New John Carter Fan Trailer from A.J. Meadows
We like this — especially like that the author has used some of the score from the movie. We’re not sure where it comes from — researching that now. But want to share it. Will the owner please step forward and tell us where he is! Bravo!
Excellent trailer!! 😀
Fixed the headline — problem solved! Thanks and congrats on the trailer.
Hey guys, I’m AJ Meadows (the guy who cut this trailer together). I figured I’d clear some confusion up. I do live in the US, as someone mentioned earlier in St. Louis. When I put this together, I pulled from a whole bunch of publicly released clips and I think for that final title card with the link to the AU disney site, was just the one I thought looked best from one of the featurettes I took it from. Thanks for posting my trailer though! I read your site obsessively up to the film’s release. Thanks for all of the great coverage!
Awesomely effective trailer! good work.
At the end of the trailer there is a link leading to
and that is the facebook of
Walt Disney Studios Australia and New Zealand
and on the user’s channel he is from
Hometown: Saint Louis
Country: United States
he says he is an “amature film-maker with few resources but a lot of ideas.”
tomorrow i,m going to see the movie a third time!!!!!!!!!!!!!