The John Carter Fan Trailer has just climbed over 100,000 views in three days (but that’s a tiny fraction of what’s needed, so help us!)

GoBarsoom Media Campaign

Our John Carter Fan trailer just went over the 100,000 view mark on Youtube — all in the last three days. That is AWESOME and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for embracing it like that. So far, this seems like the best weapon out there to get people interested — at least that’s the case if you believe the comments, which are amazing and wonderful. Here’s the thing: 100,000 is a lot of people, but 100,000 is a drop in the bucket when you consider the magnitude of the task and the hill John Carter has to climb. To reach opening weekend box office of 40m plus which is where the film gets a launch that puts it at least in the ballpark of being able to generate a sequel — we need at least 1.5M people at least to see John Carter on opening day and more than 4m to see it opening weekend. Given the issues (and everyone knows what they are), that’s a big challenge. So everybody needs to do what you can — and that’s a LOT. Social media gives you a ton of power to use your voice and BE HEARD. Tweet, retweet, Facebook share, post to reddit, post to stumbleupon — do it all, please. Okay, end of rant. Here’s the trailer again.


  • It was Andrew Stanton who made it go viral an we really appreciate that. We had posted it and it was being seen by a few hundred people a day, then he tweeted about it and it took off from there.

  • Congratulations on this, guys. Your trailer makes actual sense of theirs, and it’s been fun to see it spread like wildfire around the internet. Disney is taking a well-deserved beating over it, and it’s inspiring to see the company marketeers getting schooled to such resounding unanimity.

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