10 More Legend of Tarzan Trailer Reaction Videos — It’s Like Having Your Own Focus Group, Only Better
Here is a second batch of 10 Trailer reaction videos. For me, these are very fascinating. It’s like having a focus group, only better, because each has its own private viewing and one person is not influencing another, as with a focus group. I think this is interesting for anyone who’s ever made movies, and for anyone who’s a fan of the underlying literary material. And for anyone else — well, they’re not exactly cat videos, but they are strangely compelling…..
Another intriguing point. I know that prior to the trailer coming out, there was a theory that a lot of twenty-somethings and thirty-somethings would have a warm spot for Tarzan based on watching the Disney animated feature in their childhood. Based on the totality of all the reaction videos I’ve seen – I would say that’s turning out to be true. A lot of people are confused about the true origins of the material, — meaning they think Disney originated (after all, every poster and title treatment said “Disney Tarzan”, didn’t it?) . . . . . . but the point is, many of them seem to be more open to it than expected, because of their fondness for the Disney movie. This isn’t everybody by any stretch … but I would say 2-3 out of 10 seem to relate to it that way, and that’s significant. A grown-up version of their childhood favorites intrigues them.
That’s where time becomes an asset for The Legend of Tarzan. A lot of viewers were kids at the time Disney’s Tarzan was released, and they loved it. Now that they grew up, 17 years later they’re more naturally inclined to accept a more mature take on the story. Sounds like perfect timing, for once!
Dotar Sojat, yes, I agree the first trailer is a very important part of the marketing. “Sell the sizzle,” is what we used to say in ad biz. As long as the marketing team keeps up with that strategy they will do well. And perhaps they’ll be able to address any confusions that the young film geeks have as the campaign goes along. I don’t expect them to get anyone to read the books, but as long as the kids don’t get too confused about the direction of the story, etc. And speaking of “kids” I hope the viewers who expect “Disney,” finally get the idea that this is a strong, violent, yes, mature (for whatever that means in terms of a pulp fiction adventure) movie. Not necessarily for the little ones. It should get a PG-13 rating right up front. I can’t wait to see the next trailer. Any ideas about when we might see that?
Ha Phil, good thoughts. That’s one of the reasons I post these — as a reality check for folks like you and yours truly who otherwise might not be able to grasp the world the intended audience (numerically) lives in.
I want to comment on” “Trying to gauge if the film will be successful by watching chopped out pieces of it is surely folly.”
If by “successful” you mean artistically or creatively successful — yes, that’s fair. But if you’re talking about financial success …. here’s some food for thought. Movie Marketing is all about selling the idea of a movie. People make their “buy” decision on opening weekend based on that idea — and a strong turnout on opening day is essential … word of mouth can help — but it can’t save the movie if it starts out too low. Opening day is really like “Election Day” for a movie …..there are no do-overs. So . . . .hard to over-stress the importance of the marketing and the first trailer is the single most important piece of the marketing. Thank god LOT is off to a solid start.
I am flabbergasted that so many of these “geeks” (hey, I’m one too, but a very OLD geek) have no other reference for Tarzan other than the Disney movie! There are comic books, TV shows, old movies… these kids must only live in a world that was created for their benefit about 20 years ago. Sad. It’s also interesting that Margo Robbie is a complete show stopper for most of them watching this teaser. I expect them to recognize the ape call, but they’re so excited about Robbie that they miss it… it has no significance for them. Still, whatever their comments afterwards, you can tell by their immediate reactions that they are engaged. That’s a good sign. Now I’m just hoping that they won’t second-guess the heck out of every detail as they get more information. Trying to gauge if the film will be successful by watching chopped out pieces of it is surely folly.
Yep, I’ve been worrying about that too. But Yates hasn’t misfired yet……so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and hope for the best.
The composer is listed on Imdb as Mario Grigorov. I’m a little worried about this aspect. It seems to be his first big project, and the pieces that I can find on Youtube are mostly romantic music. So I guess we’ll have to trust David Yates on this once again, like in so many areas regarding this movie! 🙂
I was interested to see how many trailer commenters on YouTube recognized it. Kind of shows you who the audience that’s watching the trailer is.
I was a little disappointed but only because it’s not by the composer of the score. I want the score to sound like that … and in truth “like that” to me means “like avatar”. Completely reminds me of Avatar.
I saw two videos where there were very young children watching the trailer. I don’t know, It seems to me pretty violent in places. I wouldn’t show it to my 6-year old son. “Daddy was that people attached to the poles?”
For those interested in the music used in the teaser, it seems to be Axios by Nathan Lanier, from the Halo; Forward Unto Dawn webseries soundtrack.