Kate Erbland: New Trailer gives more depth to "mostly unknown" John Carter property
How much does the average moviegoer really know about Disney’s mega-property?
Posted by Kate Erbland Friday, December 23, 2011 9:46:46 PM
Does the name “John Carter” mean anything to you? Probably not. And that’s the problem withDisney’s latest giant property. The film, directed by Andrew Stanton (who previously directed animated properties “Wall-E” and “Finding Nemo”), comes from a series of books by Edgar Rice Burroughs that are popular in genre-loving circles, but barely known to most mainstream audiences. And, again, that’s the exact problem with “John Carter” – lack of awareness and understanding, a problem that would be tough for any film, but a problem that’s especially difficult for a film that is already costing a ton of money and resting on the hope that it turns into a franchise. It probably won’t help matters that the film stars Taylor Kitsch. Who? It’s okay, we’re going to learn some stuff now.