Nerdvana Interview: John Carter, Tarzan, and the Gods of Hollywood

John Carter and the Gods of Hollywood


It’s been more than a month since I’ve posted anything about John Carter and the Gods of Hollywood — but I do want you all to now that it continues to chug along and do well, and is up to 110 customer reviews on Amazon  and still holding up well with a 4.3/5 average rating.

Here’s an interview I did with Bob Leeper of Nerdvana — just came out this morning.  I’m also happy to report that the book is up to 110 reviews on Amazon and is still holding up pretty will with a 4.3/5 average.  Thanks to everyone who’s read the book and posted a review — each review, whether it’s glowing, mixed, or whatever, helps contribute to the goal of keeping cinematic John Carter of Mars (either as a sequel or reboot) from premature extinction.

Interview: John Carter, Tarzan, and the Gods of Hollywood

One would like to believe that the hero always wins and that good always triumphs over evil and the righteous will always prevail. Unfortunately that’s not always the way it works in the real world and “good” often requires a great marketing plan in order to succeed. Case in point is last year’s cinematic whipping boy, John Carter.

Michael D. Sellers is a former CIA officer, a filmmaker, author and an Edgar Rice Burroughs über fan. He’s the brains behind fan site and the awesome John Carter fan trailer that swept the web before the film’s release, making Disney’s own marketing team look like it was run by preschoolers instead of professionals.

Early on Mr. Sellers saw the tragic missteps that Disney was making with the marketing of the 100 year old John Carter of Mars story that inspired countless fantasy fans, artists, scientists, professionals and even presidents; and he decided to not only document the train wreck as it unfolded, but to also do his utmost to keep that train on the tracks.

Read the full interview at Nerdvana.



  • I still say, if someone is smart, they can take all the digital assets already made for the first John Carter movie and make another couple with those. They spent a fortune on making all the digital assets and doing new motion capture and shooting new scenes with the live actors would not cost $150 Million. Granted, Pixar doesn’t do much for under $200 Million, but the work on the digital assets is done. That’s one of the nice things about good CG. It can be re-purposed. If they can’t, they are doing something wrong. The time and money spent to make and develop the digital assets can be taken out of the equation. They know what works and doesn’t work. And the actors weren’t high priced and still aren’t, so that would be a no brainer as well. I think it should stay with Disney/Pixar, especially since Iger will be gone soon. Even if they go straight to DVD, it would be better than nothing – and Disney has done that with other properties of theirs, though it wouldn’t have the huge budget. It doesn’t have to be a feature release. More stuff is going straight to digital anyway. That’s the trend… YouTube and short content will rule the world soon.

  • .”..making Disney’s own marketing team look like it was run by preschoolers instead of professionals.”

    So true! Glad to hear the book is doing well for you – it’s a good one!

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