Personal Note: Getting on a plane in an hour to attend my daughter’s wedding!
Realize this is OT but I can’t contain myself. In an hour I’ll be leaving for the airport to fly to Florida by my daughter Kaitlyn’s wedding. It’s a huge moment in both our lives. She is my youngest, the first to be married, and I’m already tearing up a day early so it will be a tear bath tomorrow but I’ll try to hold it together.
Someone on the FB site said: “Oh, so you’re Tardos Mors”…….which reminded me that although I think of myself more as Kantos Kan or maybe Tars Tarkas, the actor who is exactly my age is Ciaran Hinds — Tardos Mors. How does that happen? How do we go from being John Carter in our minds, to the reality of the elder statesman?
I’m still fighting it but maybe this wedding will put me in a different frame of mind.
Anyway — feeling all gooey at the moment so I’ll thank all of our regulars here, postiarians and contraians alike, for turning this into a nice group of interlocutors. (Ha, haven’t seen that word in awhile.) Peace!
Congratulations Jeddak of the Files ! My daughter is only 14 so this special day is far for me still, but I know it will catch me someday 😉
Virtual hugs and pats on the back! We celebrate with you from across the interwebs! Have a wonderful trip and a day of bounteous blessings! Congrats to you and your daughter and the lucky guy who is getting her hand in marriage. 🙂
Congratulations and best wishes for the bride, the groom and everyone!
Congratulations! Wonderful news and what a lovely photo! 🙂
Interloculators..love it! Enjoy every moment, so special..congratulations..BARSOOM…..
congrats and best wishes to all!
Enjoy the moments – it will fly by very quickly. Congratulations to all 🙂
Even John Carter was not ashamed of crying once in a while. Congratulations to everybody!
Great picture. Congratulations.
Congratulations to you both, and may love rule your lives.