How to Count in Barsoomian
As the fans of John Carter settle into what will inevitably be a long struggle to win their battle for a sequel, we will begin drilling down into some of the esoterica of Barsoomiana. Today’s offering: how to count in Barsoomian.
First, the numerals. This is based on the original ERB books, as developed by Paul Frommer for Disney’s John Carter.
Next, the rules:
- The digits that have been given are: ay [1], tor [4], ov [7], and bar [8].
- The tens are formed by suffixing the multiplier unit with the word for ten (tee), except for ten itself: tee [10], tortee[40], ovtee [70], and bartee [80].
- The compound numbers are formed by stating the ten, then the unit with no space (e.g.: teeay [11], torteetor [44],barteeov [87]).
- The hundreds are formed by prefixing the word for hundred (tan) with the multiplier digit, with no space, except for one hundred itself: tan [100], tortan [400], ovtan [700], and bartan [800].
- The thousands are litteraly tens of hundreds, hence formed by prefixing the word for hundred (tan) with the multiplier number, with no space: teetan (although another form, dar, is also possible) [1,000], teeaytan [1,100], teetortan[1,400], teeovtan [1,700], teebartan [1,800]. However, ten thousand is mak [10,000].
- One million is dur.
For more, go to Language and Numbers: How to Count in Barsoomian
The following site has a more complete system:
Could we assume if Barsoom means eighth planet or planet 8, bar = 8 and soom = planet, then rasoom which is the second planet, that ra is two and co is three?
So number 3 is ayayay?
Or aytor?
From the distance units we can infer a few more numbers:
kar = 20,000 (from karad = 20,000 ads)
ha = 200 (from haad = 200 ads)
sof = 1/10 (from sofad = 1/10 ad)
1 safad = 1 “Martian inch”. If we take this to be 1/10 sofad (1.17 in), we then get:
saf = 1/100
— Brian
Oh thanks for this! Added to my writing notes, just in case. 🙂