French Fans want to go “Back to Barsoom” too!
A French site has a nice examination of “why John Carter flopped” and ends with a plea and a link to the Facebook group “Take Me Back to Barsoom! I want John Carter to Have a Sequel!” . Here are two links:
First, a link to the original article in French:
And second, a link to a google translated version of the article:
Today, April 18, the world wide gross are: 68 m.$ in USA; 200 M.$ International (include 2 m.$) + 41 m.$ in Beijing. Is not suficient for a sequel. But, hope is not lost.
Actually including China’s and Canada’s gross John Carter pass the $250mill world wide gross this past weekend. Including the fact it hasn’t been launched in India or Japan yet, where these types of films are highly receieved.
Andrew Stanton has written scripts and ideas for a trilogy, would be nice for them to see the light of day.
Internationally JCM has done very well, and word of mouth continues to spread about how awesome this movie is. It may happen slowly, but this film will eventually gain the recognition it deserves.
In our local theater just north of Tampa, today John Carter has only two less daily showings than Hunger Games — so at least where I live, JCM still has staying power. Us fans have to keep up the fight and not give up, and help spread the word (I’m going back this week to watch it a fourth time).
I also just want to add that according to boxofficemojo.com John Carter just made 234 million worldwide! Not bad for an apparently underperforming film. No matter what the final results for this film are, We still live!
Fantastic! It shows were not alone when it comes to a fanbase for this film. Even though John Carter barely scratched the surface in this weeks box office results, I wouldn’t be surprised if the remaining 4 million in the films box office receipts were the results of people seeing this film instead of The Hunger Games because of overcrowding in theater’s for that film alone.
In France, John Carter is at 833 136 admissions on its second week. It should cross the 1 million mark this week. Not bad considering the lack of public recognition of the Barsoom novels as a whole.
Prince of Persia did 815 255 in just one week.