A Panoramic Shot of Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc.
As the ERB Centennial celebration was unfolding the last few days, I found myself in Tarzana for the stamp ceremony on Friday with a few minutes to kill, so I parked in front of the cottage that has been the home of ERB Inc since 1923 and snapped off a few dozen photos in hopes that I could create a panoramic shot that a) shows the tree where ERB’s ashes are buried in relation to the offices, and b) somehow show how wild and jungle-like the yard is, and still be able to see the actual walls of the building. The problem is, the trees great so much shade that the walls of the cottage always disappear on photos. Anyway, here is the result of my effort! (Click to enlarge)
Just one word…. “Beautiful”
He’s buried somewhere close to that tree on the right.