The Curious Case of John Carter: Secrets and Synchronicities
It’s generally a tradition here on The Secret Sun to look at movies long after they’ve been in the theaters, usually because I like to take the time to analyze them on my computer screen.I also like to be able to post screenshots with captions, since what’s being said is often as important as what’s being shown.
The takeaway with John Carter was what a bust it was for Disney, who took a 200 million dollar writeoff on the film. But the film grossed almost $300 million worldwide, hardly a flop, especially for a March release. The problem was the budget, but the real problem was the promotion.
The film’s writer/director Andrew Stanton is responsible for some of the biggest box office hits of our time, including the Toy Story films, Wall-E, Finding Nemo, and A Bug’s Life. But as Richard C. Hoagland pointed out, his name was nowhere to be seen in the promotion or advertising of the film. Very strange.
This Richard Hoagland seems like a sympathetic nuts. He too loved the movie dearly and also pointed to the faults in marketing, but to him it was a deliberate attempt to hide “the truth”.
Burroughs had apparently “souces” that allowed him to fictionalize real, accurate facts about ancient civilization on Mars (he apparently located the dead city of Horz precisely in the Cydonia region on Mars).
And Stanton, too, added “true facts” and imagery to John Carter, that’s why it was not allowed to succeed. He claims that there is a clue in the movie indicating that John Carter not only travelled in space but also in time. I wonder what that would be.
He said that “the end of the world” in december would be instead a realization based on the Curiosity mission that we are not alone in the universe.
Whaow. Talk about conspiracy theory. Still one week to confirm the theory I guess.
Whaow. Just whaow. My head hurts. And I thought A Princess of Mars was just escapism…
I remember though that someone (I think Richard Lupoff) had also made the connection between Burroughs and the works of Miss Blavatsky.
I can see that very clearly of the movie’s terrible marketing. It’s been all very clear now that the promotion would’ve added “Based on the books by Edgar Rice Burroughs” and it would’ve been a lot better.