Video: Revised John Carter “Warhoon” Spot, revised with new shots including Dejah Thoris swordfighting
Disney hasn’t put it up yet, but I found a Youtube link where the revised “Warhoon” trailer that just played can be viewed. It’s pretty low quality but it’s all there is at this point — will have to do until Disney puts it up.
This is an action oriented shot (it occurs tome that the opening is like a football kickoff with the Warhoons charging)….Woola has been taken out; there is a quick shot of John Carter sword fighting Sab Than (Dominic West); a quick shot of Dejah Thoris attacking a Zodangan and looking pretty good doing it; some new coliseum footage (not sure we needed that), and a shot of a Thark — presumably Tars Tarkas — wielding a sword.
This is obviously taken by shooting a TV set. I wouldn’t normally post this — but since this is all there is, will live with it temporarily until a proper version is available. My guess is they just finished it over the weekend in time for the football games today, and it will get uploaded tomorrow.
And in case you missed this on an earlier post — here are screenshots of Dejah’s “Warrior Princess” moment in the trailer.
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