

  • “I’m sorry many of the more die-hard ERB fans were disappointed, but our Petition is about the the film. itself”

    Yeah and here’s the issue I have with this. It’s not an original film. This wasn’t Whiny Kitsch and the Super Shape Shifters of Mercury. It is an adaptation-a rather poor one-that says in the credits “Based on A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs.” This whole “it’s about the film itself” would be fine if it didn’t mean more of Stanton trashing another man’s creation and legacy.

    Also it is quite clear that the fans of this movie don’t get it. They can’t see it from the other side, the side of the ERB fan who has endured disappointment after disappointment. I guess they never had that, never loved a book or an author and had his worked ruined by a director or studio that didn’t care. And you know what-Disney didn’t care. Stanton didn’t care. And it shows in the film and the aftermath of it. Any hope of getting more big budget ERB films outside of Tarzan died with this film. Whose to blame for that?

  • Spaceman Spiff: While I agree that “.. John Carter is a good movie is a matter of opinion”, in this case, and in this particular article, I disagree. Our Petition isn’t about ” whether or not it’s a good faithful adaption, or whether or not it captures the fun adventurous spirit of Burroughs book really isn’t a matter of opinion because it isn’t and it doesn’t.” A lot of fans would disagree with that. And of course it is a matter of opinion, but not just for the more die-hard ERB fans who didn’t like the film. We have a very diverse group of people who follow our campaign and want a sequel, regardless. I’m sorry many of the more die-hard ERB fans were disappointed, but our Petition is about the the film. itself. .

  • As a lifetime ERB fan and one who liked the movie, but felt it was “different” than what I was hoping for, I really get what MCR and Spaceman Spiff are feeling about Stanton’ adaptation. For me it was like I went into my old hometown favorite Italian restaurant expecting the great Italian home cooking I ate there in childhood, only to find that there was a new fusion chef who did some amazing things . . . but where’s my damned lasagna?

    But I tried to evaluate the “noveau cuisine” on its own merits, not just as to whether or not it’s a faithful adaptation of the original books that I love so much. I did that because I really wanted the movie to succeed — not because I’m a fan of Disney (not at all) or Stanton (not so much) — but because I had this dream of a grand rebirth of interest in Burroughs and the books, based upon a successful film adaptation.

    As the whole thing has unfolded, and it’s become pretty clear that Disney isn’t going to do a sequel unless somebody puts together a coproduction with Chinese and/or Russian partners (a la Kung Fu Panda 3 and Iron Man 3), there s pretty much zero chance a sequel gets done by Disney. And who’s working on that? Probably no one.

    So my thought is that this discussion is eventually going to land in “reboot” land anyway, and at that point I’m probably going to let more of my “inner ERB fan” come out and I will lobby in advance for an adaptation that truly makes full use of ERB’s genius.

    But here’s the other part of it. This reaction that certain people who knew nothing about ERB have — the very strong, very pesonal, very passionate reacton — is that just a reacton to Stanton, or is it a reaction to ERB essentially shining through Stanton’s adaptation in spite of its changes, including the ones that didn’t help.

    I’m not sure what the answer is to that. But as an ERB fan, I cant help but feel that the reaction is to ERB’s imagination, at least a big part of it, and that makes me wonder if Stanton got more right than my “inner ERB fan” self is able to give him credit for.

    Or are these people reacting not to ERB’s genius — but rather to the Stanton touch; i.e. are they people who loved Finding Nemo and Wall-E and saw in JC the hand of the same author? I just don’t think this is the case because so many who loved the movie without knowing ERB, and then went on to read the books, now love ERB and they don’t seem to be saying “Oh, the movie was great but these books, not so much” . . . . they go from the movie to the books and they love the books.

    Does that say anything about the adaptation? I.e., that it may not be as “deviant” as some of the ERB faithful believe it is?

    Anyway …. a bit of a ramble here. I hope my point is halfway clear. Need more coffee.

  • ***sign of relief*** Thanks Jan, I admit my heart missed a beat while reading your initial response! 🙂

    The thing is, will a studio be interested in any Burroughs property besides Tarzan if John Carter is considered such a failure? The fan movement is important, and it benefits both fans of the movies and fans of Edgar Rice Burroughs. Can’t you see it’s important for Stanton to finish his planned trilogy, for everyone of us interested in the movie, in the books, or in both? So producers will consider other Burroughs properties, and, yes, possibly a reboot of A Princess of Mars along the way. Why not? We should be at the fourth or sixth remake of the story by now. And money is just the name of the game.

    I don’t picture producers queuing outside ERB inc’s offices to bid on licenses from Pellucidar, the Moon Men of Carson of Venus. Why would they? Currently there’s no indication that they will be able to make any money out of them.

    John Carter is forming a devoted fan base from all over the world. The petition signers and Back to Barsoom Facebook members are just the tip of the iceberg. And some have discovered with delight the novels as a consequence. That would be a mistake not to rely on this fan base to build something bigger. And John Carter’s sequels will be bigger at the box-office, if done properly (and that doesn’t mean following the books to the letter, I’m sorry about that because I would have preferred that too, but that’s a fact).

    Disney’s attitude doesn’t help, that’s for sure. We know the only sign they will listen to is $. But the fans can’t even express that, because there’s just nothing to buy outside the DVD-Blu Ray. The Art of John Carter was almost out of print the day it was released (and can only be bought today at insanely high prices), the Thern Medallion was only a promotional item… Why not release them more widely and see what happens? I’m sure there would be a demand for that.

    And sure, Disney doesn’t give it a damn today, but the hope of many is that it will change.

  • As passionate as you people are about liking this movie why is it so hard to believe that there are those who are just as passionate about what a huge disappointment it is. I agree completely with what MCR said and for the same reasons. Whether or not John Carter is a good movie is a matter of opinion. However, whether or not it’s a good faithful adaption, whether or not it captures the fun adventurous spirit of Burroughs book really isn’t a matter of opinion because it isn’t and it doesn’t.
    I suspect MCR continues to post here in order to give some balance to the whole thing. Instead of a steady stream of gushing saccharin laced praises he injects some common sense reality about it. I’ve read some of stanton’s interviews he really does have a big ego and we do not like what he did to Burroughs story.
    The difference between us and you is we don’t want to spend all our spare time campaigning for something that’s not going to happen. Disney does what ever Disney wants and the reason is usually money. Looking at it that way the chances of John Carter getting a sequel are zip.

  • Oh, and by the way MCR, when I first joined the Back To Barsoom group, and even after I became an Admin on the group, I had never read any of the Edgar Rice Burroughs books. Still haven’t read them all. But I became very passionate about the film, just for the film itself. A few flaws here and there perhaps, but nevertheless, I though it was a brilliant film. So I do what I do because of that and it appears thousands of others feel the same. It’s very simple really. Why is it so incognizable for some to realize that? But I wish the more die-hard Edgar Rice Burroughs fans well. This is a campaign group. That’s what we do.

  • When it comes to John Carter, Is there anything fans can do or feel that you two won’t try and tear apart ,even a little, or get derogatory about. And just maybe the question on the Petition isn’t about marketing, but why one is signing the Petition for a John Carter Sequel. Although not all the comments have been put up here, these are comments from people from all over the world who enjoyed, and loved the film John Carter and want to see a sequel happen. Those of you like MCR and pascalahad who post here, or elsewhere, can continue to tear apart in some manner or fashion, this campaign, those of us who are campaigning, and those that did genuinely love this film. I don’t care. Maybe we will succeed, maybe we won’t. But thousands and thousands of people from all over the world left a response on our Petition. And as one did say, “We are ugly, but we are beautiful, and we will fight for Barsoom.”

  • The point is: no one writing those comments consider the movie is a failure, they were thouroughly and genuinely entertained by it. So why would they blame anyone involved in the making of the movie itself? It would be even less logical.

    Many seemed to have discovered the movie after it came in theaters, taken aback by the ineffective marketing campain. A lot of testimonies from women, too, or husbands telling their wives and children loved it too. More important perhaps, some have discovered (and loved) the novels through the movie.

    These comments made me laugh:

    Shari Armstrong: “My husband and I enjoyed it, as did our children, ages 10, 7, and 22 months (although she did nap through part of it, she clapped a few times).”

    Rai Komarnisky: “If Adam sandler can continue to make shit why can’t there be another awesome John carter movie?”

    Also I liked this comment related to the Disney of old:

    Michael Morrow : “Disney has a great history of bringing worthy legends and tales to life for everyone to see. I prefer that Disney be the one to bring more of John Carter to life as ERB and Walt intended.”


    I really believe there is the possibility of a more faithful adaptation of Gods of Mars than you seem to believe with the elements put in the first movie. Even if the Therns seem powerful, they’re not necessarily the top of the food chain. Does that mean Issus will have greater powers than the Therns? Probably. I’m sure you wil hate that too, but Issus was considered as all-powerful by her followers too in the novel, before behind revealed by Carter as a false goddess. It can be that way in the sequel too. Different path, same result.

    Anyway, happy new year to everyone, looking forward for more passionate discussions in 2013!

  • Oh vey. Reading most of these comments it becomes clear that most of them are not thinking about why this film failed-Disney and Andrew Stanton. Yet they want to allow them to do it again? Where’s the logic in this?

    Disney screwed up the marketing. We know that but they also don’t care about the quality of the films they were-and are-making. Now it does seem they do leave alone Marvel and even their deal with Lucasfilm includes a veteran and successful producer and an Oscar-winning screenwriter to write Episode VII but Disney itself? Lone Ranger looks like crap. Oz looks OK but too CGI overloaded. They’ve confirmed plans for sequels to Alice in Wonderland despite no one-even themselves-liking Tim Burton’s film and a third TRON that no one is really crying out for. The reason for Stanton’s messing up was that Disney allowed this. And you want to give them keys again?

    As a fan of ERB I also don’t want Stanton and his lackeys to return. They showed no respect for Burroughs and his work either in their “adaptation” (which makes a joke of the term) or their attitude in interviews. They completely ruined any hopes of a good Gods of Mars movie with their pointless rewriting of the Therns and their lack of understanding-or just plain arrogant dismissal more likely-of why Burroughs’ worked and why the opening trilogy is his masterpiece.

    Also they seem to be forgetting Stanton’s “I can’t make a movie for 5 million” stance. Let’s not forget this film cost so much it was going to take a miracle to even break even and how anyone thinks he could do it cheaper is beyond me. You don’t rehire someone who blowed 250 million to do it again. That’s not smart economics.

    I do think there is a future for John Carter of Mars on film. It’s called rebooting. It’s forgetting that this film ever happened or admitting that it was a mistake, a botch job that shouldn’t be repeated. Bring in someone who loves John Carter of Mars, someone who respects Edgar Rice Burroughs and is dedicated to both bringing his world to life and not breaking the bank. That’s how to save Barsoom.

    Beyond that have a happy New Year! 🙂

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