John Carter Box Office Predictions Range from 57m to 22.5m….

John Carter News

Well, it’s Thursday night and tomorrow is opening day for John Carter (starting at midnight tonight, actually). We’re monitoring predictions from around the web and are putting them here. Predictions are listed from highest to lowest.

We will add new ones as they become available.

42.5 | John Carter Files
38.9 | Box Office Mojo
29.5 | Screen Crav
30.0 | Variety
30.0 | Hollywood Reporter
29.0 | Coming Soon.nt
26.0 | Entertainment Wkly
22.5 | LA Times
25.0 |

Note: The three highest predictions (RTT/NASDAQ, John Carter Files, and Box Office Mojo0 all included in their analysis macro data about the overall state of the box office; current trends; year to year comparisons. For our analysis we relied heavily on detailed analysis of information available through Box Office Mojo – same info that is cited by Box Office Mojo.

For our complete analysis see the following post: Why The Box Office Tracking has been wrong lately, and why John Carter is tracking at 40m, not 25m.

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