• Dotar Sojat wrote:
    “I’ve got to ask you this. You are aware by now that the Warhoon attack, with cross-cutting to the pointless Mrs. Carter, was overwhelmingly the highest rated scene and overall favorite scene in the movie for a very high percentage of the respondents at all the test screenings. This is echoed across the internet in comments on message boards, blog posts, etc. There is no doubt that just in terms of being highly popular with viewers — it’s a big success.

    Does that color your scorn for it all? Does it give you pause? Does it make you think, well, I sure don’t like it but people seem to like it so that’s something?

    Or, alternatively, do you think: “They’re all sheep…..all fools…..why can’t they see THE TRUTH like I can!”

    Or something in between?”

    Well let’s ask a few questions first. How many of those test audiences and message board posters who loved this scene were familiar with the books? How many of them knew that the major thrust of A Princess of Mars was that John Carter-a man who had never felt romantic yearning for any woman-had suddenly found that yearning and was ready to lay down his life for it. As he tells her “it was love” that made him accomplish his feets. Clearly zero of them if their “overwhelmingly” love for this scene was any indication. That and clearly they never saw The Outlaw Josey Wales or The Searchers if they had no problem with such a worn out cliche.

    As for giving pause-hey there’s a lot of people out there who love Adam Sandler movies. Who believe that The Dark Knight is the greatest film ever made. That Pixar can not do no wrong (even with Cars 1 and 2). How much stock should I put into these opinions? Because that’s what this is-an opinion. As for there being “something there” about this is that it is just not a good scene. It was pointless-yep that word-to the story being told, it was pointless to adapting ERB, it was pointless period. The movie could have been told without it and not had been the worst for it.

    That’s just an opinion. It doesn’t mean I’m right or wrong, just how I feel about it.

  • MCR wrote:

    Well it was OK until..and you can fill in the complaint. Honestly the whole point of playing up the romance of John and Dejah gets pretty sullied with it.

    Well, at least you didn’t say the “pointless Mrs. Carter” this time.

    I’ve got to ask you this. You are aware by now that the Warhoon attack, with cross-cutting to the pointless Mrs. Carter, was overwhelmingly the highest rated scene and overall favorite scene in the movie for a very high percentage of the respondents at all the test screenings. This is echoed across the internet in comments on message boards, blog posts, etc. There is no doubt that just in terms of being highly popular with viewers — it’s a big success.

    Does that color your scorn for it all? Does it give you pause? Does it make you think, well, I sure don’t like it but people seem to like it so that’s something?

    Or, alternatively, do you think: “They’re all sheep…..all fools…..why can’t they see THE TRUTH like I can!”

    Or something in between?

    Just wondering how it is. 😉

  • Well it was OK until..and you can fill in the complaint. Honestly the whole point of playing up the romance of John and Dejah gets pretty sullied with it.

  • LOVE this one…I haven’t seen this one before, but there may be one similar to it that was posted a few weeks ago by come one else..in any event..great video…..BARSOOM…..

  • First I’ve seen it, too. Really nice! 😀 It has been posted on the FB group, but I wasn’t able to watch until now since it doesn’t play on my devices.

  • Nah…it’s DEFINITELY the first time I’ve seen it. There are too many aspects that are unique and I don’t think it’s too old — was uploaded to Youtube on May 25…….

    I was really struck by some of the cuts, the combinations, the way the dissolves work, the mucking around with the color timing, the use of the titles ….. a lot of things that struck me as different so I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen it. If you can find it on here (JCF) somewhere I’ll eat crow!

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