The Edgar Rice Burroughs Centennial DVD “100 Years of Tarzan and John Carter” is Here
The Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Two Disk Centennial DVD Set, co-produced by Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc. and The John Carter Files, is now available (and two more disks are coming) from Amazon and Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Click on the following flyer to enlarge — then scroll down to get full details on the content of each DVD. Or click and go straight to the Amazon pages for:
Disc 1 — Centennial Banquet Disc 2 — Events and Extras
Disc 1 — Centennial Celebration
Opening Montage
Video Greeting — George T. McWhorter
Welcome by Bob Zeuschner
Edgar Rice Burougfhs — Video Clip
Golden Lion Awards — Laurence Dunn
100 Years of John Carter — Video Clip
Intro of Jim Morris by Jim Sullos
Tribute to the Movie Tarzans — Video Clip
Dr. Jane Goodall — The Jane Goodall Institute
Presentation of Awards — Jim Sullos
Closing Remarks
Bonus Interviews
Casper Van Dien
Ron Ely
Disc 2 – Special Features
John Burroughs Presentation
Tarzan Yell Competition
Competition Mystery Guest Jane Goodall
Jane Goodall Interview
Golden Lion Awards
Huckster Room Interviews
Robin Maxwell
Back to Barsoomers
Steve Hurley
I don’t want to disagree with Mr. McGurk’s opinion about A Princess of Mars, Yes it is a wonderful book, one of my favorites and will be until the end of my life.
But seriously, saying “There is no better movie” than Mopey Carter “period?” I just can’t agree with that. Not with the mess Stanton made of it. Compared to all the other wonderful, amazing movies from the 100 plus year of movies Mopey wouldn’t even place in a list of the 500 best. It’s not that good, it’s an embarrassment and an insult to ERB and his legacy and should not be held above other masterpieces and great films.
Sorry folks.
THere is no better movie than John Carter or the book Princess of Mars. Equaled only by the Spartacus series on Starz or Wyatt Earp (which got a bad rap by people with no grasp of the Old West] End of story. Watch for Custer the Magnificent by me. Ha Ha. Well I think it’s close. Also tells true story of a hero that John Cartyer most certainly was inspired from–someone owes it to a great man whose rep is blemished)
The Amazon link is already up there, and here’s the link to the EdgarRiceBurroughs.com page where the discs can be purchased: http://www.edgarriceburroughs.com/store/index.php?page=shop.product_details&category_id=25&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=99&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=29&vmcchk=1&Itemid=29
There’s some other fun stuff available on that site.
That will probably be closer to the book than you might think! John Carter has to challenge the faith of all Barsoom, and that includes Dejah’s. And I imagine he will probably have son issues with maybe a Carthoris that is less than thrilled to see him reappear after a 10 years leave. That’s more than enugh for a character arc.
Anyway, we might never know, but I keep my own fingers crossed, just in case… The first movie seems to still have legs, his popularity is still growing. As I wrote on Facebook, it’s ranked 4.2 on Amazon.fr (vs 4.4 for The Avengers), and people are still discovering the movie. On September the 9th, somebody wrote a comment titled “very surprised”, and that was a 5 stars review, so pleasantly surprised! 78% are 4 or 5 stars reviews.
Sounds like a cool DVD package. After I get done moving I’ll order it.
Just to be snarky for a moment: “Sigh. Fans of Stanton’s first film can only hope and pray that the sequel gets made, though it seems very doubtful. I’m so curious what was going to happen in the Stanton’s 2nd and 3rd films.”
Well we know what will happen based on Stanton’s fondness for ripping off other movies and refusal to actually read the books. Matai Shang would be revealed as Carter’s father, Mopey would find new things to whine over (a cave of diamonds or a lost goldfish), Dejah would do another failed science project and still kick Carter’s pathetic butt in sword fighting, Tars would provide more painful comedy relief and Issus would be revealed as a giant lizard robot that shoots death beams. The First Born would also be revealed as Time Lords who can regenerate since that seems to be the only thing Stanton didn’t rip off (Silence will fall when the moping begins).
Way off-topic, but a pretty INCREDIBLE quote from Taylor Kitsch, regarding “Joh Carter”, was in the Toronto Sun Sunday:
“The only s—– part for me about the way that all ended was that I couldn’t go do the second one,” Kitsch told QMI Agency ahead of the film fest premiere of The Grand Seduction. “I had the hard outline for the second one and it was f—ing awesome; very intense.
“Working with Willem (Dafoe) and Lynn Collins again would have been great, and Mark Strong had an even bigger part.”
Sigh. Fans of Stanton’s first film can only hope and pray that the sequel gets made, though it seems very doubtful. I’m so curious what was going to happen in the Stanton’s 2nd and 3rd films.
Very excited by this! Not a very exciting cover though I must say. Would’ve loved to have done the cover design!
Fantastic! Two ordered, can’t wait to see them! 🙂