Taylor Kitsch confirms support for John Carter sequels, sends another shout-out to John Carter Facebook fans
On April 9 DIY FILM, a UK entertainment publication, published an article entitled “Taylor Kitsch Nixes John Carter Sequel?”, causing a furor among John Carter and Taylor Kitsch fans. In the article Kitsch was quoted as saying: “I won’t be doing another CGI film unless it’s another Battleship.”
Rogers and Cowan, the publicity company representing Kitsch, today issued the following statement:
“Taylor’s comments were in no way directed toward John Carter. Taylor is absolutely supportive of John Carter and like the fans, he’s hoping for a sequel. He is particularly appreciative of all the work being done by John Carter fans on Facebook and elsewhere and wants them to know that they, and the movie, have his full support.”
This is good news for the John Carter fans, who have become increasingly vocal and assertive as the film’s theatrical run has continued, forming a Facebook Group calling for a sequel, issuing fan art and fan trailers, and most recently announcing that they will have a show of force on John Carter’s final theatrical showing at Disney’s flagship El Capitan theater in Hollywood.
To read more about the controversy over the DIY article, click here.
Couldn’t have said it better myself Brad.
You gotta love it when the mainstream try to beat this film into the ground, Only to find that their efforts failed miserably. I’ve never seen such passion to spread the word about a film like this before. All I have to say is keep on fighting!! At the end of this day we still live!
Hi, I love this site and thank you for all that you do here.
Also check this out http://www.hertfordshiremercury.co.uk/Whats-On-Leisure/Movies/Taylor-Kitsch-made-ugly-for-John-Carter-608908.xnf?BodyFormat=2
Against all odds Taylor Kitsch embodied John Carter, not an easy feat when dealing with a legendary character coming to the big screen. The movie is so darn good that we’re excited Disney notices us and really hope they understand there is more than just a gold cave in John Carter, but is in reality a cave of gold just waiting for them in the worldwide audience craving the sequels already planned!
I knew they were misquoting Taylor. He has said several times he wants to do a sequel.
It has been quite clear from the beginning, that Taylor Kitsch has been nothing but supportive and positive towards John Carter. We all know by now that the media will put a spin on just about any statement in order to get a story published, especially if it concerns trashing this movie. With that said, It is so heartwarming to know that Taylor is aware of John Carter facebook fans. We are very proud of this movie and of his work bringing John Carter to life…BARSOOM….
Jolly good stuff, my passion for John Carter isn’t going anywhere. We’ll be here when the beyond loyal to ERB Andrew Stanton comes up with something with or without Disney.
Until then we pray, and buy more merchandise =)
I was really upset when I read that article. They made it sound like he was against John Carter sequels. Somebody should post Taylor’s quote on their site. Jerks.
That’s great! Couldn’t believe TK would throw JC under the bus like that. Excellent!
I wanna hug Tay! I knew he was misquoted, but this message from him and his publicity company is just wonderful! Today we’ve heard from the brilliant Andrew Stanton and the marvelous Taylor Kitch! What a great day!! YAY!! 😀
Now let’s get that sequel green-lit!! WOO HOO!