New Disney Kiddie Featurette for John Carter gives insights into Disney marketing overall

Other Stuff

Disney has a new kiddie trailer up on the Disney site. Unfortunately, it’s not up on Youtube or anyplace else where embedding is possible, so all I can do is provide the link — but it’s definitely worth watching. It’ interesting to see how comfortable Disney is (duh) pitching to kids — and it’s also possible to see how the thinking behind this trailer is also driving a lot of the thinking in the “adult” trailers. In other words …. to me at least, it is easier to understand the thinking in the main adult trailer after having seen this.

And here are screenshots of new images not previously seen which first appear in this the trailer, with a few notes:


  • This is the first trailer that gets across what is cool about Barsoom–They need a more direct trailer that tells people WHY they should see it. It’s 100 years old. John Carter is the ORIGINAL SCI-FI ACTION HERO that all others are based on. He is not only a great fighter, but has a GREAT sense of humor. Deja Thoris is the greatest Sci-Fi Princess of all time. All of this needs to be shown to get butts into seats…

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