Legend of Tarzan makes Time List of Most Anticipated Movies of 2016
Legend of Tarzan is one of four July releases that have made the Time Magazine Most Anticipated Movies of 2016 list. This is not the biggest deal in the world, but for sure it’s “better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick” and better than being left off the list. Getting on the list wasn’t automatic — big budget, high profile omissions include Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, Warcraft, Secret Life of Pets, and Danny Boyle’s Knights of the Roundtable.
Here a list of all the June and July releases, with the ones that made the list indicated:
Small question, who provides the voice-over in the teaser trailer? I seem to remember you identified the man as Russel Crowe in one of the site’s article but I can’t seem to locate which one. In this article they talk about Simon Russell Beale. Perhaps I misread the name the first time…
Just spotted that you wrote “Danny Boyle’s Knights of the Roundtable”, It’s made by Guy Ritchie.
Knights of the Roundtable has apparently been pushed back to February of 2017.
So far not sure that the new Ghostbusters or Star Trek Beyond will be much serious competition at this point. They have pretty bad press so far.