Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Panel At Wondercon in Los Angeles Scheduled for Tomorrow at 10:30 AM

Edgar Rice Burroughs, Legend of Tarzan (Movie)

If you’re anywhere near Los Angeles, drop by Wondercon at the LA Convention center this weekend and if at all possible, attend the panel at 10:30 Saturday morning — “Tarzan: A Conversation with Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.”

Jim Sullos (president) and Cathy Wilbanks (archivist) discuss the upcoming releases, featuring Edgar Rice Burroughs’s famous literary heroes, including Warner Bros.’ big-screen feature The Legend of Tarzan (2016), the animated Netflix Original Series Tarzan and Jane (2016), and comics, novels, role-playing games, and more based on Tarzan of the Apes, John Carter of Mars, Carson of Venus, Pellucidar, and The Land That Time Forgot. Moderated by Scott Tracy Griffin, author of Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration and the forthcoming Tarzan on Film.

Hope to see you there!

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