A Mother Lode of Barsoomian Fan Art
I’m preparing a slide show for the “Take a Kid to Barsoom” Screening and came across a true mother lode of fan art at Barsoom Series on #Burroughs-Club at Deviantart.com. There are 41 pages of Barsoom images — with about 20 images per page. I’m going to paste a few in here but I urge you to go over there and check it out.
Pascalahad — agreed. I went through the first three pages and counted them and only about 35% seemed to be derived from the movie and anyway, so what? People find out about Barsoom from the movie; they play with it, and some of them go on to discover the books. That’s a good thing, IMHO.
Look again then, less than half of the illustration are movie-related on the first pages. Overall, they represent only a quarter of all the pictures.
There’s some pretty good stuff there!
This one is fun:
Certainly some skill displayed there, but I got exactly what I was hoping it wouldn’t be – pollution of the artist’s minds based on the movie.
I looked at about half the pages over there and could hardly find a single image (regardless if how well rendered) that was based on a reading of the books; virtually all of them were corrupted by the film. Yet another reason that this abomination should be forgotten as quickly as possible.