Mark Andrews, Director of Brave and co-writer of John Carter, shares his Barsoom art
Mark Andrews co-wrote John Carter and was Andrew Stanton’s second unit director on the film. He has provided a great glimpse of his own Barsoom art. Here is one of Tars Tarkas. There are many more at this link.
Gr8 story, Gr8 movie, evry thng is too.. Gr8.
I won’t spoil what Andrews said but clearly he still doesn’t understand the appeal of the books and is blind to both Stanton and his own flaws with this film.
Fascinating exchange between a harsh critic of the film and Andrews himself toward the bottom of the comments regarding the Barsoom artwork. Not going to spoil Andrews’ comments by quoting them here… go look!
I love his drawings! And how very interesting about the Therns!! I want so much to tell Mr. Andrews that WE WILL GET THOSE SEQUELS!! Fan power, baby! We won’t let up!
Don’t want to create a google account to post a comment over there. :/