A New John Carter of Mars Trailer from BacktoBarsoom.com
Brand new fan trailer by Back to Barsoom . . . . . gives a thorough epic push and has a surprise at the end . . . . . thank you Sohrab aka Dotar Sojat for doing this , and a lot of other cool things lately.
Whoa”…..if only they us d this
On “Heritage”: Majestic. Thrilling. Epic. Anyone who wouldn’t want to see the movie presented, here, in this way… just couldn’t be my friend. And who WOULDN’T want to see a sequel!?
Good job. Frankly, though I love ERB and the film, it did seem to run a tad long. But it does a terrific job of explaining to non-aficionados what it’s all about.
It’s nice to see the Burroughs influence illustrated in a gripping trailer. Nice work! If Barsoom enthusiasts stay focused, we might just see a sequel or a reboot before too long.
As good a trailer, or better, than Disney produced. Thanks for sharing Michael. Bob. H.
Add this trailer along with “Heritage”… warms the heart, touches the soul of what could have been…BUT..will forever be…BARSOOM….
well done, bravo…