Lynn Collins on the Dejah Thoris Character
In rummaging through the net looking for more background on the Lynn Collins/Andrew Stanton “Warrior Princess” take on Dejah Thoris, I came across this interview which I hadn’t seen before and which contains some interesting comments by Lynn about, among other things, the direction that Dejah Thoris will be headed in John Carter 2 and John Carter 3 if they were to get made.
One of her statements at the beginning raises my hackles a little bit — when she says how they wanted to move Dejah away from the “sex object that she is in the books”. There is also an interesting moment when a reporter asks Lynn “do you think it’s becoming a cliche that all these women characters have to be warriors?” …. Also, if you didn’t catch it the first time around, you might want to check out: Will The Andrew Stanton/Lynn Collins Warrior Princess version of Dejah Thoris win hearts?
A likeable enough human being, but Dejah Thoris she is not.
No one involved in this production seemed to respect or even understand what they were adapting, except perhaps Samantha Morton – who at least said she was drawn to the project because it was classic literature.
Man she’s gorgeous….. A great interview and I love Taylor at the end ” she told you that ? ” MCR, buddy, pal – edit your posts dude.
Dotar Sojat wrote:
” There is also an interesting moment when a reporter asks Lynn “do you think it’s becoming a cliche that all these women characters have to be warriors?”
Yeah it is but shh, don’t tell Andrew Stanton. He likes cliches!
‘One of her statements at the beginning raises my hackles a little bit”
Wait a minute! What are hackes? I’m joking 🙂 I do agree-there is more to Dejah than just being a sex object (even though I wonder if Lynn-whose performance I thought was the best thing in the movie-had ever read the books or was getting her information from Stanton-who we know thought John Carter (despite his leading a wholesale slaughter of Zodanga) was vanilla and thought that Matai Shang was prominent in Gods of Mars despite not appearing. Maybe she should have gotten her info from the books.
Great interview but yes, I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t read the book. As I like to say, “damsel in distress” is the role Dejah plays in the books, but that’s not her character at all.
Anyway, she’s very believable in the part, and I hope we will more of her in parts 2 and 3. Love the Taylor Kitsch bits at the end. 🙂